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[Coverage] TAGCC (Toys Anime Games Comic Con) 2022 @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre


[Coverage] TAGCC (Toys Anime Games Comic Con) 2022

Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – One of the largest and most anticipated events of the year, TAGCC (Toys, Anime, Games, Comic Con) 2022 has taken place over last weekend at Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre (TGMCC).


The events have featured an amazing variety of figurine and toy displays! Take a look at those incredible brick-formed starter Pokémonlike Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.


Furthermore, the event included a massive list of merchandise stalls where anime and comic fans could stop by and purchase limited merchandise of their favourite anime manga. Fans can also take photos with hololive special guests!


The main attraction of the event was held at the Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre (TGMCC), where fans were able to interact with their favourite cosplayers. Even more impressive toys were on display at the convention centre itself. Here are some of the images captured during the event.


Aside from that, there are a lot of live performances on stage, such as Luna Lorrain's violin performance, Ryukku-k’s singing and so on, that kept everyone entertained!


It was unquestionably a memorable event for all toy, anime, manga, and comic book fans!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR) “Back On The Road” @ Arena Of Stars, Resorts World Genting


[Coverage] Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR) “Back On The Road” @ Arena Of Stars, Resorts World Genting

Genting Highlands, October 2022 – Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR), one of the world's longest-running bands, has returned to Malaysia for a one-night-only performance as part of their latest tour. MLTR Back On The Road Tour Live in Malaysia 2022 was hosted by MIC Entertainment Group and taken place on last Saturday (22nd October 2022) at Arena Of Stars, Resorts World Genting.

The trio of Jascha Richter, Mikkel Lentz, and Kre Wanscher has performed a total of 20 songs, including their hits "Take Me To Your Heart,""25 Minutes,""That's Why You Go Away,""Paint My Love,"and many more.


A Trip Down Memory Lane Featuring MLTR Songs!

MLTR took us on a trip down memory lane during the concert. The concert was nearly sold out, with many of their long-time fans in attendance.


MLTR music video footage and lyrics were shown on the big screen during the performance. The audience can be seen singing along as MLTR performed on stage for nearly two hours.


One of the concert's highlights was when Jascha Richter went down to the ground to get closer to their fans. Everyone was ecstatic to see their idols at such a close range.


Encore for the Incredible Performances!

The beloved MLTR has exited the stage following the performance of "Someday."However, everyone in the audience wanted more and began yelling for an encore! Without disappointing their fans, the guys returned to the stage and performed two encore songs, "Take Me To Your Heart" and "That's Why (You Go Away)."


Overall, it was a fantastic concert experience with great performances in Genting Highlands! It was an unforgettable night for MLTR fans!

 The full setlist of the concert is as per below:

1.     Complicated Heart

2.     Sleeping Child

3.     Breaking My Heart

4.     I Still Carry On

5.     Hot to Handle

6.     You Took My Heart Away

7.     Nothing to Lose

8.     I'm Gonna Be Around

9.     Out of the Blue

10.Children Of Tomorrow

11.How Many Hours

12.Blue Night

13.25 Minutes

14.The Actor

15.Love Will Never Lie

16.Paint My Love

17.Wild Women



19.Take Me to Your Heart

20.That's Why (You Go Away)

Be sure to like and follow MIC Entertainment Group on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MICEntertainmentGroup for more of their upcoming concerts and events!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack. 

[Coverage] Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?


 [Coverage] Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 - Didi & Friends, Malaysia's most popular cartoon characters, made an appearance last Saturday  (22nd October 2022) at the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP). The concert titled “Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?”, presented in collaboration with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO), has brought a lot of joy and fun to the children!


The MPO, led by Resident Conductor Gerard Salonga, has joined Didi, Nana, and Jojo in their search for their missing cute little friend, Bingo! Directed by Pat Ibrahim, this one-hour concert is full of heartwarming adventure and entertaining music.


The concert included some young dancers and performers who moved around the hall, increasing the excitement and livened uatmosphere. The wonderful music performance by the MPO orchestra as well as the performing children kept all the audiences entertained. Furthermore, the adorable characters from the popular cartoon, such as Didi, Nana, Jojo, and Pak Atan, have made a live appearance in their mascot costumes.All of the children in the audience were overjoyed to see their favourite cartoon characters moving around on stage.


"Bingo,""Traktor Pak Atan,""Mana Bingo,""Eh Wau Bulan,""Manet,""Mengantuk Mumia,""Mana Bingo,""Chan Mali Chan,""Dayung Sampan,""Kalau Rasa Gembira,"and other popular songs were performed during the concert. The new symphonic interpretation made these children's songs even more vibrant.

In addition, Sherry Alhadad, a popular host and comedy actress, made a wonderful appearance for the show, making it even more joyful.


Overall, it was a very entertaining show. My two-year-old daughter thoroughly enjoyed the show! I hope the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) holds more family fun day concerts in the future!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Coverage] 《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》Finale (Dual Language Post)


 [Coverage] MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Finale (Dual Language Post)

MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Finale! Team Jie Ying won the Championship!

Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022has been the talk of the town since October 2022 because of its diverse lineup of Radio DJ Announcers, artistes, MY Listeners, and national players.

Up until the final round, the competition was fierce. Finally, the championship concluded with Team Jie Ying taking first place with two winning sets. Team Mei Yan finished first runner-up, and Team Yoon finished second runner-up. Team Jack Lim finished fourth.


Contestants for MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022are made up of 16 MY DJ announcers, 16 artist friends, and 32 listeners, with 8 national badminton players serving as consultant coaches for each team. The group elimination rounds began since October 1, 2022. Throughout the competition, each contestant had an opportunity to shine. Some performers astounded everyone with their hidden badminton skills.


The winning team, Team Jie Ying, stated that, despite their confidence in their team's ability to win, she felt very pressured because the outcome is difficult to predict. She stated that the pressure was increased because everyone has high expectations of her team. Jie Ying thanked all of her teammates for their contributions to their team's victory. In addition, Team Jie Ying received the "Ravo Popular Team" award. As a result, their team has won a total of RM 12,000 in prize money (RM 10,000 for being the champion and RM 2,000 for winning the popularity award). Team Jie Ying wanted to celebrate with the team leader and teammates by going camping.


