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[Upcoming Event] Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2 @ Atria Shopping Galery


[Upcoming Event] Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2 @ Atria Shopping Galery


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 – Hey, all anime, cosplay and gaming fans, here comes another great anime cosplay event, “Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2” happening at ATRIA SHOPPING GALERY from 16thSeptember 2022 – 18th September 2022!


Details of the events:

Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2

Venue: Atria Shopping Galery, Petaling Jaya

Date: 16th-18th September 2022

Time: 10am-9pm

Entrance Fee: RM 10 per day


The event will feature a wide array of activities per listed below:



We can also expect to see many guests cosplayers and performers who will be gracing the event too! Some performers include Kuramaker, Rina Hime, Empress Brigade, DJ Kuih, MayXX Muxxic, Akie, Fuurin, Chiyo Ning, Minri and etc. You can also meet and greet with Naomi Sakura, Mika 小佳,Sushii, Crazed Joker and etc.


In addition to that, there will be Nintendo Switch Fall Guys Contest, lucky draws and etc awaiting for you.

Here's the layout for the event:

So, be sure to check out the event this coming weekend!


For more info,

You can WhatsApp/ Contact : +6017-2760003 (Kira)

Email : letsanime2022@gmail.com

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/letsanimecosplayevent/



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》(dual language article)


 [Upcoming Event] <JJ Lin “JJ20” World Tour>  JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》(dual language article)


JJ Lin, Asia's pop superstar, has embarked on a brand new concert JJ Lin <"JJ20" World Tour> to commemorate his 20th anniversary, and he returns to conquer South East Asia's largest outdoor stadium, Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Jalil National Stadium.


JJ Lin, dubbed one of Mandopop's top acts, has released 14 studio albums, produced over 30 singles and countless music collaborations, and amassed more than 120 billion streams on major music platforms worldwide in a career spanning two decades. JJ Lin launched his "Sanctuary World Tour" from 2018 to 2021, performing 68 times in 29 cities and attracting a record audience of more than 1.6 million concertgoers. When the pandemic halted live performances in 2020, JJ made sure the music continued with "Sanctuary FINALE," the conclusion to the Sanctuary World Tour, which was streamed online in July 2021 as a full-fledged virtual concert experience. JJ Lin "After The Rain," a live charity special held at Marina Bay Sands with a simulcast online watched by millions of viewers, wowed a sell-out crowd at his first in-person concert in two years.


JJ Lin is back after a three-year hiatus with the JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour, a highly anticipated performance that will not only celebrate his 20 years in music but also serve as a testament to his music legacy and a gift to his fans. On December 18, JJ Lin will unveil JJ2.0 to the world!


JJ Lin <"JJ20" World Tour> in Kuala Lumpur tickets will go online from 21st September 2022, 10am onwards via ticketcharge.com.my, ticketing hotline +603 9222 8811. Tickets are priced based on categoriesRM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388RM288 (*not including RM4 admin fees).


Concert Details

<JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour> Kuala Lumpur

Date: 18th December 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 7pm

Venue: National Stadium, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur

Ticket Price: RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388, RM288 (*not including RM4admin fees)

Ticketing website: ticketcharge.com.my

Ticketing hotline: +603-9222-8811



JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》1218吉隆坡武吉加里尔国家体育场隆重登场!


暌违三年,亚洲全能唱作天王JJ 林俊杰筹备许久的《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站将于 12 18日再次登上武吉加里尔体育场!继新加坡和台北场次开卖秒杀之后,早在7 月巡演公布名单中有一席之位的吉隆坡站官方讯息也来了!


连两个月陆续于新加坡和台北开卖的《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》一如既往捎来了票房佳绩,11 月份新加坡场仅剩少数114日门票,而1234日的台北场已于开票五分钟内销售一空!


JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站门票将在 9 21 日,早上10 点起通过ticketcharge.com.my 公开发售, 订票热线 +603 9222 8811。门票分 RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388RM288 (*未包括 RM4行政费) 。预知更多详情,请上网unusual.com.sg


为了新巡演,JJ 也特别举办募集影像活动,希望参加过任何林俊杰相关活动的粉丝,可以踊跃投稿,一起盖高楼成“JJ影像宇宙。参加条件首先必须要是自己亲手拍摄的影像,第二则是在JJ林俊杰活动所摄录,最后则不限是照片或影片,都欢迎自由投稿!请投稿粉丝注意档案解析度至少要大于1920p(像素1280x720),横式画面将优先采用,档案上请注明活动名称、地点与年份,在2022107日前,投稿至jj.20th.anniversary@gmail.com即可。


紧锣密鼓筹备巡演展中的 JJ 林俊杰,这几个月可是满满的新计划。日前刚公布即将在 9 30 日把 JJ 发起的精品咖啡品牌 Miracle Coffee 引入新加坡,并且坐落在当地最具代表性的建筑物之一滨海湾金沙的艺术科学博物馆。这个创立于 2017 年的品牌名字灵感源自于 JJ 林俊杰对音乐的理念“If Miracles Had A Sound”,除了充分了表达 JJ 对于音乐的期许,更旨在传达放慢日常生活脚步期待每日奇迹的精神。


20年,JJ 林俊杰发行了 14 张专辑,超过 30 首单曲与无数合作歌曲。随着科技的发展,这些音乐与青春一起从卡带到 CD 再汇入数位音乐,陪着许许多多的歌迷们走过生活中的起起落落,也共同见证了彼此的成长。JJ 的音乐不仅是一代人的集体回忆,也是最美好的无限延伸,让歌迷们通过优美的旋律和扣人心弦的歌声,在不同的常景品尝日常的奇迹。而《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》将再次带大家走入时光隧道,除了缅怀过去,也会带给大家与众不同的音乐感受,象征着“20年岁月,JJ不曾离开,不只是JJ20、更是JJ2.0”,以再进化的音乐归向舞台,迎接崭新的JJ时代。


JJ 林俊杰《圣所世界巡回演唱会》四年一路走过 29 个城市,集合线下和线上共 68 场演出,超过160万观众相濡以沫;即使新冠疫情肆虐,JJ 也从不止息用音乐带给粉丝正能量,2021年夏天的《圣所 FINALE 终点站》线上演唱会,以及为了振奋人心,特别于新加坡举办的《JJ 林俊杰After The Rain》慈善演唱会,透过同步直播让全球粉丝有机会一同行善,JJ 不居功,但以一己之力领头献爱,力量无与伦比。在即将迈入入行 20 周年的 JJ,决定用蓄积三年的音乐能量,启动全新一轮的世界巡回《JJ20》,令人期待不已!


JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站是由飛凡娱乐Unusual Entertainment带给你,JFJ Productions 制作,宣传合作伙伴甲子制作,媒体合作伙伴MY, MELODY, GOXUAN, Tik Tok 以及Spectrum Outdoor Marketing



JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站

<JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour> Kuala Lumpur

日期: 2022 12 18 (星期天)

时间: 晚上7

地点: 国家体育场, 武吉加里尔, 吉隆坡

票价: RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388, RM288 (*未加RM4 行政费)

订票网站: ticketcharge.com.my

订票热线: +603-9222-8811



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Coverage] “Happy Birthday, John Williams” Concert by Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra


 [Coverage] “Happy Birthday, John Williams” Concert by Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 – Last weekend was a spectacular one as the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) paid homage to the great film composer, John Williams via two of their dazzling concert themed as “Happy Birthday, John Williams”!


Sold Out Shows! Great Gathering for Harry Potter fans and Star Wars fans!

As you are aware, John Williams has composed magnificent scores for a number of blockbuster movies such as Superman, ET, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and Star Wars! With the large fans community in Malaysia, all the concert goers for sure the two shows get to meet up with cosplayers from Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club (SWMFC) as well as cosplayers for Harry Potter characters! It was a great sight to see! In addition, both the shows were completely sold out!


A Wonderful Return To Iconic Films Scores!

