[Concert Coverage] 2022 JJ Lin 林俊杰《JJ20》World Tour Malaysia @ Bukit Jalil National Stadium (Dual language coverage)
Kuala Lumpur, December 2022- It was a great night at Bukit Jalil National Stadium as JJ Lin 林俊杰has made a return to Malaysia with his 2022 JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour Malaysia. The concert drew approximately 30,000 people, and JJ Lin performed for three hours, including many of his classic songs! In addition to that, the show also featured prominent guests artistes’ performances.
The concert began with the first act of the show, "Memories 记忆," which featured a video presentation that blended his footage with an animated version of him. During this segment, he has performed memorable songs such as “记得”,”木乃伊”,”美人鱼”,”茉莉雨” and “醉赤壁”.
Following this segment, JJ Lin greeted fans and informed them that the 18th of December 2022 is a good day because the World Cup Finale falls on the same day too. He promised to make the fans' night unforgettable.
Following that, he proceeded with the performance of “关键词”. JJ continued to captivate fans with “豆浆油条” and “小酒窝” after a video presentation touching on "Dream" with a mix of his own footage and an anime version of him. He performed these two songs on acoustic guitar, giving them a completely different interpretation! This was a dream come true for the fans who had been waiting for his return to Malaysia for so long.
JJ then interacted with the fans again before proceeding with another few of his amazing songs "当你", "那些你很冒险的梦" and "因你而在"。
He asked the fans to sing along if they knew the lyrics. Well, of course, it was not a difficult tasks for the fans. He also took his time to greet all of his fans who came from all around the globe. A lot of fans actually brought along LED board to support their idol! Worth mentioning is, during the performance for this segment, there was "Strings" orchestra backing the music. It was like a full-course concert with orchestra and JJ Lin's incredible LIVE vocal! During "因你而在" JJ even invited his backing singers to the front of the stage to perform with him!
Another video presentation touching on "Universe" took over the stage before JJ went for another costume change. During this segment, he performed “新地球”,“子弹列车”,”Wonderland”and “While I can” while on a storeys high platform with techno background scenes. He then delivered another breathtaking performance of “不存在的情人” .
JJ then delivered an emotional speech about how we should all stay strong and fight negativity. Then he performed “黑夜问白天”,”无尽的思念”,“交换余生”,”Lose Control”, “Like You Do”,” 不死之身”,”我还想她”,”最好是”and “西界”.
JJ Lin then continue to amuse the fans with his piano skills. During this segment, he provided a key and asked the fans to guess his songs. Uns urprisingly, the audience correctly identified the song as soon as they heard the key. During this section, he has performed ”Love U U”, “可惜没如果”and “爱笑的眼睛”!
JJ then welcomed guest artist Patti 蔡宥綺, the first JFJ new singer, onto the stage to perform “亲爱的的陌生人” alongside him! JJ Lin and Patti both mentioned how welcoming Malaysian fans are! JJ then remembered his time as Ah Du's 阿杜 assistant. JJ mentioned that he is currently preparing songs for Patti.
After the collaboration performance with Patti, JJ proceeded with another two songs “幸存者” and “修炼爱情”. During middle of the performance of "修炼爱情", a surprising guest artist made an appearance. The guest artist was Jackson Wang 王嘉尔 who just had his concert a day prior. They both sang “过 (Should've Let Go)” on stage for the first time!
He then continued to perform “将故事写成我们” and “江南”. After these two songs, JJ took his time to thank the guests artistes, the concert crews and the audience. He also thanked his mother, who was in the audience that night. He also took the time to thank the musician Eric Lin 林秋离 who recently passed away. Eric Lin 林秋离 has collaborated with him on many songs, including 江南, 曹操, 殺手 and 新地球. He then proceeded with "不为谁而作的歌" before another intermission video footage being shown.
He then returned to the stage to perform the final few songs, which included “7千3百多天”, “不潮不用花钱”, “最向往的地方”, “伟大的渺小”,“一定会” and lastly “一千年以后”.
It was a really amazing concert packed with long list of JJ Lin's songs and it's definitely an ultimate treat for the fans. In 2023, JJ Lin will continue his tour to North America, Europe, and Australia.
