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[Press Conference] MAKSIM – The COLLECTION 2023 Malaysia


[Press Conference] MAKSIM – The COLLECTION 2023 Malaysia


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 – Maksim Mrvica, a croatian pianist virtuoso, has arrived in Malaysia for his concert! He will perform in Asia with his crossover show,"THE COLLECTION,"for music fans in Kuala Lumpur.


His Asia Tour will kick off in Malaysia with a one-night-only concert at the Plenary Hall at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on14th February 2023 (Valentines Day), at 8:00PM.



Date: 14th February 2023

Time: 8.00pm

Venue: Plenary Hall at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre


Maksim’s last performance in Malaysia was in 2004 where he performed at Stadium Bukit Jalil in full house! Finally, making his way back to Malaysia, Maksim will not only perform his best classics but also will be performing various hits.


"Flight of the Bumblebee" became a worldwide hit two decades ago and created a whirlwind of "Maksim's piano trend". He has held three sold-out concerts in Taiwan in 2021 and six sold-out concerts in New Zealand and Australia in 2022 over the last few years. Maksim's insistence on music and his love of the piano has been his life's passion.


Maksim is from Croatia, a lovely European country. Croatia was constantly at war when he was growing up, and despite this, he insisted on playing the piano. Such determination has resulted in the successful world pianist we see today!


Maksim enjoys Malaysia's weather and climate, as well as outdoor sports. He is an Ironman triathlete who can spend hours mountain hiking, swimming, and finishing the day with piano practise without becoming tired or drained. Malaysia's natural beauty and food are his favourites, and he hopes to spend more time in nature each time he visits to relax and find inspiration.


Press Conference Highlights

Here are some highlights from the press conference's Q&A sessions:


Maksim mentions that the "Collection" tour setlist will be the same throughout this tour. While the show's date coincides with Valentine's Day, this was not done on purpose.


Members of the media inquired whether he would prepare any romantic songs for the show. He responded that some of the songs are quite romantic in nature and would be appropriate for the occasion.


When asked to name a musical piece to describe Malaysia, he chose "Flight of the Bumblebee" because he thinks that Malaysia is a diverse and colourful country.


Members of the media also inquired about his self-care routine. He stated that he will be cautious with his hands and will avoid heavy pushing prior to the show because these activities will cause his hand muscles to stiffen. He usually enjoys going swimming and meditating.


Maxim, as we all know, enjoys exploring nature. When asked if he plans to explore Malaysia's mountains and islands, he replied that his schedule is already set to go straight to Singapore after the show in Malaysia. As a result, he won't be able to spend as much time here exploring the country.


He also encouraged the younger generation who are aspired to become a pianist to continue their dreams because the experience will be rewarding.


The Plenary Hall at KLCC hopes to see you on 14thFebruary 2023 for MAKSIM - THE COLLECTION 2023 MALAYSIA. Let us all gather for a magical night of Maksim's spectacular performance!


Tickets are available at https://tsasia.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/92014


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That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Concert Coverage] 2023 Maksim The Collection Asia Tour In Malaysia


 [Concert Coverage] 2023 Maksim The Collection Asia Tour In Malaysia


Maksim Mrvica, a Croatian pianist known for his unique blend of classical music with contemporary elements such as electronic beats and rock music, brought his "Maksim The Collection" Asia Tour to Malaysia on 14th February 2023, making it a special night for Malaysians' Valentines Day.


Maksim has given energising and dynamic performances, combining his virtuosic piano skills with other musical instruments and electronic music.


The diverse setlist, which included Maksim's original compositions as well as covers of popular songs, was enjoyed by the audience. Maksim opened the show with "Exodus"followed by "Clocks" and many other songs that kept the audience enthralled from start to finish. Throughout the concert, a large screen in the background displayed Maksim's live performance with additional visual effects, giving the audience an incredible view of his amazing piano skills.


Maksim delivered his iconic song "The Flight of the Bumblebee" for the final act, which has made him famous since nearly two decades ago. He also performed an incredible cover of the "Mission Impossible" theme song. Finally, as his encore song, Maksim captivated the audience with "The Pirates of the Caribbean" theme song.


Overall, Maksim The CollectionAsia Tour concert was a thrilling and one-of-a-kind experience that seamlessly blended classical and modern music. Million thanks to Harmonie International for bringing the concert to Malaysia.


2023 Maksim The Collection Asia Tour Song List
















If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.



[Upcoming Event] NCT Dream's "THE DREAM SHOW 2" World Tour


 [Upcoming Event] NCT Dream's "THE DREAM SHOW 2" World Tour


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Prepare to see and be seen by your favourite K-pop idol NCT Dream, Malaysian K-pop fans!


NCT Dream's "THE DREAM SHOW 2" World Tour has been expanded with new dates and cities, and Malaysia has been added to the itinerary! On Saturday, 20th May 2023, the group will perform in Kuala Lumpur for one night only.


NCT DREAM began their second world tour, "THE DREAM SHOW 2"at Seoul Olympic Stadium last fall and has since visited Nagoya, Yokohama, and Fukuoka.


Following their recent announcements to tour Osaka, Jakarta, Bangkok, and Hong Kong, the band announced additional tour dates today, including London, Paris, Berlin, Newark, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Seattle, Manila, Singapore, Macau, and Kuala Lumpur, for a total of 22 cities on their 2nd World Tour. More shows will be added for the second half of the year, according to SM.