In celebration of John Williams' 90th birthday, the MPO and Resident Conductor Gerard Salonga have performed some of his most well known scores from the prominent blockbuster films! All of these pieces were such a great recall to the brilliance of great film music in the 1980s and the 1990s! Kids who have grown through that generation would definitely agree that these music have made up a major part of their childhood memories!


Gerard Salonga has given very eloquent introduction for every songs prior to the MPO’s performances. All of his speech has added new information and reminded us of how the legendary John Williams compose his music. It’s incredible to know that Steven Spielberg actually linked the scenes in E.T based on John Williams’ musical notes. It’s also awe-inspiring to learn how John Williams created one of the most popular B-flat musical masterpieces in the world, which was the Star Wars: Main Title song!


A two-hour concert of awesomeness!

A total of 17 songs (including Encore song) that were played during the concert. It began with Williams' Olympic Fanfare and Theme, which set the tone and prepared the audience for the subsequent magnificent scores. True enough, the audiences were then treated with a gist of Magic as the brilliant musicians from The MPO played the songs from the beloved film franchise Harry Potter! I was confident that all Potterheads were contented with their indulgement in the Hedwig’s Theme as well as the other two scores that followed, namely “Nimbus2000” and “Harry’s Wondrous World”.


The audiences was then treated to one of the most iconic villain songs in film history. “Imperial March”, you say?Not yet, that epicness was something that we have anticipated but not the time yet. This time, however, the MPO has served us with the two-keyed song that defined the villainous Jaw in that generation! What a thrilling theme it was!


Then the conductor and the MPO have transported the audiences to somewhere out of the world by playing for us “The Flight To Neverland”, “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind” and“Adventures on Earth”!


There was a 20 minutes intermission before the excitement of the concert reached new heights. Right after break, we got the chance to listen to the rousing song of the “Superman March”.


The highlight of the show would be the continuous music from the Star Wars franchise! Apart from listening to the inspiriting Star Wars Main Theme, the audiences of course got their taste on the fantastic Imperial March!


Last but not least, the MPO has performed an encore song of “Raiders March from Indiana Jones”! Overall, it was a great tribute concert to John Williams! It was an enlightening show and the MPO has definitely put a smile on the faces of the concertgoers!


Chief Editor WLJack and the Star Wars Cosplayers

If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Anime Event Coverage] Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2


 [Anime Event Coverage] Let’s Anime Cosplay Event 2

Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 – Last weekend was a treat for anime, cosplay, and gaming fans, as "Let's Anime Cosplay Event 2" was held at Atria Shopping Gallery from September 16th to September 18th, 2022! (See our previous article here: https://www.wljack.com/2022/09/upcoming-event-lets-anime-cosplay-event.html)


A great event for the cosplay community!

The cosplay community enjoyed the event because it allowed many local cosplayers to interact with one another. Fans of these cosplayers can also meet their idols, purchase merchandise from them, and take photos with them!


Kuramaker, Rina Hime, Empress Brigade, DJ Kuih, MayXX Muxxic, Akie, Fuurin, Chiyo Ning, Minri, Naomi Sakura, Mika, Sushii, Crazed Joker, and others have graced at the event.


Apart from meeting the guests cosplayers, the event also featured enthralling performances by well-known performers in the field! Furthermore, the event gave fans the opportunity to purchase some of the limited anime merchandise that they desired!


Those who enjoy gaming undoubtedly enjoyed the gaming competition and lucky draw that took place during the event.


Overall, it's a good time for the ACG community. Let us look forward to more ACG events in the near future! More information can be found on my website!

[Coverage] 《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》Press Conference and Launch (Dual Language Post)


 [Coverage] MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Press Conference and Launch (Dual Language Post)


MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Kicked Off with the Most entertaining lineup in Malaysia consisting of Radio DJ Announcers, artistes, and MY listeners!


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 – It is not an exaggeration to say that badminton is one of Malaysia's most popular sports! The recent international badminton competitions have piqued the interest of the country's citizens. As the Mandarin saying goes “strikes while the iron is hot” (打铁趁热), MYcontinues to uphold the spirit of "fun" via the most fun "MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022" (also known as 《好玩盃》)!


8 badminton teams were formed, each led by 16 MY DJ announcers, teamed with 16 artist friends and 32 listeners, while 8 national badminton players are invited to serve as consultant coaches for each team.


This massive eventMY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022 held a press conference recently to announce the lineup of the eight badminton teams. The eight teams are as follows:






Jack Lim 林德荣


Apple 邱诗凌、常乐


Mei Yan颜薇恩








KY Tha赵洁莹


Perry K、低清Michie



Jason Lo

低清K佬、Miko Wong


Yoon 吴家润




Jack 叶朝明





Bernard 邱文博

云镁鑫、Clarence Wong 黄晨祐



During the press conference, Jack Lim 林德荣stated thatthe average strength of his team is very good. The team includes state player representatives as well as full-time badminton coaches. 彤彤(LizzChloe), the team's vice captain, also joked that she and Jack Lim 林德荣 are the worst members of the team. Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹, the team's consultant coach, also revealed that they will have secret training tactics and will request that other teams wait for their moves. Mei Yan颜薇恩expressed gratitude for her own efforts and also confident with their team winning the competition!


Emely Poon潘毖伶which drew applause from the audience from the start, humbly claimed to be average in strength, but their team consists of popular Internet celebrity Sam 刘家成and YouTuber Tick. Thus, their goal is actually towards winning"Best Popularity Award"!


Ky Tha’s 赵洁莹team is universally regarded as the most powerful team as their team has two former national players, a professional freelance player and a state player.Their main motto is just to “enjoy the game”. On the other hand大头Aki vowed to win the championship. During her first meeting with the consultant coach Tan Kian Meng, she straight away asked for his plans on how to spend the RM10,000 which is the amount of prize money.


The small but potent Yoon 吴家润and herteam's consultant coach Ong Yew Sin 王耀新made big promises, saying, "Our goal is to be the runner-up, because if we win the runner-up, there will be no champion!"


Jack Yap Ye 叶朝明claimed that their team consists of both the strength and outer appearance. They are not of greed of winning the championship but they aimed to get into the finals! Daniel 黄震宇also shared his interaction with his team’s consultant coach Lai Pei Jing 赖沛君while Bernard Hiew 邱文博hilariously stated that his swing skills were all practised at home while 'teaching' his children.


During the press conference, there was a friendly match between the DJs, artistes and the consultant coaches!


Presented by Ravo, MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022will begin its matches every weekend from 1st October 2022 onwards. The 4 teams with highest scores will proceed to the semifinals on 22nd October 2022! The 2 teams with the highest score will then move on to the finals on 23rdOctober 2022! You can catch the match via MY Facebook, Youtube and SYOK app!


The winning team can win away RM 10,000 cash money, while the 1st runner-up, 2ndrunner-up and 3rd runner-up will win RM 6,000, RM 3,000 and RM 2,000 respectively! The remaining 4 teams can have the chance to win away RM 1,000. The most popular team will win away RM 2,000! Listeners can also Call In (03-95433366) into MY during specific call-in hours and stand a chance to win prize money up to RM 5,000!


For more info, you can also check out MY Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/xiaoMY






(吉隆坡21日讯)说羽球是大马全民最热爱运动之一实不为过,近来一场场国际羽球赛事都让全国人民热血沸腾,激动不已。MY打铁趁热,持续秉持‘好玩’精神举办了一场全马最好玩,阵容鼎盛的MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022(后称《好玩盃》)!由16MY DJ领军、携同16位艺人朋友、联合32位听众,分别组成8支羽球队伍,并且邀来8位羽球国手担任各队的顾问教练,堪比许多国内羽球赛事更精彩且极具娱乐性!