Byun, the vice leader of Team Mei Yan, on the other hand, represented the team to express their feelings about wrapping up as first runner-up. He stated that the competitors were too powerful, and their team was pleased with the outcome.

Yoon from Team Yoon, which came as second runner-up, also emphasised the importance of bringing everyone together as a "team" throughout the championship. Phei Yong believes that everyone who participated in the games was a winner because they all demonstrated their passion for the sport.


Jack Lim from Team Jack Lim expressed gratitude to all of his teammates, particularly to 常乐. Despite never winning a match, he maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, which is something to emulate.


Former national player Tan Boon Heong served as a special guest presenter, and Goh Jin Wei served as a special commentator. Following the finals, Goh Jin Wei teamed up with Maq and Phei Yong to face Jie Ying and Byun in a special match. Jack Lim has also stepped in as an impromptu umpire for the game.


Aside from the champion, who received RM 10,000, the first runner-up, second runner-up, and third runner-up each received RM 6,000, RM 3,000, and RM 2,000! The remaining four teams each received RM 1,000.


For more info, you can also check out MY Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/xiaoMY




(吉隆坡)全马最好玩的MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022(后称《MY好玩盃》)自10月初开赛以来引起全城关注,近日终迎来总决赛,赵洁莹领军的Team Jie Ying直落两局,夺下冠军奖杯!颜薇恩Team Mei Yan拼尽全力与冠军失之交臂饮恨屈居亚军。而Yoon吴家润则在32胜的成绩下从Jack林德荣战队手中抱走铜牌。


MY好玩盃》由16MY DJ领军、携同16位艺人朋友、联合32位听众,分别组成8支羽球队伍,还邀来8位羽球国手担任各队的顾问教练,小组赛从101日开赛历经8天共计48场赛事,最终于今日迈入了比赛尾声,Team Jie Ying Team Mei Yan 在金牌战上一分高下,前后夺下冠亚军;而Team YoonTeam Jack Lim则分别是铜牌战的季军与殿军队伍。


勇夺金牌的Team Jie Ying队长赵洁莹赛后受访时直言,尽管对夺冠的信心是蛮大的,但还是感到‘压力山大’,生怕一个闪失就会与冠军失之交臂,毕竟比赛没到最后一刻还是说不准。她透露,比赛结束后她真的松了一口气,只因在开赛时很多人都对他们队抱有很大的期望,被视为夺冠大热,其实无形中让他们倍感压力。她很感激队员们的付出与努力。Team Jie Ying同时包揽了‘Ravo人气队伍’奖,赢得了除冠军队伍的RM10,000现金奖及冠军奖杯一座外的RM2000现金奖。Team Jie Ying一众队员也开心表示将会利用部分奖金和队长去她最爱的露营庆功。


Team Mei Yan队长颜薇恩无法出席总决赛,由副队长小眼睛秉昀代为发言道,他们队伍从一开始的目标就是坐亚望冠,毕竟对手实力真的太强了。他说,成功晋级总决赛那刻他们就已非常知足,心情都是很轻松地去迎战,毕竟亚军的目标已达到!


获得季军的Team Yoon队长吴家润则表示,大家非常满意这个共同努力的成果,比赛至今8队已经成了一个完整的“Team”;而副队长培永则说,坚持和热爱运动的大家已经是赢家!殿军Team Jack Lim队长林德荣除了感谢队员们的付出,还特别表扬了常乐,逗趣表示“虽然他从小组赛到决赛不曾获胜,但是依然保持非常正面和开朗的态度,我未曾见过心态如此正面的艺人,我也要向他学习!”


MY好玩盃》总决赛上也特别邀来前国羽男双名将陈文宏担任颁奖嘉宾,以及前女单国手吴堇溦担任球评员。吴堇溦更在比赛结束后顺应群众要求来场即兴的表演赛,前后与Maq赖铭权和培永组队,对垒同样是前后组队上场的赵洁莹、秉昀、Perry K和其队员之一的林志咏。而MY 长老林德荣更是临时充当这场表演赛的裁判员,最终在一片欢声下为总决赛画下圆满句点。


MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》除了冠军队伍的奖金与奖杯外,亚军,季军与殿军队伍也将分别获得奖金RM6,000RM 3,000RM2,000,而其余4支无缘半决赛的潘毖伶战队、叶朝明战队、大头Aki战队和黄震宇战队将各获得奖金RM1,000


更多有关MY好玩盃》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK app 收听 MY 电台或浏览MY 官方脸书专页。



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] “Boleh Music Festival” 《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》(dual language)


 [Upcoming Event] “Boleh Music Festival” Boleh!就酱听音乐节》

[Upcoming Event] “Boleh Music Festival” Boleh!就酱听音乐节》

Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 –Boleh Music has been around for a year. It takes a great deal of dedication and passion to keep it going in these days and ages, thanks to the contributions and collaboration of musicians and media members.

Following the pandemic, many different music festivals have taken place, including 《活声声音乐节》 in Penang, 《城市巨响》and 《天台音乐节》in Kuala Lumpur. The Boleh Music festival is held for the first time, with the same goal of promoting local music and providing more opportunities for creativity. The event also included a special masterclass session with renowned Malaysian musician 管启源(Guan Qi Yuan), who will be taking attendees on a masterclass of the BTS of an album production.


This is definitely an event to attend! Please mark your calendar and do remember to check out the event!


