[Entertainment] Premiere Screening of Mark Lee’s First Dance Music Video 《一代中师》(Dual Language Article)
December 2022, Kuala Lumpur -Mark Lee 李国煌 who just won “Asia Best Comedy Actor”at Asian Academy Creative Awards has just released his first dance song music video 《一代中师》.
In addition, Mark Lee has visited Malaysia Pavilion Dadi Cinema for the premiere of his music video. During the premiere, he spoke with members of the media about his experiences while filming the video.
The song was written by musician Jovi Theng (汤小康) who incorporated a lot of Chinese traditional medicine philosophy and theories into the lyrics. Mark Lee has faced some difficulties as a result of the lyrics' complexity.
He stated that his initial goal was to impress his child with his attempt. However, he stated that his child does not appear to be impressed and will point out his mistakes. When asked by the media whether he would perform with his daughter someday, he stated that he would not rule out the possibility.
He also praised Aaron Kwok's recent performance at the Hong Kong TV Station's anniversary celebration. He realized how difficult it is to be a dancing singer after attempting to dance himself.
Mark Lee plays the role of a Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in the music video, which is directed by 阿宝. This is his first attempt at rapping while dressed in a traditional costume.
Finally, he mentioned that he might be working on a drama based on the setting in 《一代中师》. In addition, in April 2023, he will travel to Thailand to film 《男儿王 2》2 in Thailand.
Starting from 16th December 2022, 1pm onwards, 《一代中师》can be viewed at King Kong Media Production & King Kong Creative Media Facebook page, Instagram and Youtube Channel. You can also listen to the song via Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and anghami platform.
吉隆坡, 2022 -李国煌刚于上星期在新加坡首次拿下亚洲影艺创意大奖颁发的「亚洲最佳喜剧演员奖」后,如今再创新高峰,推出首支个人唱跳 MV《一代中师》。
为了表示对《一代中师》MV 的看重,李国煌特意于今早来到马来西亚Pavilion 大地影院举行首映礼。他在首映礼当天,除了与大家分享他拍摄MV 和演唱时的趣事,也与舞蹈员现场为大家演唱,让本地媒体和来宾成为首批观看李国煌现场跳舞表演的幸运儿。
发布会后接受媒体联访时,李国煌表示,「当我接受这份挑战后,就很兴奋的跟孩子说,我要当唱跳歌手了,结果却换来他们嫌弃和不屑的眼神。看来,我是无法和他们心目中的 BTS们相对比的。」
「除了歌词难外,我真心觉得舞蹈部分也是最难的。」他表示,自己是在拍摄 MV前一天才来到马来西亚学舞。「这次我特意带著大女儿来看我跳舞,虽然她只是安静的坐在旁边看,但一当我跳错,她就会出来指正我。我承认,舞蹈真的是年轻人的天地。」
「这首歌本来是要写给我自己唱的,但是吴清文听了后,就建议要交给李国煌唱,而且还要拍成MV。」汤小康有点难以相信,李国煌会答应接下这首歌曲,而且还要在 MV里跳舞,但是当看到 MV后,连他都真心觉得李国煌真的是一名多才多艺的全面型艺人。
在吴清文的牵线下,李国煌答应演唱《一代中师》,更于 11月中旬来马拍摄由阿宝执导的 MV。李国煌在MV中饰演古代的一位著名中医师,专门替人看病配药。歌曲轻快跳跃,李国煌不但得跳舞,更得挑战饶舌说唱,把十二经脉给 Rap出来。
李国煌坦言,这首歌开创了他的多个第一次,第一次饶舌说唱、第一次穿古装跳舞,而且也是从影 30年以来,人生中的首支个人 MV,也代表了李国煌真正跨足歌唱领域的新开始。
在结尾时,李国煌也透露了有可能开拍《一代中师》连续剧。另外,明年 4月也会到泰国去和真正的人妖一起拍《男儿王2》。
《一代中师》将于 2022年12月 16日下午 1点开始,在 King Kong Media Production & King Kong Creative Media的面子书、Instagram和Youtube平台上启播!另外,你们也可以在 Spotify、Apple music、Amazon music、Deezer和 anghami平台上听到《一代中师》这首歌。
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