这场声势浩大的《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》今日特意举办了一场媒体发布会,现场公布了8支羽球队阵容,每支队伍都由8MY全职DJ领军担任队长,并由MY 周末DJ作为副队长,邀来多位艺人朋友携手听众球员组队,而各队再配以一名羽球国手为顾问教练带领其战队进行专业羽球技能训练。这8组战队分别有:







Apple 邱诗凌、常乐












Perry K、低清Michie



Jason Lo

低清K佬、Miko Wong


Yoon 吴家润




Jack 叶朝明





Bernard 邱文博

云镁鑫、Clarence Wong 黄晨祐





一登场就引起全场欢呼的潘毖伶战队,谦虚地自称实力一般般,但队里有人气的网红Sam 刘家成Youtuber 狠搞鬼的阿Tick所以他们是冲着夺“最佳人气奖”去的!还有被一致认为是实力最雄厚的赵洁莹战队里球员都是大有来头的,包括有两位前国手、一名专业自由球员和一名州手,实力坚强的他们以“享受比赛”为参赛口号。而大头Aki 则透露其顾问教练陈健铭第一次和他见面就问他打算1万令吉(冠军奖金)要怎么用,信誓旦旦必能夺冠!




媒体发布会上也安排了全体DJ 、艺人和国手分成AB两组轮流进行友谊赛,把现场气氛推到最高潮!


Ravo 荣誉呈献的《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》自9月初公开线上报名后即掀起全城热话,在短短14天的报名期限内就收获了超过1千份的报名表格,反应热烈!虽是打着‘好玩’旗号举办的羽球团体赛,但其羽球赛的赛制可是一点也不马虎,《好玩盃》将从101日起,于每周六和日进行积分制的「八强小组循环赛」;此后积分最高的4组队伍将顺利晋级至1022日(星期六)举办的「半决赛」;最终2组晋级决赛的队伍将在1023日(星期日)的「金铜牌之战」一决高下!观众朋友可以透过MYFacebookYouTube频道以及SYOK app收看每一场球赛直播!


MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》的冠军队伍可以抱走总冠军奖杯并且赢得RM10,000现金奖、亚军,季军与殿军队伍则分别获得奖金RM6,000RM 3,000RM2,000、其余4队各自获得奖金RM1,000而网络票选的人气奖队伍可获RM2,000奖金。与此同时,从926日起,听众朋友可在特定时间Call In03-95433366)到MY,预测其认为每星期会胜出的队伍以及原因,即有机会独赢或者平分该星期的奖金5千令吉!


出席MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》媒体发布会的MY DJ分别有Jack林德荣、颜薇恩、Emely潘毖伶、赵洁莹、大头AkiYoon 吴家润、Jack 叶朝明、Daniel黄震宇、Jym庄靖毅、Bernard 邱文博、彤彤、Wayne符雁蓉、小眼睛秉昀、徳廷、Jason Lo Kaka 杨铠嘉和小Henn;艺人朋友则有朱浩仁,Nicole赖淞凤、韩晓嗳、Maq赖铭权和低清的Michie;而以顾问教练身份出席活动的羽球国手则有吴柳莹、吴蔚升、王耀新、张御宇和赖沛君。


更多有关MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK app 收听 MY 电台或浏览MY官方脸书专页



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Anime Event Coverage] Pokanime Planet @ Pavilion Bukit Jalil


[Anime Event Coverage] Pokanime Planet @ Pavilion Bukit Jalil


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 - Pokanime Planet, a cosplay carnival, was held at the Pavilion Bukit Jalil Exhibition Hall from 23th September 2022 – 25th September 2022! It was a great weekend at the new mall as it was attended by many cosplayers! It was a fantastic weekend at the new mall, with many cosplayers in attendance! The event also included a variety of activities such as stage performances, games, and cosplay competitions.


One of the highlights of the event included the presence of performers, cosplayers, designers, anime content creators and band such as Zamakh and Imran, Hazuki Rin, Mirowolf, Rinaahime, Samantha Lim Ki, DJ Abang Soulie, Jon Tham Artist, Sunflower, Blossome, Hayate and etc.


Aside from that, there are numerous vendors selling a variety of anime-related merchandise. Visitors could also participate in the lucky draws to win anime-related prizes. Furthermore, the best part about the event was that everyone got to chill, relax, and have fun with their fellow cosplayers!


Overall, it’s a fun anime, cosplay and games event! Did you miss the event? Don't worry, there will be more! Keep an eye on my website for updates on upcoming hot events and happenings in Malaysia!


 If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Coverage] NIVEA Luminous630 Event Featuring Meet And Greet With Rosina Lam 林夏薇


 [Coverage] NIVEA Luminous630 Event Featuring Meet And Greet With Rosina Lam 林夏薇


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022- Every woman desires and envies glowing, youthful, and luminous radiant skin. However, it has never been easier to achieve this - until now. The World's No. 1 Skincare Brand introduces the NIVEA LUMINOUS630, a breakthrough anti-dark-spot ingredient! The range, which is led by the LUMINOUS630 Anti-Dark Spot Serum, promises to reduce dark spots, fine lines, and improve skin luminosity in just two weeks while increasing overall skin radiance!


What exactly are dark spots?

Dark spots, also known as age or sun spots, are a common complaint among women all over the world. Exposure to the sun and UV rays (both indoors and outdoors), ageing, and hormonal changes are all important factors in this. Continuous exposure to these elements causes hyperpigmentation on the skin, resulting in uneven skin tone and post-inflammatory alteration, also known as dark spots, over time.


The NIVEA Solution


NIVEA created the perfect combination of ingredients to eliminate dark spots after 10 years of extensive research in which over 50,000 compounds were tested: the compound 630, which performs up to 100X better than other renowned brightening ingredients. This compound contains cell-targeting 2X Hyaluron and antioxidants, which work in tandem to visibly lighten spots while also assisting in the maintenance of youthful and luminous skin! It can remove deep dark spots in as little as two weeks without harming the skin.


NIVEA LUMINOUS630 Anti-Dark Spot Serum has been clinically proven to reduce dark spots by 71%, fine lines by 66%, and skin luminosity by 81%, resulting in spotless and youthful skin.

The other products in the NIVEA LUMINOUS630 range complement the serum to create the ideal anti-dark-spot skin care regimen, ranging from daytime protection with the Spot Protect Moisturizer SPF50 PA+++ to nighttime skin regeneration with the Even Tone Night Cream. For targeted treatment of dark circles and tired eyes, there is even an Eye Treatment available.


"We must recognise that not all brightening active ingredients are created equal, which is why other anti-dark-spot serums may fail to deliver results." Other active ingredients, such as peeling agents found in other popular products, have the potential to cause irreversible skin damage. Many anti-dark-spot products on the market contain active ingredients like Butylresorcinol, Arbutin, or Kojic Acid. The patented LUMINOUS630 by NIVEA has been shown to be up to 100X more effective than these well-known active ingredients. This is why our customers see results and keep using NIVEA LUMINOUS630 Anti Dark-Spot Serum to achieve glowy, luminous skin," said Ng Hock Guan, Country Manager for Beiersdorf Malaysia & Singapore.


Hong Kong’s Best Actress, Rosina Lam 林夏薇Big Fan of NIVEA


Rosina Lam林夏薇, Hong Kong's Best Actress 2021, has long been a fan of the NIVEA LUMINOUS630 line. "My confidence suffered greatly when I began to develop dark spots as a result of long filming hours under both daylight and studio lights." In just a few weeks after discovering the LUMINOUS630 range in 2019, I began seeing visible results and receiving numerous compliments on how youthful and spotless my skin looked. I was hooked! "I will never skip my NIVEA LUMINOUS beauty regime, no matter how tired or long my hours are, because it truly is the secret to my perfect, glowy, luminous skin!" she said. Rosina also mentioned that her favourite product is the Luminous630 Anti-Dark Spot Serum, which she believes is the key to her youthful complexion.


Three Years Since Her Last Visit To Malaysia!

"I miss you all so much!""I'm so happy to see you all again after three years!" said Rosina to her Malaysian fans who had waited three years for her revisit.


Rosina Lam pointed out that this trip to Malaysia was only three days long, that the schedule was tight, and that the workload was intense. Nonetheless, she took advantage of the opportunity to sample the delectable fare, and had already sipped bak kut teh before attending the event.