BolehMusic Festival就酱听音乐节】

Date29 Oct 2022Sat


VenueChateau DC Sky Forest, 1 Powerhouse, Bandar Utama PJ

Price RM78


Itinery of Boleh Music Festival

2pm - 3pm: Masterclass

SpeakerGuan Qi Yuan管启源

Topic:《揭秘专辑制作A to Z

3pm - 9pm: Music Performance

Performers include

Madison Lau 刘汉杰,Faye安映霏,Eiva林丽谦,Chris M. YongJay Wang 王子慧 + DAMETRILL + HAO YOU Arvan 阿尔梵等等


You can purchase your tickets via here:




不经不觉,Music Boleh已成立一年,这些日子,能够持之以恒地走下去,仰赖一套理想信念,包括音乐人与各媒体的合作,凝聚各方力量,带动大马中文音乐产业。


在后疫情时代,各地都纷纷涌出不同的音乐节,像是槟城有《活声声音乐节》、吉隆坡有《城市巨响》和《天台音乐节》等,还有各种风格迥异的音乐会,大马音乐盛世可说是久违的百花齐放。Music Boleh将其视为一种推动力,躬逢其盛,举办第一届《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》,把秉持的信念,由里向外的扩张,藉此良机把不同风格,各具特色的音乐人集结一块,除了推广本地音乐,也为他们创造更多挥洒空间,传播发扬属于自己的音乐,让听众找到属于自己的声音此外,Music Boleh也在音乐节当中设《就酱听新声》的环节,为大家介绍大马音乐圈的生力军。我们也特别邀请了大马资深音乐人——管启源老师在音乐节开始前跟大家分享专辑制作的流程,带大家一窥一张专辑背后的苦与乐。






日期:29 Oct 2022Sat


地点:Chateau DC Sky Forest, 1 Powerhouse, Bandar Utama PJ

票价: RM78



2pm - 3pm: Masterclass


主题:《揭秘专辑制作A to Z

3pm - 9pm: 音乐节演出


Madison Lau 刘汉杰,Faye安映霏,Eiva林丽谦,Chris M. YongJay Wang 王子慧 + DAMETRILL + HAO YOU Arvan 阿尔梵等等






If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Shooting Star Asia Tour @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre


 [Upcoming Event] Shooting Star Asia Tour @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre


BRIGHT, WIN, DEW, and NANI will be in Malaysia next month as part of their Shooting Star Asia Tour!


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 - ACO MEDIA and ASIA MOMENTUM MEDIA (AMM) are thrilled to announce their first-ever appearance and fan meeting in Malaysia. The fan meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2022, at Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre.

Bright Vachirawit, Win Metawin, Dew Jirawat and Nani Hirunkit are the main casts in F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers. The TV series has helped them gain international acclaim. Following their sold-out concert in Thailand, GMMTV announced that the boys will embark on the Shooting Star Asia Tour, which will include a stop in Kuala Lumpur.


Fans can expect the boys to perform songs from the soundtrack, such as"Shooting Star" and "Who Am I,"as well as exclusive fan benefits, such as group photos with the boys, at this exclusive fan meeting.


All VIP ticket holders are entitled to the group photo session (4:12) with the boys, and CAT1 (4:20) and CAT2 (4:25) ticket holders have the opportunity to win a group photo with them! Fan benefits include a limited edition signed poster, an exclusive photocard set, and an official poster!


On November 5, 2022, you won't want to miss out on meeting Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani. It's going to be a spectacular night sky full of shooting stars.


Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 11 a.m. at https://www.ticket2u.com.my/.


Ticket prices are VIP RM688 | CAT1 RM588 | CAT2 RM488 | CAT3 RM388 (excluded RM4 booking fees)



Date: 5th November 2022 (SATURDAY)

Time: 8:00PM

Venue: Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre


#ShootingStarinMY #ShootingStarinKL #ACOMedia #ammtvmy


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] The Nutcracker by The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO)


 [Upcoming Event] The Nutcracker by The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO)



Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 - Attention all concertgoers! The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) is pleased to announce two new concerts, one a little spooky and the other a classic that will undoubtedly entertain the audience at Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS.


On Saturday, October 29, 2022, at 8:30 p.m., join the MPO and Resident Conductor Naohisa Furusawa for a bubbling cauldron full of spooky classical favourites! Themed Halloween Spooktacular, the MPO will perform some of the spookiest tunes ever made, including Mark Snow's X-Files Main Theme, Andrew Llyod Webber's Phantom of the Opera, Jerry Goldsmith's Poltergeist: The Calling, and many more. So mark your calendar and prepare to be shivered by these eerie musical selections!


Then, join Clara and her prince in the Land of Sweets as the MPO performs Tchaikovsky's endearing holiday favourite, The Nutcracker! On Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 8:30 p.m., Naohisa Furusawa will return to the podium to lead the MPO. Tchaikovsky's beloved ballet's music evokes winter wonders and the joys of the holiday season, from the enchanting Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy to exotic offerings from around the world. Ballet Theatre Malaysia will also be performing at the concert. This is not a concert to be missed!


Both concerts are now on sale at https://www.mpo.com.my/2022season.


Don't pass up these two "fun"tastic offerings, available only at DFP.


For the most recent updates, please visit www.mpo.com.my or the MPO social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok).


Concert Details



Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS



Ticket Prices (Halloween Spooktacular)

C Reserve: RM158, B Reserve: RM208, A Reserve: RM258 and Premium: RM308

Suite: RM388/seat & RM468/seat


Ticket Prices (The Nutcracker)

C Reserve: RM168, B Reserve: RM238, A Reserve: RM288 and Premium: RM308

Suite: RM328/seat, RM358/seat


Box Office Hours

Tuesdays to Saturdays:10.30 am – 6.30 pm, 9.00 pm on performance nights

Sundays: 12.00 noon to performance time
(closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays unless if there is a concert scheduled)


Telephone Bookings: 03-23317007

Email Bookings: boxoffice@dfp.com.my

MPO website: www.mpo.com.my

Facebook & Instagram: @malaysianphilharmonicorchestra

YouTube: MPO TV

Spotify: MPO

TikTok: @malaysianphilharmonic



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA @ Kuala Lumpur


 [Upcoming Event] 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA @ Kuala Lumpur


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 - Following Uzbekistan, the event "2022 MOKKOJI KOREA" (MOKKOJI KOREA) will be held in Malaysia this November. Through two-way cultural exchanges, the event aims to promote Korean lifestyle and culture while also increasing cultural understanding among countries.