JJ 林俊傑《JJ20》世界巡迴演唱會— 吉隆坡站昨晚(12/18)於武吉加里爾體育場正式登場
2022年即將邁入尾聲,JJ 林俊傑《JJ20》世界巡迴演唱會— 吉隆坡站(18/12/22)於武吉加里爾體育場正式開唱,相隔3年再與馬來西亞樂迷見面,JJ不僅將多首經典曲目重新編曲,更演唱近年推出的新歌一次滿足現場近30,000位樂迷;此外,他一樣毫無保留帶來《JJ20》完整舞台,從開場絢麗的水晶鋼琴到現場令人震撼的舞台、燈光及視覺,JJ將這3年積蓄的能量一次釋放,讓觀眾再一次見證JJ的舞台進化!令人驚喜的是,昨晚Jackson Wang 王嘉爾竟無預警擔任嘉賓,兩人更合體演唱曾合作的單曲—〈過(Should've Let Go) 〉,一登場即全場暴動;兩人也將私下逗趣的互動搬上舞台,好交情由此可見一斑,也為演唱會再創一波高潮。
在演唱會上,JJ也再一次將年度JFJ有史以來的第一位新人-Patti 蔡宥綺介紹給馬來西亞的觀眾們,並讓Patti演唱未發行的新歌〈親愛的陌生人〉。對舞台越來越熟悉的Patti,隨著一次次的演出變得越來越沈穩,演出後更獲現場一致好評。JJ也當場以「師兄」之姿訪問Patti的心情,Patti笑說:「這裡也是我第二次來,不過上一次是因為《聖所2.0》,來幫你按提詞機的!」令JJ因此回顧自己過去曾是阿杜的音樂助理的日子,更想起新人時期到馬來西亞坐著麵包車到各城市跑簽唱的時光,如今他很珍惜所擁有的舞台以及每一次和大家的見面,也以自己的經驗鼓勵Patti繼續努力。此外,JJ更驚喜透露除了在寫自己的新歌之外,同時正在製作Patti的全新專輯,敬請大家期待。
而昨晚《JJ20》也無預警的獻上驚喜!當演唱〈修煉愛情〉接近尾聲時,突然間JJ 身邊多了一位「神秘嘉賓」;竟是前一日(12/17) 同樣在吉隆坡開唱的Jackson Wang 王嘉爾!當王嘉爾一出場,全場瞬間歡聲雷動;而JJ與王嘉爾的好交情眾所周知,這次兩人更充滿緣分的分別在17、18號各自在吉隆坡開唱,當時消息一出,其實早就有歌迷敲碗希望能看見彼此出現在對方的演唱會上,沒想到JJ 在前一天先是在社群貼出了與王嘉爾4年前、4年後的合照,昨晚更在演唱會現場默默的幫大家圓了這個夢!
而王嘉爾一上台即搞笑戴上工作證,笑說自己剛才就是這樣光明正大的走進現場,並表示:「哥辦演唱會,弟當然要來。」JJ配合度滿分回說:「我還在想說你是怎麼進來的,我還已經跟他們說你不來了!」接著JJ又提到:「好難得我們可以同時在一個地方、還同時出現在這個舞台上,我們是好朋友有段時間了,但這是你第一次出現在我的演唱會!」而這難得的同台,JJ 也與王嘉爾首度合唱兩人先前的合作曲〈過(Should've Let Go) 〉,再創《JJ20》經典現場。
演唱會接近尾聲,JJ 感性的提到在這20年間,每個因為音樂所相遇的人、事、物,都讓他格外珍惜,也因為有這樣難得的緣分,他一直以來都把握著每個與大家相處及見面的時光。JJ 也在演唱會特別感謝在音樂路上對他至關重要的林秋離老師,JJ說道:「他曾經跟我說:『JJ,你在現實生活中是個長不大的孩子,但是在音樂世界裡,你可以非常的瀟灑、可以角色扮演、可以當個英雄。』於是我們一起完成了很多經典作品,如〈江南〉、〈曹操〉、〈殺手〉、〈新地球〉等等;他是我在音樂領域的英雄;雖然老師在12/12 離開了我們,但我會繼續努力,期許自己不要辜負他,林老師我會想你。」語畢音樂響起,JJ 90度鞠躬好一陣,接著唱合作的〈不為誰而作的歌〉,間中數度哽咽,讓台下觀眾萬分不捨。
Full set list of 2022 JJ Lin “JJ20” World Tour Malaysia @ Bukit Jalil National Stadium
10)新地球,子弹列车,Wonderland, While I can
11) 不存在的情人
13)Lose Control, Like You Do, 不死之身
18)Love U U
19) 可惜没如果
20) 爱笑的眼睛
21) 亲爱的陌生人
24) 将故事写成我们,江南
27) 伟大的渺小
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Credits to official photographer for the photos provided to wljack.com.
Published by WLJack.