Rosina Lam also shared that she has recently finished filming a few dramas such as 《法言人》(Speakers of Law), 《寵愛Pet Pet》(My Pet My Angeland etc. Her childhood ambition was to become a lawyer, she revealed. Thus, the drama "Speakers of Law" has given her the opportunity to do so. Furthermore, she stated that "My Pet My Angel" has taught a dog lover like her more about how to treat her beloved pets.


Rosina Lam also expressed her support for her cousin brother Raymond Lam 林峯 who is competing in the China variety show "披荆斩棘的哥哥Call Me By Fire."


The NIVEA LUMINOUS630 Anti Dark-Spot Serum and the entire NIVEA LUMINOUS630 Anti Dark-Spot Serum range are available at all Watsons locations and online at the NIVEA Official Store. The collection includes day and night skincare, as well as eye care products. For more information on NIVEA products and the most recent updates, please visit www.facebook.com/myniveaor https://www.nivea.com.my/.


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That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.comfor more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Upcoming Event] JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022 , JACE (Japan Arts Culture Entertainment) 2022


 [Upcoming Event] JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022 , JACE (Japan Arts Culture Entertainment) 2022


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 - Toybox Projects, a well-known company that brings authentic Japanese culture to its audiences, is pleased to announce two events: the Japan x Malaysia Friendship Concert 2022 on October 30th and the JACE (Japan Arts, Culture, Entertainment) 2022 event on October 28th through November 13th, 2022.


JACE 2022 (Japan Arts, Culture, and Entertainment)

This event is for all Japanese culture enthusiasts, whether amateur or professional. JACE (Japan Arts, Culture, Entertainment) 2022 is an event presented by LaLaport Bukit Bintang City Centre and organised by Toybox Projects, with this year's theme being "HARAJUKU" KAWAII" and will be held from October 28th to November 13th, 2022 at LaLaport BBCC. Visitors will enjoy genuine Japanese activities as well as up-close and authentic experiences of the internationally popular destination HARAJUKU, Tokyo, Japan, over the course of 17 days.

The exclusive meet and greet session with popular Japanese artists BACK-ON, Centimillimental, and FEMM who will be performing at the JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022 is the highlight of JACE 2022. A professional team is also bringing a HARAJUKU fashion show from Japan. Furthermore, creators' workshops and activities, as well as booths filled with Japanese products or brands, will be brought all the way from Japan just for this event! Furthermore, visitors will be able to learn HARAJUKU Fashion, Japanese Lolita Fashion, wearing Yukata in pop culture or Harajuku style, and learning first-hand from professional Japanese stylists who work with Japanese artists!


But wait, there's more!

There are enjoyable activities and games that the entire family and friends can enjoy together! Traditional Japanese festival games await you, with exciting authentic prizes of Japanese products, kimono fabric painting that you can take home with you, authentic Japanese sweets and tea ceremony demonstrations, and so on!


Do you enjoy listening to Japanese music? A fan of Japanese fashion? Join the competition and demonstrate your talent for a chance to win fantastic prizes! There will be more activities brought to you from Japan. It doesn't end there. An exciting collaboration with KADOKAWA Gempak Starz, as well as additional activities, will be announced soon!


JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022

JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert 2022 is a cross-cultural promotional concert organised and promoted by Toybox Projects and supported by Tourism Malaysia. Its goal is to introduce various types of artists from both Japan and Malaysia. It is held to commemorate Japan and Malaysia's long-standing friendship. The first edition, held in 2017, was a success. In response to the concert's success and numerous requests from fans, media, artists, and music industry professionals for more series of the same concert, Vol 2 returns with a different lineup of artists from both Japan and Malaysia. The Japanese liners are BACK-ON, Centimillimental, FEMM, Floor 88, Estranged, and Sakura Band are Malaysia's liners. The concert will take place at Zepp Kuala Lumpur, just a block away from LaLaport BBCC! Zepp Kuala Lumpur, operated by Zepp Hall Network Inc., is a world-class Rock concert hall. Sony Music Entertainment Japan's subsidiary is Zepp Hall Network. Aside from the one in Kuala Lumpur, Japan has eight Zepp halls and Taiwan has one.


BACK-ON is a rock band that is well-known among ACG fans. They have many song collaborations with popular anime, including "Gundam,""Initial D,""Fairy Tale," and many others. One of the two artists speaks English fluently, while the other speaks Chinese fluently. They've toured all over the world and are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. Their music and live performances have garnered international acclaim.


Centimillimental is a singer-songwriter who won one of Japan's major auditions and is now a rising star in Japan. He is best known for his songs from the popular anime "Given" and "Bakuten!!." Under the pseudonym ("Hey, Don't Forget"), he won the Grand Prix at the Inazuma Gate contest in 2015, out of 5000 contestants. Following his success, he made his major debut in 2019 with his single "Kizuato," which is the opening theme song for the anime "Given," with over 26 million streams on Spotify, making it a smash hit debut. He also wrote all of the band songs for this anime, putting his writing skills on display. On Spotify, those songs have received 140 million streams. He also composes music and produces works for other artists, including Sakurazaka46, "Samidareyo," Hinatazaka46, "Bokunanka,"and others.


FEMM, which stands for "Far East Mention Mannequins," is the first female rap duo with the novel idea of portraying themselves as mannequins. Their upbeat and stylish sound has piqued the interest of Japanese culture fans all over the world, particularly in Western countries. Fans of cosplay and Japanese pop culture appreciate their fashionable appearance. Pow!/L.C.S FEMM made their major debut and first physical release in February 2016.


Different languages, different melodies, but for the same reason. On Sunday, October 30, 2022, come and enjoy the music, dance, and have fun at Zepp Kuala Lumpur. The Rock VIP Zone, Classic VIP Zone, Jazz VIP Zone, and VVIP party box all include a meet and greet session with the Japanese artists as well as a poster. *IMPORTANT: The meet and greet session will take place at JACE 2022 at LaLaport BBCC on October 29, 2022, a day before the concert. The session will be open only to VIP ticket holders.


Make a note of it on your calendar and get your tickets! Ticket prices are as follows: Rock RM 138 (stand alone) / Rock VIP RM188 (meet & greet + poster + priority entry to hall (stand alone)) Classic RM 288 (numbered seating, cosy chair with armrest) / Classic VIP RM 338 (numbered seating, cosy chair with armrest) / Jazz RM 238 (numbered seating) / Jazz VIP RM 288 (numbered seating) / VVIP Party Box RM 6088 comes with a private room with a maximum of 10 pax per room and benefits of meet & greet, poster, and food & beverages. VIP tickets include a meet-and-greet and a poster. All prices are exclusive of ticket processing and other handling fees. Tickets go on sale on September 24, 2022, at 3 p.m. at https://ilassotickets.com/

Please keep in mind that the VVIP Party Box is limited to only 8 rooms.


The organiser reserves the right to change the terms and conditions and/or the contents at any time without prior notice. Without the permission of the organiser, photography and videography are strictly prohibited inside the venue. Outside food and beverages are not permitted in the venue. Children under the age of 15 should be accompanied by a guardian. The organiser reserves the right to refuse or escort any personnel who exhibits inappropriate behaviour.


For more information, please visit www.toyboxprojects.com/friendship-2022  or contact info@toyboxprojects.com .


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Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.


That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?


 [Upcoming Event] Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?


Didi & Friends, Malaysia's most beloved cartoon characters, will perform with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) at the Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS (DFP) in an exclusive one-day-only concert! The concert, titled Didi & Friends Bersama MPO: Mana Bingo?, is scheduled for Saturday, October 22, 2022, at 2:30 p.m.


The MPO, led by Resident Conductor Gerard Salonga, will take the audience on a journey with Didi, Nana, and Jojo in their quest to find their missing cute little friend, Bingo! Join them in their search for Bingo in this one-hour concert full of heartwarming adventure and entertaining music, directed by Pat Ibrahim.