MOKKOJI KOREA is a festival where Hallyu fans can learn about and try out various Korean lifestyles such as Korean cuisine, beauty, fashion, and games. These activities provide Hallyu fans with a deeper understanding of Korean culture, broadening the definition of Korean lifestyle and culture beyond popular culture.


On September 24th and 25th, 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA was held in Tashkent at The Axelon Karting Club. At the event, 26,103 local fans had the opportunity to learn about and enjoy various Korean lifestyles and K-Pop performances.


Following the event in Uzbekistan, K-POP artists such as MOONBIN & SANHA, Jeon Somi, and others will meet Hallyu fans at 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA in Malaysia this November. The event will be held from November 12th to 13th at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Center (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur. The event site will feature a variety of experience and exhibition areas, including the MINI STAGE, MOKKOJI KITCHEN, MOKKOJI SQUARE, and MOKKOJI MARKET.


2022 MOKKOJI KOREA @ Kuala Lumpur

Date: 12th-13th November 2022

Venue: Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Center (MITEC)


At the MINI STAGE, you can participate in a variety of exciting activities such as the "High Five Event,""Hallyu Lifestyle OX Quiz,""Random Play Dance,""K-Pop Dance Performance," and "K-Pop Goods Lucky Draw," as well as a variety of events such as the Korean Chef's "Cooking Class" and Shinbia's "K-Beauty Class."


MOKKOJI KITCHEN serves Korean cuisine and offers samples of dishes such as Gimbap, Bibimbap, and Bulgogi. It is expected to be a chance to increase locals' interest in Korean food through hands-on experiences.


MOKKOJI SQUARE is a local Hallyu fan's haven for Korean dramas, webtoons, travel destinations, and games. It also develops interesting programmes that allow you to experience Korean culture, such as wearing hanbok costumes, playing traditional Korean games, and taking a virtual reality tour of Korea.


Furthermore, the event invites nearby Hallyu communities in Malaysia to open various channels of communication about Korean culture, as well as to promote and sell Korean goods through MOKKOJI MARKET, which supports Korean companies and institutions that have made inroads into the regional market.


The highlight of 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA in Malaysia is the MOKKOJI CONCERT on November 13th at 5:30pm. Well-known K-pop artists MOONBIN & SANHA (ASTRO), Jeon Somi, and BLANK2Y will perform for Hallyu fans and continue to introduce Korean culture.


MOKKOJI KOREA's official website (mokkojikorea.com) and YouTube channel will replay the MOKKOJI CONCERT so that people all over the world can enjoy the performance, not just local Hallyu fans.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] “Boleh! Music Festival” 《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》(Dual Language)


 [Coverage] “Boleh! Music Festival” Boleh!就酱听音乐节》(Dual Language)


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – Malaysia Music Boleh organised the first "Boleh! Music FestivalBoleh!就酱听音乐节》ever last Saturday and gathered a crowd of local musicians and singers to perform for the audiences and deliver an experience full of "Malaysia" flavour!


Boleh! Music FestivalBoleh!就酱听音乐节》includes music performances of various genres such as ballads, r&b, indie folk, rock, hip hop, and so on. The show ran from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. on October 29, 2022. Prior to the concert, Malaysian renowned musician Guan Qi Yuan gave a masterclass on the album production process. This session provided a deeper understanding of the challenges that accompany an artist's album production. 

The festival then continued with performances by four groups of new artists including Noel & Her Feathers, Rachel VAnthony, Cheryl黄佩盈and Theemokids. Despite being new artists, their performances were impressive and provided hope for the future Malaysia's music industry.


Aside from that, the festival also invited experienced singers including Eiva林丽谦,Faye安映霏,Madison刘汉杰,EDM musician Chris M. YongHip Hop Hao YouDametrillJay Wang王子慧,and finally rock band阿尔梵ARVAN. This diverse group of musicians was able to present an impressive range of Malaysian music. The outstanding performances were well worth the time and money spent on the tickets! Malaysia music is definitely not inferior to foreign music festival!


This music festival gave Malaysian artists a platform to showcase their talents! Music Boleh hopes to raise awareness of all these incredible musicians in order to move the Malaysian music industry further!



马来西亚音乐推广团体Music Boleh在上个星期六主办了第一届的《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》。这场音乐节聚集了一众本地音乐人和歌手为听众带来最大马味的音乐体验!


Boleh!就酱听音乐节》的音乐种类非常多元,包括BalladR&BIndie folkRockHiphop等等,从下午的两点钟开始直到晚上九点钟才结束。音乐节开始前先有大马资深音乐人——管启源老师跟大家分享专辑制作的流程,带大家一窥每张专辑背后的苦与乐。紧接着有四组大马乐坛新人的开场表演,分别是Noel & Her Feathers, Rachel VAnthony, Cheryl黄佩盈,还有 Theemokids。四组新人精湛的演出让大家对大马乐坛的前景信心满满!

这次的音乐节总共邀请了六组歌手,当中包括民谣歌手Eiva林丽谦,创作型歌手Faye安映霏和Madison刘汉杰,电音制作人Chris M. Yong,嘻哈歌手Hao YouDametrillJay Wang王子慧,以及压轴的摇滚乐团阿尔梵ARVAN。多组歌手带来的表演让人看见大马音乐的繁盛景象,完全不输国外的音乐节!

这场音乐节让本地的众多新声代有了被聆听的平台。Music Boleh也希望借着这场音乐节让更多人认识大马的优秀音乐,以让大马音乐更加茁壮盛放!


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Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Upcoming Event] ARRIVAL from Sweden: The Music Of ABBA


 [Upcoming Event] ARRIVAL from Sweden: The Music Of ABBA




Relive the nostalgia of ABBA's music as the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) pays tribute to them in a concert on Friday, 2 December 2022 at 8:30 p.m. at Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).