Sing along with Didi & Friends as they perform songs such as Mengantuk Mumia, Chan Mali Chan, Kalau Rasa Gembira, Bingo, and the traditional Eh Wau Bulan with 'live' accompaniment music by the MPO. The MPO gives a new symphonic interpretation to all of the songs performed in this concert.


Didi & Friends, Malaysia's No. 1 preschool 3D-animated musical edutainment cartoon and winner of Best Preschool Animation at the 2019 - 24th Asian Television Award, has become a regional household name, with fans in Singapore and Indonesia. After premiering on YouTube with localised nursery rhymes in 2015, the series moved to Astro Ceria, followed by the release of Season 2 in Asia in 2016. During Season 4, the series matured and broke into mass audiences with viral hits like Mengantuknya Mumia and many more, and hit collaborations with award-winning artists like Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza, Yuna, Hael Husaini, Altimet, and many more. Didi & Friends has a new home at Warnakala Studios Sdn Bhd, in collaboration with Astro.


Prepare to embark on a musical journey with Didi & Friends and the MPO, only at DFP!


Children aged 2 and up are permitted to enter the concert with an admission ticket.

For the most recent updates, please visit www.mpo.com.my or the MPO social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok).


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.comfor more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Movie Review] Confidential Assignment 2 : International


 [Movie Review] Confidential Assignment 2 : International


Jang Myong-jun, the leader of a North Korean criminal organisation, is about to be transferred to Pyongyang when FBI agents are attacked by North Korean gangsters and Myong-jun flees. Because Myong-jun allegedly entered Seoul using a forged passport, the North Korean government dispatches Im Cheol-ryong to catch him. Kang Jin-tae meets Cheol-ryongand decides to resume the investigation to track down Myong-jun, but their work is thwarted by an FBI agent named Jack, who wants to bring the North Korean criminals back to the United States on charges of murdering FBI officials. They agree to expand the operation to a trilateral collaboration of Koreans and Americans. The plot hinges on how the trio captures Myong-jun.



This is a sequel to the action comedy Confidential Assignment (2017), and both Hyun Bin and Yoo Hae-Jin reprise their roles as Cheol-Ryungand Jin-Tae respectively. Yoona also returns as Jin-Tae’s sister-in-law, Park Min-young that has a crush on Cheol-Ryung. Daniel Henny's Jack, an American FBI agent, would be a new addition to the premise.


It's been a long time since we've seen such an entertaining package of action-comedy that includes action-packed choreography in addition to funny slapstick lines and scenes. From the beginning to the end, the film is packed with action and hilarious scenes that will undoubtedly brighten your day. There’s not a single dull moment in the show. Kudos to the director for the great action sequences and the brilliant use of slow-mo at the right timing that further enhances the impact of the scenes! (Yes, the slow-mo here is really a highlight)


I really enjoy watching Hyun Bin, Yoo Hae-Jin, and Daniel Henny interact. Despite having very different personalities, this trio worked well together. All of their conversations are lighthearted, fresh, and funny, and they fit perfectly into a buddy-cop film like this. The charms ofHyun Bin and Daniel Henny are no joke, and female fans will enjoy them. In fact, the show is self-aware and has consistently emphasised their charms. Yoo Hae-Jin, on the other hand, is a comedy genius who makes the audience laugh every time he appears!  Yoona should also be praised for her portrayal of an innocent yet love-hungry character in the show. She works well as a comedic actress, and I hope to see her in more of them.


The plot of the show is quite generic in the "cop hunts down baddies" style, but they have added a twist at the end. Some may have predicted this, but the story is overall very palatable and not overly complicated. The pacing is smooth and slick, with a good balance of comedy and action. The soundtracks are also excellent and perfectly complement the film.


The only drawback would be the use of CGI in certain scenes that were clearly shot with a green screen. However, this is a minor flaw in light of the overall enjoyment of the show!

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. In fact, I thought it was one of the best films I'd seen in recent months. If you haven't seen the movie yet, please do so!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Concert Coverage] 2022 Kim Jae-Joong Asia Tour Concert In Malaysia


 [Concert Coverage] 2022 Kim Jae-Joong Asia Tour Concert In Malaysia


Kuala Lumpur – Fans of South Korean singer and actor Kim Jae-joong were treated to a night to remember on last 23rd September 2022 when he returned to Malaysia after a 12-year absence for his first solo concert. “2022 Kim Jae-Joong Asia Tour Concert In Malaysia” which was organised by iMe Malaysia was a blast!

The concert kicked off with MIC, a rookie boy band mentored by Jae-joong, performing a medley of songs including Mission and the wildly popular Chajatta, the OST of Sungkyunkwan Scandal sung by JYJ.


The atmosphere of the concert soared when Kim Jae-Joong came on stage performing  Just Another Girlfrom his popular album WWW. After the first song, he addressed the audience, saying it was his first time back in 12 years and expressing how happy he was to be here.


Apart from non-stop great music from Kim Jae-Joong, there were multiple VCR (videos) showing his pre-recorded Q&A session, his background stories and etc. These are definitely a treat for the fans!


It was such an amazing 2 hours show filled with great music by Kim Jae-Joong. During the concert, he also showed the fans the wound on his knee. Despite that, he was still able to deliver his best to his fans!


Due to his scheduled flights, he has to leave Malaysia on time. But nevertheless, I am sure all of the fans have enjoyed his show very much!


I have reviewed the concert with my fellow colleague Mark. Both of us would like to give a thumbs up for the great concert experience!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack. 

[Anime Event Coverage] C2AGE Lite @ Jaya Shopping Centre


 [Anime Event Coverage] C2AGE Lite 2022 @ Jaya Shopping Centre


Petaling Jaya, October 2022 – Cosplay, anime and gaming fans were in a sweet treat last weekend as C2AGE Lite has made a bigger and better comeback!

The 11th Cosplay, Comics, Anime and Games Exhibition (C2AGE) was launched by . Mr Takahashi Daisuke, First Secretary, Japan Information Service, Embassy of Japan last weekend at Jaya Shopping Centre,


Following the 40th anniversary of the Look East Policy (LEP), HELP University is organising C2AGE to provide a platform for youth to express themselves creatively by dressing up as their favourite Marvel, DC Comics, or anime characters.


C2AGE, now in its eleventh year, has evolved from its humble beginnings as a simple cosplay and gaming event to a fiesta that includes competitions, exhibitions, performances, and booths selling a variety of pop culture merchandise.


This year's event, C2AGE LITE 2022, featured a dazzling list of special guests, including cosplayers Chelses Yuan, Sally Dorasnow, Yuii, and guest artists Jon Tham and Greg Bain, each with their own specialties to wow the crowd.


"This year, C2AGE is organised for over two days and is filled with more exciting activities. The student committee have put in tremendous efforts in making this event a reality, and a testament to this is what you will all witness today and tomorrow." said Dhanesh Balakrishnan, Dean, Faculty of University Foundation Studies, HELP University.


“Passion in what you do is extremely important to achieve excellence. May the passion you have towards anime and cosplay be a starting point in building and nurturing your practical skills which will hold you in good stead in your future undertakings.”


The Force is strong at C2AGE LITE: 2022, as the Star Wars Black Series Malaysia Fans Club exhibition captivates visitors with a display of figures and dioramas depicting exciting Star Wars scenes from the films. To top it off, the presence of the 501st Malaysia Garrison and the Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club adds to the atmosphere, as participants are seen interacting with and photographing their favourite Star Wars characters.


Macross Malaysia recreates the Macross saga with a plethora of figurines, fighters, and diorama displays, while Unity Macroverse further enlightens fans with their sci-fi exhibition and a host of novels and books about the sci-fi universe.


Through engaging and fun activities, Hobby Bozobrings the world of miniature die-cast cars Hor Wheels to life. Participants are pumped as they buy Hot Wheels miniature cars and put their racing skills to the test by racing along the snaking racetrack. The huge ancient and city diorama displays by Synergy Lego Users Group and motorised vehicles by Lego Technic Users Malaysia wowed Lego fans and builders.