Arrival from Sweden: The Music of ABBA will see the MPO break out of the box by fusing pop and classical elements, providing the audience with music richness on a whole new level while capturing the spirit of the pop group. The MPO has previously paid tribute to legendary artists/groups. Previously, the MPO paid tribute to a number of legendary musicians, including Michael Jackson in 2013, Billy Joel in 2018, Pink Floyd (2017), U2 (2016), Queen (2015), and Led Zeppelin (2014).


The MPO will not be performing alone. ARRIVAL will perform at this concert, one of the world's most popular and best-selling ABBA tribute bands. The band, which was founded in 1995, is described as the absolute best and most authentic ABBA show there is, with many of ABBA's hit songs such as Dancing Queen, Mamma Mia, and many more performed and delivered with such accuracy that it's difficult to believe that it's not the real ABBA on stage. Since its inception, the band has toured in 70 countries and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows around the world. ARRIVAL FROM SWEDEN has also performed with over 100 symphony orchestras, including the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Houston Symphony Orchestra, and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.


Gerald Salonga, MPO Resident Conductor, will lead the concert. During the concert, ABBA fans will be able to hear familiar elements of the music laced with an orchestral enhancement. Money Money Money, Take A Chance, Mamma Mia, and many other classics will be performed.


Come be enthralled by the MPO's brilliant musicianship in this must-see concert only at KLCC's Plenary Hall!


For ticket information, go to www.mpo.com.my and follow MPO on social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok).


ARRIVAL From Sweden: The Music of ABBA


Concert Details



Friday, 2 December 2022 at 8:30 pm



Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).



Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

Gerard Salonga conductor

ARRIVAL from Sweden band


Tickets Prices

Gimme Gimme: RM128, Voulez Vous: RM228, Take A Chance: RM348,

Mamma Mia: RM448 and Dancing Queen: RM598

MPO website: www.mpo.com.my

Facebook & Instagram: @malaysianphilharmonicorchestra

YouTube: MPO TV

Spotify: MPO

TikTok: @malaysianphilharmonic




If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Hyakki Yagyo @ Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya


 [Upcoming Event] Hyakki Yagyo @ Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya


Subang Jaya, November 2022 – This weekend, there will be a fantastic ACG event called "Hyakki Yagyo" and it is open to all fans of anime, manga, and cosplay. Da Men Mall in USJ Subang Jayais where the event will be held.

Date: 5th-6th November 2022

Venue: Hall 1,2,3, Level 4 Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya, Selangor

Time: 11am-6am

Ticket Price: RM 10 for 1 day (RM 20 for both days)

Expect the venue to be crowded with special guests and cosplayers as there are many exciting events planned throughout the convention.


Douzi, Kaixin, Team Manboobs, DJ Kuih, Gin Sum, Terri Sang, and CK Takoyaki are some of the names of the special guests during the event.


For more info, please check out their official FB Page:



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Coverage] JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022


 [Coverage] JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022


Kuala Lumpur, 2022 - Toybox Projects, a well-known company that brings authentic Japanese culture to its audiences, has organised the Japan x Malaysia Friendship Concert 2022, which has taken place on October 30, 2022! It was a cross-cultural concert with performers from both Japan and Malaysia!


This was the second edition of the concert, and the lineups were spectacular, with Japanese acts such as FEMM, Centimillimental, and BACK-ON, as well as Malaysian acts such as Floor 88, Estranged, and Sakura Band! The show was delivered at Zepp Kuala Lumpur with an amazing sound system that kept the ambience and atmosphere hyped up to the max!


The audience was enlivened by great music as the show began with Sakura Bandand then FEMM! FEMM has captivated audiences with their distinct upbeat and stylish songs!


Following that, fans were treated to a lively performance by Malaysian rock band Estranged! The band has even given out limited merchandise t-shirts to the crowd as a special treat for the fans!


Following that, fans were able to see the talented singer-songwriter Centimillinentalplayed piano on stage while entertaining the audience with his amusing vocals!


The party didn't stop there, as another fantastic Malaysian rock band, Floor 88, took the stage! They've further escalated the energy level of the concert!


Finally, the day's final performer was the well-known Japanese rock band BACK-ON, who have produced many songs in collaboration with popular anime such as "Initial D,""Fairy Tale,""Gundam," and many others. Their brilliant performance and charismatic stage presence heightened the concert's excitement! Throughout their performance, they continued to interact with the audience! The audience can be seen cheering in delight as they watch their performance!


It was a fantastic cultural exchange concert! Hopefully, Toybox Projects will bring us the next edition of the concert in the coming years!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] Shooting Star Asia Tour in Kuala Lumpur


 [Coverage] Shooting Star Asia Tour in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, November 2022 - Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani's "SHOOTING STAR ASIA TOUR"in Kuala Lumpur has taken place successfully last Saturday! On Saturday, 5th November 2022, ACO Media and AMM hosted a fan meeting at Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre. It's also their first time in Malaysia.

Bright Vachirawit, Win Metawin, Dew Jirawat, and Nani Hirunkit have become well-known around the world for their roles as the F4 in the Thai adaptation of "Meteor Garden."


The fan meeting began with the song "Who am I," from the F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers OST. Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani, the four main cast members, then greeted the fans and expressed their feelings about their visit to Malaysia.


They discussed the food they tried in Malaysia during the fanmeet. They thought Malaysian food tasted similar to Thai food. They were all surprised and delighted to see their fans waiting for them at the airport. They have spoken a few Malay sentences to the fans, such as "Aku Cinta Kamu" and "Kamu Cantik," and the crowd has erupted in joy.


All four of them also discussed their future plans. Bright is gearing up for the Bright Win Concert on December 2022. Nani is preparing for his performances and enjoys playing online games on the side. Dew is hard at work studying and planning for his upcoming project next year. Win, on the other hand, is currently recording his new album, which will be released in February or March of next year.


Nani, who plays MJ in F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers, sang "Best Life" for the fans after the short segment, and the fans swayed to the rhythm. Then, Dew, known for his role as Ren, sang 'In The Wind' with his gentle voice and lyrical music, enchanting the audience.