The food eating competition is a signature competition at C2AGE, and food lovers were seen quickly gulping down Bariuma's special spicy ramen in the quickest time possible. During the Cosplay solo and group competition, which is judged by C2AGE VIPs Chelses, Yuii, and Sally, cosplayers put their creativity and theatrical skills to the test by showcasing anime characters.


C2AGE is never complete without performances that keep the audience entertained all day. From singing, dancing, live bands, skits, and DJs, they once again energised the crowd with their enthusiasm for performing for physical events.


Board games are another popular attraction at C2AGE. Many ardent board gamers can be seen competing in games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder 2e, and Call of Cthulhu, which are hosted by Kakitabletop.


To top it all off, C2AGE-LITE 2022 is a charitable event in which all proceeds from the art, Hot Wheels, and Gundam auctions and collections over the weekend are donated to the Lost Animal Souls Shelter (LASS), which is dedicated to helping strays and abandoned dogs who grew up without knowing love. LASS is a non-profit organisation with a no-kill policy.


For further information on C2AGE LITE 2022, log on to http://www.c2age.com


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Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.



[Entertainment] Riway “Leaders Recognition Night ,Rise of The Heroes 群英崛起”


 [Entertainment] Riway “Leaders Recognition Night ,Rise of The Heroes 群英崛起


Kuala Lumpur, September 2022- Riway “Leaders Recognition Night, Rise of The Heroes 群英崛起 held at Stadium Bukit Jalil, was a major event organised by Riway to recognise the efforts of their leaders over the year! The event was attended by all Riway leaders from around the world, and the entire stadium was packed with a large number of spectators! Thank you Riway for giving a chance for our team from wljack.comto do a coverage on the event!

Upbeat Concert Featuring Renowned Artistes!

Aside from the awards ceremony, the event included a large concert featuring a few prominent Mandopop artists such as Sky Wu 伍思凱, Sam Lee 李圣杰, and Harlem Yu 庾澄庆.There were six Malaysian singers who have also performed during the night, including Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨, Apple Kho 邱诗凌, Uriah See 徐凯, Ribbon Ooi 黄若熙, Eric Lin 林健辉, and Beta Teo 张引山.


Riway has promised that the "Leaders Recognition Night" was just the beginning, as they expect to see many more leaders rise quickly and achieve greater success in the near future.

If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Coverage] CUCKOO Appreci8th Anniversary Concert


 [Coverage]CUCKOO Appreci8th Anniversary Concert

Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 - It was exhilarating, unforgettable, awe-inspiring, electrifying, heartwarming, and appreciated. This is how some of the over 9,000 concertgoers described the CUCKOO Appreci8th Anniversary Concert at Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil, which was organised by CUCKOO International (MAL) Sdn Bhd (CUCKOO International), Malaysia's leading Healthy Home Creator. The four-hour dynamic concert commemorates the company's eighth anniversary with an incredible lineup of local artist performances, special appearances by CUCKOO Brand Ambassadors Lee Minho and Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza, product launches, and exciting announcements.


CUCKOO International founder and CEO, Mr. KC Hoe (Hoe Kian Choon),highlighted the concert's 'Appreci8th' theme and the company's future plans, saying, "today's celebration is for you - CUCKOO Family, customers, and fans." We have grown from a healthy appliance brand to one of Malaysia's leading Healthy Home Creators, serving over 1.5 million Malaysians and over 5 million Malaysian household users, thanks to you; thanks to you, we have achieved a 97% customer satisfaction rate in a recent independent survey. We will continue to strive Beyond Standards to bring unparalleled Healthy Home solutions, shape healthier homes, and inspire Malaysians to #SAMASAMA live healthier and happier lives."


Consolidating Position as a Leading Healthy Home Designer

CUCKOO International has been diversifying its portfolio to become a Healthy Home Creator over the last two years by offering Malaysians holistic Healthy Home solutions across four Healthy Home pillars - Healthy Appliances, Healthy Living, Healthy Lifestyle, and Healthy Home Care. Each Healthy Home pillar features various brands and focuses on various aspects of what makes a home healthier.


2022 is said to be a year of innovation for CUCKOO International. Earlier this year, the company introduced a slew of new products under its Healthy Home pillars, including water purifiers, air purifiers, mattresses, air conditioners, skincare products, and more.


CUCKOO International highlights its Healthy Appliances pillar with the CUCKOO brand during the CUCKOO Appreci8th Anniversary Concert by unveiling an all-new air purifier - CUCKOO R Model Air Purifier. The new generation air purifier is marketed as an entry-level, yet effective and stylish, air purifier that is suitable for every Malaysian household. The intuitive CUCKOO R Model Air Purifier, priced at RM69 per month, will be available for purchase on October 2, 2022.


Aside from the product launch, the event highlights CUCKOO International's plans to strengthen its position as a Healthy Home Creator through facility expansion, which includes the following:


The World's Largest Distribution Center for CUCKOO International- To meet the growing demand for healthy home offerings, CUCKOO International has announced the acquisition of a 3-acre plot of land in Subang Jaya for the development of its largest distribution centre in Malaysia for all of its Healthy Home offerings. The facility, which is expected to be completed and operational by 1Q2023, will strengthen the company's distribution network. With the largest distribution centre, the company will be poised for growth.


CUCKOO International's New Glenmarie Office - As the company diversifies, it is also looking to expand its pool of talents to support its operations and accelerate its growth to become Asia's No.1 Healthy Home Creator. To accommodate its growing pool of talent, a new office in Glenmarie will be established by the end of 2022.


CUCKOO Brand Gallery - The CUCKOO Brand Gallery is an exciting new development by the company to provide customers and fans with a brand experience like no other. The gallery will feature products and information from its four Healthy Home pillars to provide a glimpse of what Healthier Homes can be. The brand's first gallery will be located in Kuching and will open by the end of 2022.


Electrifying Performances and Special Appearances Light Up The Night

The concert, held to commemorate its eighth anniversary and to express gratitude to its CUCKOO Family, customers, and fans, featured an incredible lineup of local artists and vocal powerhouses, including Aina Abdul, Hael Husaini, DOLLA, Dato' Jamal Abdillah, Misha Omar, Floor 88, Naqiu, Amelina, Khai Bahar, Kmy Kmo, and Luca Sickta, as well as contestants from Gegar Vaganza 9 – Tomok, Dina Nadzir and Jaclyn Victor.


The night began with two upbeat folk music (dangdut) performances by Amelina, followed by a short keynote address by CUCKOO International Founder & CEO, Mr. KC Hoe (Hoe Kian Choon), in which he launched the CUCKOO R Model Air Purifier, announced facility expansion plans, and thanked everyone for their trust and support over the years.


DOLLA, Kmy Kmo and Luca Sickta, Khai Bahar, Aina Abdul, Naqiu, Hael Husaini, and Floor 88 then continued the show with electrifying performances.


The performance by Floor 88 was followed by the night's highlight, a special appearance by CUCKOO Brand Ambassador, Lee Minho, who was enthusiastically welcomed. During the session with Lee Minho, he warmly greeted his fans and shared what it was like to be CUCKOO's brand ambassador as well as to be back in Malaysia since 2016. At the end of the session, he was joined by Mr Hoe, CUCKOO International's top management, artists, and Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza for a birthday celebration.


The rest of the night was filled with amazing performances by Malaysia Legends Misha Omar, Dato' Jamal Abdillah, and Gegar Vaganza 9contestants Tomok, Dina Nadzir, and Jaclyn Victor.


The CUCKOO Appreci8th Anniversary Concert is co-organized by WonderLab and WonderKlean, with official media partners Astro, Astro Radio, SYOK, ERA, Sinar, Gegar, and Zayan. Neutrovis, the Official Hygiene Partner, and Official Sponsors HWC Coffee, Parlo Tours, and Sedunia Travel are also helping to make the event a success.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Game Coverage] LEVEL UP KL 2022 “SEA Games Awards”


 [Game Coverage] LEVEL UP KL 2022 “SEA Games Awards”


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – The gaming community had a great week as LEVEL UP KL 2022 took place at Connexion Conference & Event Centre, Bangsar South, with a variety of sharing sessions and seminars. The event has undoubtedly boosted Malaysia's gaming industry by providing new insights from fellow developers from around the world.


The "SEA Games Awards" show which aims to recognise the efforts of game developers, was the major highlight at the event's conclusion. Thank you, MDEC, for giving our team the opportunity to cover the award show.


Here are the lists of winners for LEVEL UP KL 2022 “SEA GAMES AWARDS”:”


Best Game Design Awards – Cuisineer (Battlebrew Productions, Singapore)

Best Visual Art Awards – Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (Toge Productions, Indonesia)

Best Innovation Awards – Rhythm Doctor (7th Beat Games, Malaysia)

Best Storytelling Awards – Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (Toge Productions, Indonesia)

Best Technology Awards – Determinant (Khor Chin Heong, Malaysia)

Best Audio Awards – Rhythm Doctor (7th Beat Games, Malaysia)

Best Student Game Awards – End Of The Line (UOW Malaysia KDU)

Audience Choice Awards – Postknight 2 (Kurechii, Malaysia)

Rising Star Awards – Faerie Afterlight (Clay Game Studio, Indonesia)

Grand Jury Awards – Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (Toge Productions, Indonesia)

Best International Games Awards – The Legend of Tianding (CGCG, Taiwan)

Sponsored Awards – Endura (IFIO Studio, Malaysia)


The awards ceremony concluded with a heartfelt closing remark by Mr Mohan Low, MDEC's Director of Digital Creative Content.

It was a great week! Looking for future Level Up KL events again!

If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Movie Review] Far Far Away 缘路山旮旯 @ Asian Cinerama "Hong Kong Focus"


 [Movie Review] Far Far Away 缘路山旮旯@ Asian Cinerama "Hong Kong Focus"


Hau 阿厚, a 28-year-old IT Geek, is a mediocre but warm-hearted introvert who finds himself the object of affection for five attractive women in the span of a single year. Except for one peculiar characteristic, the quintet all live in different parts of Hong Kong. But seeing our heartthrob's struggles to get there is half the fun; all of the travelling allows director Amos Why to give his audience a chance to see and appreciate parts of the city that they rarely get to experience.


Who will Hau eventually end up with?



This film's approach to telling a love story is completely unique. Instead of an oppa-like main male lead, as is usually the case in a love story film, they cast a geek-like main protagonist Hau (played by Kaki Sham 岑珈其). This could be a risk because most film productions want to cast someone attractive in order to attract more audiences. However, I thought it was a brilliant move because it resonated more with the general male population and created a sense of relativeness with many male audiences. Kudos to Kaki Sham for creating a believable character that felt natural and authentic to an introvert with cultural relatability to Hong Kong (or Asian) male personalities.


On the other hand, the writing for the five female characters is excellent.


Cecelia So (苏丽珊) portrayed A Lee, an introverted coworker with a pretty face. Her quiet demeanour is a carbon copy of Hau's personality.


Crystal Cheung(张纹嘉) portrayed the role of Fleur, an older woman who wishes to marry and have children before the age of 30. She's like a protective older sister who knows how to look after Hau.


Rachel Leung(梁雍婷) was cast as Mena Man, a seasoned romancer with a fiery, short-tempered, and calculative personality. Because of her love experience, she can offer Hau new perspectives on romance.


Hanna Chan (陈汉纳) played Lisa, Hau's "Goddess" or dream gal in his secondary school, whom he never dared to court due to his low self-esteem. She's the type of girl that many guys would want as a girlfriend because of her beautiful face, love of nature, and overall perfection in many ways.


Last but not least, Jennifer Yu (余香凝) portrayed Melanie, Hau's undergraduate close friend who has completely opposite characteristics to Hau. Rather than being quiet and introverted, she is outgoing, expressive, and has an extrovert personality. Despite their seemingly opposing characteristics, both complemented each other well at work and outside of work.


Aside from the love interests, the film also featured Hao's buddies Jude Law (played by Yatho Wong 黄溢濠) and Tai-Tung (played by Will Or 柯炜林), who were always a great backup and support whenever Hao had love problems!


All of these characters felt strikingly close to many guy's real-life experiences, particularly the various types of female love interests and the buddies.


The acting here is really remarkable with very convincing culturally-close conversations. There are many coarse languages on and off in their conversations. (which, to be honest, is reflective of real life, where people sometimes randomly use some coarse language when talking and expressing themselves in front of their close friends.)


The beautiful scenery shot in remote areas of Hong Kong was one of the film's highlights. In my opinion, this film can easily be used to promote Hong Kong tourism to all of these lesser-known locations. It also highlighted the travelling and journey to get to all of these places, which made me feel like I was on a road trip while watching the film.

A genuine love story with stunning Hong Kong scenery.


This film's pacing is also very well-balanced, taking the audience on a relaxing journey alongside Hau's exploration of his romantic relationship. This sense of tranquillity is something we rarely see, especially in modern romantic genre films.


The audio production also did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the scenes in which Hau interacted with his love interests. The music selection is also excellent, providing the retro HK vibes that are sorely lacking in a film like this.


I thought director Amos Why黃浩然 did an excellent job of capturing the attention of the audience with his film direction and good cinematography. During the post-screening Q&A, director Amos Why discussed how his real-life experience with a long-distance relationship with his wife inspired him to make this film. Jennifer Yu, on the other hand, spoke about her filming experience for the film. She stated how different her real-life personality is from the character she played in the film. Honestly, I really love Jennifer’s depiction of her character in this film. Hopefully she can win best female supporting actress 最佳女配角via this role in the upcoming 59屆金馬獎59th Golden Horse Awards.


Overall, I adore this film because of its genuine love stories and stunning Hong Kong scenery. Thank you GSCMoviesfor inviting us to review the film during Asian Cinerama "Hong Kong Focus" presented by Asian Film Awards Academy.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.comif you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Anime Game Event] NOiZUCON 2022


 [Anime Event] NOiZUCON 2022

Putrajaya, October 2022 – NOiZU, formerly known as serverDNA, has attracted over 10,000 attendees and raised awareness of the local gaming community through six major events. This year, the Noizu team is excited to announce NOiZUCON 2022, which will take place on the 15th and 16th of October 2022 at the Grand Ballroom, Le Meridien Putrajaya.


Unlike previous years, NOiZUCON 2022 will not only feature brand showcases. This year's event also features a new collaboration with MDEC to bring you Malaysia Game Fest, featuring the upcoming games of twelve local game developers from all over Malaysia, including Skyfeather Games Studio, Kotakoren Games Studio, Persona Theory Games, Nimbus Games, DreamTree Studio Sdn Bhd, Roundtable Games Studio Sdn Bhd, Ammobox Studios, and Xenoaisam Studio. UOWMKDU Games works will also be present. Not only that, but Ageless' One More Dream Studios and Magnus Games, the creators of Re:Legend, will be in attendance! Also, if you like cats, keep an eye out for Reclaim Studio.


Logitech G returns to NOIZUCON 2022 this year in full throttle bringing you their latest flagship of Gaming Gear with sleek designs such as their new G502 X Plus, reinvented just for you. Visit them because they have many fun activities planned as well as eye-catching offers that will leave you in awe and wanting more.


The event will include a variety of activities from various genres, such as:


PC Game Challenges by Sades in collaboration with Gigabash game developers, Racing Rig Tournament and Pokemon Trading Card Games by Agrimind, and brand new at NOIZUCON 2022, an exciting experience of Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying and Magic The Gathering with over 7 Dungeon Masters planning an adventure just for you. Tower Of Fantasy will grace the event with several activities and limited edition rewards for NOIZUCON 2022 attendees! Look out for some exciting content from participating brands like Predator, Tech Armoury, Totolink, and even Wacom, as well as new merchandise.