Then they all went on stage together for the Familiar game. They answered questions about each other and competed to see who knew the most about each other. Following the enjoyable game, Win, who plays Kavin in F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers, surprised Malaysian fans by singing the OST from Still 2gether The Series, "The Person Must Be You" (Kon Nun Tong Pen Tur). Bright then made a solo appearance and performed his single 'Lost & Found' for the audience.


After their solo songs, Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani took the stage and answered a few questions from the lucky fans. Fans then surprised Dew and Nani with a birthday celebration in Malaysia. Finally, four of them concluded the fan meeting by singing "Shooting Star."


The evening was definitely like a dream come true for the fans!


Credits to official photographers for the photos.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] Supernova Screening 2022 : Collaboration Between Media Prima Berhad And Hunan Broadcasting System


[Coverage] Supernova Screening 2022 : Collaboration Between Media Prima Berhad And Hunan Broadcasting System


Kuala Lumpur, November 2022 -  Media Prima Bhd, the largest and most influential media company in Malaysia, and Hunan Broadcasting System, one of China's most prominent television networks, have announced a partnership that will bring unique programming to viewers in Malaysia.


Both broadcasting groups will co-produce programmes including Malaysia's first fashion reality show, My Fusion Way and Shila Amzah Masterclass Season 2. Hunan Broadcasting System programmes will also be featured on 8TV, the most popular Chinese language channel in Malaysia.


"This will be a momentous occasion as Media Prima will embark on a journey together with Hunan Broadcasting System to bring special programmes and initiatives to Malaysian viewers. We recognize Hunan Broadcasting System as one of China’s biggest media groups and by associating with them via our own Chinese TV network, 8TV, I believe that this serves as a gateway for opportunities, technological exchange as well as entrepreneurial venures for Chinese small and medium enterprises to set up their business here on our shores." said Media Prima group managing director Rafiq Razaliduring the Supernova Screening 2022 event at Equatorial Hotel.

During the event, we also have a brief interview with Datuk Michael Chan and Datuk Ge Yamei about the collaborations. After nearly two years of planning, the collaborations have come to fruition. The collaborations' primary goal is to promote cultural exchange. Malaysian actors will have more opportunities to work in China, and vice versa. From a technological standpoint, Malaysia has a lot to learn from China. Simultaneously, this collaboration provides a platform for Chinese SMEs to advertise and promote their brands. 

My Fusion Way, a fashion reality show filmed in Malaysia, features a group of six up-and-coming Chinese designers who will learn about the country's diverse cultural traditions. Each episode's theme draws inspiration from Malaysia's local culture and the designers must use their knowledge of fashion to create original, modern, and fashionable garments within a strict time limit based on the six human senses.


Shila Amzah Masterclass Season 2 will venture into a more international music exchange featuring powerful protege singers from Southeast Asia and China to join the trainee lineup. Shila, who will continue to serve as the program's master, will work with international guest instructors to help her proteges develop into successful musicians.


Henan Satellite TV, a Chinese TV station that showcases Chinese traditional arts and culture, has shown their support for this joint effort.

The Supernova Screening 2022 event, supported by Honor and Kinohimitsu, also featured performances by Shila as well as Elvira Arul, Uriah See, June Wong, Lydia Lim, Daniel Sher and Zev Leong.


The Supernova Screening 2022 was attended by His Excellency Ouyang Yujing (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Malaysia), Representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yang berbahgia Dato’ Mohd Tarid Bin Sufian, (Undersecretary (East Asia) Division, Department for Bilateral Affairs, ministry of Foreign Affairs), YB Senator Datuk Seri Hajah Zurainah Musa (Chairman of National Film Development Corporation Malaysia), Rafiq Razali (Group Managing Director of Media Prima), Datuk Michael Chan (Deputy Group Managing Director of Media Prima and Chief Executive Officer of Media Prima Omnia), Dato’ Khairul Anwar Salleh (Chief Executive Officer Of Media Prima Television Networks and Primeworks Studios), Datuk Ge Yamei (Chief Executive Officer Of Mango media Sdn Bhd), and government and business representatives from China and Malaysia.



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Exclusive Interview] Shila Amzah Interview @ Supernova Screening 2022


 [Exclusive Interview] Shila Amzah Interview @ Supernova Screening 2022


Kuala Lumpur, November 2022 -  Media Prima Bhd, Malaysia's largest and most powerful media company, and Hunan Broadcasting System, one of China's most prominent television networks, have announced a collaboration that will bring unique programming to Malaysian viewers. View our coverage on Supernova Screening 2022 here: https://www.wljack.com/2022/11/coverage-supernova-screening-2022.html


We were able to interview Shila Amzah, who performed on stage for the night of Supernova Screening 2022, during the event. She captivated the audience with her powerful vocals and performed one of her most well-known singing covers, 《想你的夜》.


Shila stated that she is currently working on her new album. The album will be multilingual, and she is currently working on a new Chinese song. Shila Amzah Masterclass Season 2 will see her embark on a new journey with trainers from various countries, as well as face new challenges with new trainees. When asked who she would like to work with in the future as trainers for the masterclass, she stated that she would like to work with G.E.M 邓紫棋, Jason Zhang 张杰, JJ Lin 林俊杰 and etc. She is overjoyed that the show will be a cross-cultural exchange between Malaysia and China. Let us all look forward to Shila Amzah Masterclass Season 2, which will air on 8TV.



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Explore] Nights Of Fright 8 @ Sunway Lagoon Malaysia


[Explore] Nights Of Fright 8 @ Sunway Lagoon Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, 2022 - Last month, I was given the opportunity to review the full moon package for Nights Of Fright 8 - Festival Of Fearat Sunway Lagoon Malaysia. Many thanks to Syok Malaysia for the opportunity.


The Full Moon Package is a special package costs RM 1,390(with promo price of RM 939) that includes 1 night stay at Sunway Lagoon Explorer Campsite with breakfast for 2 pax, 2 adults Sunway Lagoon One day admission tickets, two Nights Of Fright 8 admission tickets, two Xpress passes, two RM 30 meal vouchers, two Nights Of Fright 8 souvenir items, one photography digital card, two rodeo bull rides, and two photo opportunities with Nights Of Fright 8 characters! With all of this included, the package is well worth every penny for anyone who purchased it!


During the day, I took my wife and three-year-old daughter to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park. My daughter can enter for free because she is below 90cm height. First and foremost, we were led to our campsite by Sunway Lagoon staff who were super polite. The campsite is very clean and well-equipped, making it a very comfortable and cosy place to rest. There was also a water pool playground for children to enjoy. To be honest, the setting here is ideal for those who are new to camping and want to try out camping in the city. Unfortunately, my daughter has a piano lesson in the afternoon, so we couldn't stay too long.


We took my daughter to the Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park before sending her to piano class, and she thoroughly enjoyed herself. We hopped onto a life-sized train after her little feet got tired of walking around the park. Despite the fact that my daughter was unable to participate in many rides due to her height, we could see the joy on her face just exploring the theme park's interior. Sunway Lagoon is unquestionably a kid-friendly destination for parents with young children! I would highly recommend it and hope to bring my daughter back soon.


Here's the ultimate focus of the event! Nights of Fright 8!

Because my wife isn't a fan of horror gigs and has to care for my daughter, I went to Nights Of Fright 8 with my buddy Mark. This scarefest is undoubtedly one of the largest in Malaysia, attracting a large crowd on the night of our visit.


This year, there were eight haunted house attractions, as well as the one-of-a-kind theatre show 99 Doors. Aside from these special haunted houses, you can see many Sunway Lagoon hired costume players dressed in horror costumes roaming around scaring the visitors who pass by. Their hard work and effort were truly amazing, as was the eerie atmosphere they created.


Aside from that, the food stalls at Sunway Lagoon at night featured horror themed food names such as horror bites, bloody pizza, and so on.


To be honest, the haunted house this time was pretty scary. The monster with the chainsaw at the end of Blood Shed 2 surprised me. Other haunted houses, such as The Harvest, Lycan - The Werewolves of London, and The Hotel Deville, provided a great deal of fright impact with their dim-lit environments and well-placed "monsters" performing jumpscare to the visitors. While there are no monsters in Lucha Libre, the stomping and fighting of the Mexican fighters can be quite frightening, especially when we were given 3D glasses that enhanced the visual effect. Other Nights of Fright 8 attractions, such as Sharknado, Zombie Hunters, HorrorWood Studios, and 99 Doors @ Scarytales Theater, also provided a unique fearful experience!


We thoroughly enjoyed Nights Of Fright 8 and eagerly await their next instalment in the coming years! Thank you again, Sunway Lagoonand Syok, for the fun we had!


I wished I could have stayed for the camp-out that day, but due to other events and appointments the next morning, I had to regrettably miss it. Hopefully, the next time I can properly enjoy a camp-out experience!


Check out Sunway Lagoon Malaysia for more fun activities and events coming up!

If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] Hyakki Yagyo @ Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya


 [Coverage] Hyakki Yagyo @ Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya


Subang Jaya, November 2022 – Last weekend, a fantastic ACG event called "Hyakki Yagyo" has taken place at Da Men Mall, USJ Subang Jaya.


The event was graced by many special guests and cosplayers such as Douzi, Kaixin, Team Manboobs, DJ Kuih, Gin Sum, Terri Sang, CK Takoyaki and many more.


Other fun activities at the event include a Rock Band Competition, a performance by Prime Monument, a DJ performance by DJ Kuih, a Lucky Draw (where lucky fans can win a PS5), and many more.


Aside from that, there were numerous merchandise stores and food vendors selling delicious Japanese cuisine. It's a fun and exciting festival event.


Overall, it was a fantastic event for fans of anime, manga, and cosplay!


For more info, please check out their official FB Page:



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Coverage] Glutanex Launch @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Featuring Song Ji Hyo


 [Coverage] Glutanex Launch @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Featuring Song Ji Hyo


Kuala Lumpur, November 2022 - Glutanex, a pioneer in the field of skin brightening and whitening, has launched a new K-Beauty brand today. Song Ji Hyo, Glutanex brand ambassador and beloved Running Mancast member, joined in the celebrations at Tropicana Gardens Mall'sCentre Court, CC Floor.


Song Ji Hyo was seen enthusiastically supporting the launch of Glutanex Malaysia as fans gathered to celebrate their favourite brand, which is known for providing healthy, bright, moisturised, and glowing skin results! The launch also included a variety of fun activities for fans and visitors, such as 5 Stones, Hand Wind Machine, Korean game - Ddakji, and Spin the Wheel, as well as an informative aesthetic physician talk.


Glutanex products, which were previously only available on e-commerce platforms, are now available on the shelves of Malaysian retail pharmacies, beginning with Watsons participating stores.


Glutanex's core ingredient is glutathione, a relatively new but powerful ingredient in skincare products that is set to be a game changer in the K-/beauty world. It is the most potent antioxidant available, promoting skin brightening, anti-aging, and overall skin health. Glutathione provides a bright and glowing complexion by suppressing melanin formation on the skin.


“True beauty is when you feel confident about yourself. At Glutanex, our mission is to empower people to feel confident in their own skin. Our innovative products are meticulously formulated with medical-grade glutathione to ensure the effectiveness of its skin brightening and whitening properties, and is gentle even on sensitive skin,” said Hyun Yoo-Jin, Director of Global Business and CEO of Nexus Pharma Co., Ltd.


During the event, there was a Q&A session on stage with aesthetic doctor Dr Diyana, who shared tips and tricks for better skincare using Glutanex.


When Song Ji Hyo arrived, the entire mall erupted in joy and excitement. It's an incredible experience for fans to see her flawless skin! As a very friendly celebrity, she has taken every opportunity to interact with her fans on stage by repeatedly showing them "hearts"!