Another noteworthy event is the return and support of Esports Medica, founded by Dr. Zatul-'Iffah Abu Hassan. Their goal is to raise awareness about healthy gaming and to assist the Malaysian government and Esports organisations in developing a solid infrastructure and providing gamers with proper guidelines on how to game healthily. There will be many doctors specialising in various fields, such as Dr Ahmat Izzat Ahmad Tajjudin, Dr Khadijah Hasanah Abang Abdullah, and Dr Zul Azlin Razali in Psychology, Dr Maimunah Abdul Muna'aim, and Dr Siti Sarah Seri Masran in Ophthalmology, Dr Nor Eyzawiah Hassan, Consultant in Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgeon & Senior


Aside from that, NOiZUCON 2022 will host the following events:


Let's Coswalk Cosplay Runway, the 4th Ready Cosplay Skit Competition, and the Influencer Central, where you can meet and greet your favourite Streamers and Cosplayers! There will be a Gaming Zone with PS4 and PS5 games, including the new FIFA 2023, VR games, and PC games that are all free to play. The event promises to be a thrilling and exciting experience, with attendees and exhibitors fully engaged. A.R.C. Photography also has a photography corner.


If that wasn't enough, this year NOIZUCON 2022 will host Season 2 of V-Idol, a virtual avatar or better known as 'V-Tuber' singing competition organised and sponsored by Comfy Guild and Medibeats Productions and supported by VTube Studio. This is open to all V-Tubers worldwide for a chance to win an original single and fully rigged model!


NOIZUCON 2022 wants everyone who attends to have the best experience possible, so make sure you check out all of the different booths before deciding on your favourite!


The best part is that it is open to everyone, gamers and non-gamers alike. If you're looking for a fun way to spend time with your family on weekends or have always wanted to try out some new games, this event is for you!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Waku-Waku Jam @ Educity Sports Complex, Iskandar Puteri, Johor


 [Upcoming Event] Waku-Waku Jam @ Educity Sports Complex, Iskandar Puteri, Johor


Waku-Waku Jam


As part of the Johor Esport Festival 2022. LOL Cosplay Malaysia, in collaboration with JYM Marketing Sdn Bhd, is organising Waku-Waku Jam, Johor's first J-Pop concert!! Don't miss your chance to see your favourite anime and cosplayer stars!! A three-hour nonstop J-Pop concert featuring


Spicy Ebi, Fate Feather, Rina-Hime, Minri, King Angel, Johan Yusof, Fyra, Potato Queen, Cili, DJ Yang2, Dody Cosplay, Zero Music, Eclipx, and Daryl Tang


📍Venue: Educity Sports Complex, Iskandar Puteri, Johor

📅Date: October 22, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 8:00 PM - 12:00 Midnight

You can purchase the tickets here:



The tickets price are ranged from RM 35-RM 100.

In addition to that, there's also another event happening at Educity Sports Complex a day before the Waku Waku Jam, which is the Johor Rocktober Concert, you can check out the link here for more info:



For any enquiries, you can contact :-


Mr. Din 012-7485606

Mrs. Mawar 011-31353937








#JpopConcert #VisitJohor

#Cosplayers #Performance



Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Anime Event] TAGCC (Toys Anime Games Comic Con) 2022


 [Upcoming Anime Event] TAGCC (Toys Anime Games Comic Con) 2022


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – TAGCC (Toys, Anime, Games, Comic Con) 2022, Malaysia's awesomest toy, animation, game, and comics event returns for its third year, with over 15,000 attendees for its first event in 2018.

Venue: Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre (TGMCC)

Date: 22nd October 2022 – 23rd October 2022

Amazing figurine and toy displays, lively cosplayers, exciting exhibitors, thrilling activities, and much more await you!

Tickets for pre-order are now sold out! During the event, walk-in tickets will be available. Visit http://ticketing.tagcc.myfor more information.






1) TAGCC Early Bird Ticket includes 2 Day Tickets (in the form of a face mask), TAGCC Exclusive Lanyard & 1 Lucky Draw per ticket.


2) Single day tickets can be purchased on 22 & 23 Oct at TAGCC Ticketing Counter @ Tropicana Gardens Mall Convention Centre


3) Children below the age of 10, senior citizens (above 60 years) and those with an OKU card enter for FREE!



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Entertainment] Media Prima CNY 2023 MV Shoot Media Visit & Media Group Interview (Dual Language)


 [Entertainment] Media Prima CNY 2023 MV Shoot Media Visit & Media Group Interview (Dual Language)


Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – In conjunction with the upcoming Lunar Year of Rabbit 2023, Media Prima mandarin TV Station 8TV 八度空间, mandarin radio station 8FM, WOWSHOP, websites Rojaklah, Viralcham, TTN 谈谈网will work hand to hand in promoting 2023 Chinese New Year Activities and Music Album themed 《活力满分Love You兔》. 24 artistes will be featured as promoting ambassadors.


“Post pandemic, everyone is still adapting to the new norm. Media Prima wishes to convey warmth and hope through the 2023 Chinese New Year event 《活力满分Love You兔》. Simultaneously, we have planned a number of physical celebration activities and wonderful special programmes to energise next year's Spring Festival and bring more joy to everyone.”


The 24 forementioned CNY 2023 artistes include:

Owen叶剑锋、王菁忆、陈丽亭、Natalie小玉、Ash卢信宥、Jan秦雯彬、Desmond郑瑞钥、Rickman谢承伟、Orange 陈慧恬、Royce陈志康、Angeline 黄玉丽、Hana张心怡、陈嘉荣、Emerson连扬贤、X.Long魏少泷、Charlotte萧心韵、Emily蔡瀞萱、朱宇婕、Houson黄侯升、Bryan林宏彦、Victoria黄诗琦、Minsley曾谊雯、 Loh罗辰昱、Gino王贤耀


Interviews with the artistes:

Owen "complained" that his clothes were too thick and that he would be very sweaty while filming the music video. He's also concerned because the dance this year is particularly difficult. On the other hand, Ong Ching Yee who is also present at the music video shooting demonstrated the dance and it seems like an easy job.


Rickman also expressed that the rhythm for the dance this time is a bit faster and it is relatively more difficult as age is catching up. He also informed that there are many new generation artistes who are taking part in this upcoming CNY activities. Orange informed that she is planning to celebrate Chinese New Year with her husband in Hong Kong next year.


In the end, media members get to have sneak peak on the filming of the music video! Really looking forward for the complete version of the music video!


首要媒体2023年新春活动主题《活力满分Love You兔》

配合2023癸卯兔年的到来,首要媒体旗下全马收视率第一的中文电视台八度空间,与中文电台8FM、居家购物平台WOWSHOP、网站RojaklahViralchamTTN谈谈网,联手打造2023年新春活动和同名贺岁专辑《活力满分Love You兔》,动员24位艺人参与,担任新春活动宣传大使。


全球迈入后疫情时代,人民还在适应新常态的过程中,首要媒体希望透过2023年新春活动《活力满分Love You兔》传递温暖与希望,让国人每天充满活力,从容应对生活上的各种挑战。同时,我们也准备了一系列实体欢庆活动、精彩特备节目,为明年春节注入更多活力,给国人提供更多欢乐!”——八度空间首席营运员傅传亿



1.Owen叶剑锋、王菁忆、陈丽亭、Natalie小玉、Ash卢信宥、Jan秦雯彬、Desmond郑瑞钥、Rickman谢承伟、Orange 陈慧恬、Royce陈志康、Angeline 黄玉丽、Hana张心怡、陈嘉荣、Emerson连扬贤、X.Long魏少泷、Charlotte萧心韵、Emily蔡瀞萱、朱宇婕、Houson黄侯升、Bryan林宏彦、Victoria黄诗琦、Minsley曾谊雯、Loh罗辰昱、Gino王贤耀


出席MV拍摄当天的包括叶剑锋。他投诉自己的服装很厚,他不敢想象出外景拍摄时会不会满头大汗他也很担心今年会成为老鼠屎因为MV的手势舞不简单。在场的王菁忆现场示范兔兔手势舞,显得其实蛮Easy Job. 叶剑锋无奈说, 会跳舞的人当然不难。





If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


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