She was invited to launch the event with the VIPs. In addition, she has patiently signed autographs for the lucky fans and allowed them to take photos with her.


Extensive Product Range for Daily Skincare Routine

Glutanex has a wide range of products that suit your skin's needs, whether you are in your early twenties discovering your personal style or a seasoned career woman looking to maintain your youthful appearance:


Glutanex Glow Balm


The Glutanex Glow Balm will brighten your skin anywhere, at any time. It moisturises and plumps up skin while providing an instant glow thanks to glutathione, seaberry oil, and peptides. It also helps with wrinkles and skin tone. Simply dab it on your cheeks, forehead, neck, or under your eyes whenever your skin needs a little TLC on the go. The Glutanex Glow Balm is portable, great for travel, and simple to use - even with make-up! It has a slim build and weighs only 9g.

• Dermatologist tested - safe for sensitive skin 

• Clinically proven to improve skin elasticity and leave skin supple in 3 weeks


Glutanex Aqua Booster

Glutanex Aqua Booster is an ultra-rich hydrating facial cream that soothes and moisturises all skin types, including dry and tight skin and dull skin. It has a lightweight texture that provides a cooling effect on the skin, allowing for quick and easy absorption. Because the Hyaluronic Acid molecules are smaller, the skin barrier can effectively trap moisture for deeper hydration. The Glutanex Aqua Booster also contains nutrients such as sodium DNA, which aids in the rebuilding and revitalization of the skin.

• Dermatologist-approved - safe for sensitive skin

• Clinically proven to relieve irritation after just one use


Glutanex Snow White Cream

The Glutanex Snow White Cream is ideal for those who have dull skin tone, pigmentation, blemishes, and signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines. It is a whitening tone-up facial cream that is designed to suppress melanin for immediate skin brightening. It contains the same antioxidants found in medical treatments, such as glutathione, which has skin brightening and antioxidant properties, thiotic acid, which slows ageing, and Vitamin C, which promotes healthy skin. The Glutanex Snow White Cream has a non-sticky texture that can be worn comfortably after your daily morning cleansing and toning routine to promote bright and glowing skin.


Glutanex Night Serum

While you sleep, the Glutanex Night Serum repairs and nourishes your skin. The skin-brightening antioxidant glutathione, collagen for elasticity and hydration, and vitamins for healthy skin are among its key ingredients. The Glutanex Night Serum has a temperature-activated formula that should be stored in the refrigerator to maximise its soothing and hydrating effects. This serum is ideal if you have dry skin at night and in the morning. The next morning, you will notice a difference in your skin.


Glutanex Cica Cream

The Glutanex Cica Cream, which is ideal for use as a post-dermatological treatment cream, effectively soothes inflammation and softens the skin while strengthening the skin barrier. It contains four main ingredients: whitening booster glutathione, which brightens darkened areas, Centella Asiatica (Tiger Grass), which calms and firms the skin barrier, Epidermal Growth Factor, which provides in-vitro wound firming, and Salmon egg extract (PDRN), which promotes healthy skin cells. The Glutanex Cica Cream is clinically proven hypoallergenic and is commonly used as an after-treatment cream in clinics.


To find out more about Glutanex and its beauty products, visit http://glutanex-malaysia.com or https://www.instagram.com/glutanex.my.official/ for more information.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Christmas with MPO


[Upcoming Event] Christmas with MPO

With a dazzling holiday programme and onstage festivities, the MPO spreads Christmas cheer while sleigh bells jingle and tree lights twinkle! Let's count down the days until Christmas with the merry voices of KL's renowned Dithyrambic Singers, from lush symphonic renditions of popular carols to nostalgic winter favourites! Gerard Salonga is the conductor for the upcoming show of “Christmas With MPO”.


TIME: 8.30pm

DATE: 10TH December 2022

VENUE: Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS


Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

Gerard Salonga, conductor

Dithyrambic Singers, choir


Programme to include:

WILLIAMS  Home Alone: Three Holiday Songs

BEALE/BOOTHE (arr. Salonga) Jingle Bell Rock

STYNE/CAHN (arr. Salonga) Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

LOPEZ (arr. Salonga) Frozen: Let It Go


RM198    RM228    RM278    RM298

Suite: RM338/seat & RM358/seat


You may purchase the tickets here: https://www.mpo.com.my/2022season/christmas-with-mpo


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Movie] Barbarian Invasion 野蛮人入侵 (Malay Title: Belenggu)


 [Upcoming Movie] Barbarian Invasion 野蛮人入侵 (Malay Title: Belenggu)


Opens in Malaysia Cinema on: 24th Nov 2022


Producer: Woo Ming Jin, Bianca Balbuena

Director: Tan Chui Mui

Scriptwriter: Tan Chui Mui

Camera: Gwai Lou

Art Director: Fish Lim Jing Yi

Editor: Wong Kai Yun

Sound Designer: Akritchalerm Kalayanamitr

Cast: Pete Teo, Tan Chui Mui, Bront Palarae, James Lee, Zhiny Ooi, Nik Hadiff Dani



Moon Lee, a well-known award-winning actress, has retired to become a full-time mother and divorcee. She jumps at the chance to work with her long-time collaborator, director Roger Woo, again, desperate to regain her sense of self. Only this time, he casts her as the lead in a martial arts film where you do your own stunts. The role necessitates extensive training, and while Moon is initially hesitant, she leaves her young son in the care of Roger's assistant and commits herself to back-breaking training. As soon as she begins to gain confidence, Roger informs her that the only way the film can proceed is for her ex-husband, Julliard, to play the male lead.


Hong Kong Pictures Heaven Culture & Media Company Limited


Da Huang Pictures

The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society
Greenlight Pictures


Heaven Pictures (Beijing) The Movie Company Limited


Financial Support
Ministry of Communications & Multimedia and National Film Development Corporation (FINAS) Malaysia


Winner - Jury Grand Prix, Golden Goblet Awards at 24th Shanghai International Film Festival, 2021
Nominee - Best Asian Film, 12th AACTA Award, 2022


For More Info, check out:




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