NCT DREAM consists of seven members: Mark, RENJUN, Jeno, HAECHAN, JAEMIN, CHENLE, and JISUNG. It's a South Korean boy band formed by SM Entertainment, the same company that represents SUPER JUNIOR and EXO. NCT Dream attracted a lot of attention and is well-known for their hits like "Hot Sauce""Beatbox""Hello Future" and others.


More information on NCT DREAM: THE DREAM SHOW 2 - Kuala Lumpur 2023will be available soon. Please visit www.starplanet.com.myfor the most recent updates.


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] "Me & SONG" Sam lee malaysia concert 2023 《一人一首李圣杰马来西亚2023演唱会 》


[Upcoming Event] “Me and Song” Sam Lee Concert In Malaysia 2023《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023演唱会

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 – Organized by GME Malaysia, Co-organized by Sunstrong Entertainment, “Me and Song” Sam Lee Concert In Malaysia 2023《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023演唱会 will be taking place on 27th May 2023 at Arena of Stars. Taiwan love song idol will be mesmerizing his fans with his amazing vocal during the night!


Sam Lee, who is well-known for his song 《痴心绝对》, announced on the 14th of December 2019 that he will no longer be singing it after his 9999th performance of it during the concert that night. Until now, he has not performed this song 10,000 times. He hopes that the next time he performs this song, it will be for a special occasion and will feature a brand new composition and melody. Let us hope to see him perform at the concert in Malaysia. 


Since his debut over two decades ago, Sam Lee has released a number of love songs that have become fan favourites, particularly during KTV sessions. That is something that all Mandopop fans will agree on! 


Let’s catch Sam Lee perform LIVE in Malaysia in this upcoming “Me and Song” Sam Lee Concert In Malaysia 2023《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023演唱会


For more information on ticketing, please visit www.ticketcharge.com.my or contact 03-9222 8811. You can also purchase the ticket via rwgenting.com.


“Me and Song” Sam Lee Concert In Malaysia 2023《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023演唱会

Venue: Arena Of Stars

Date: 27th May 2023

Time: 8.30pm

Tickets price: VIP - RM 798| PS1 – RM 598| PS2 – RM 498| PS3 – RM 298| PS4 – RM 198 (All the tickets prices has not included RM 4 processing fees)

Ticket sales date: To be Announced Later

《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023演唱会 527日云星剧场深情开唱

 (吉隆坡) GME MALAYSIA 盛情主办、Sunstrong Entertainment 协办的 《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚2023 演唱会将于 5  27 日在云星剧场隆重引爆。 暌违大马舞台多时的台湾情歌王子李圣杰,势必用歌声为粉丝们呈现万众期待的视听觉飨宴。


凭借《痴心绝对》一曲而爆红的李圣杰自从在 2019  12  14 日的演唱会上唱了第 9999 次的《痴心绝对》后,就不再唱这首红遍大街小巷的经典名曲。截至目前为止, 他依然保留着他的第一万次,还说过希望在一个特别的场合,以新的编曲、旋律和面 貌,让这首歌曲再度出现,说不定李圣杰将在大马的演唱会再度演唱这首歌呢!


出道超过 20 年的李圣杰唱红无数的情歌,单靠一首《痴心绝对》就可以让歌迷们记住一辈子。他的嗓音非常特别、辨识度也很高、中气饱满,是一位不可多得的抒情男声,也绝对是个十足的实力唱将。


李圣杰的所有歌曲千遍万遍唱都唱不腻,粉丝们当然不能错过与他一起高歌的机会。 《一人一首李聖傑》马来西亚 2023 演唱会即将于2023527日晚上830分在云星剧场举行。售价分别为 798 令吉(VIP)598 令吉(PS1)498 令吉 (PS2)298 令吉(PS3) 198 令吉(PS4),所有票价未包括 4 令吉的手续费。至于售票日期则将在稍后公布。


欲购买门票者,请浏览 www.ticketcharge.com.my 或致电 03-9222 8811 查询购票详 情。粉丝们也可以浏览rwgenting.com 购买演唱会门票。





If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Local Entertainment] “The Patient 《患者》” Press Conference (Dual Language Article)


 [Local Entertainment] “The Patient 《患者》” Press Conference (Dual Language Article)


"The Patient《患者》" Malaysia's first original Chinese drama about HIV/AIDS, will premiere on Astro on 19th February 2023!


Kuala Lumpur,February 2023 - Astro invited well-known award-winning screenwriter Chan Yoke Yeng (陈钰莹) to return to Malaysia for the first original Chinese drama "The Patient《患者》"which was inspired by the HIV AIDS theme.


The drama aims to encourage patients with illnesses to remain positive, as well as to deliver these patients' stories and experiences in more in-depth ways. The show will premiere on Astro and Astro Go on 19thFebruary 2023.


During the press conference, Jason Kok and Chan Yoke Yengdiscussed why they chose this theme for their latest drama. Jason believed that HIV and AIDS were diseases that would cause stigma in the community. He hopes this drama can deliver more understanding from the community towards the patients with this illness.


Emily Chan 陈子颖who has collaborated with the directors for the third time, revealed that she was always told to jump into water for the collaborative work. From jumping into the sea in the first drama, then jumping into the lake and now it "advanced" to jump into 20-feet deep pool. She was thankful that she had obtained her diving licence during MCO, making underwater filming more feasible for her.


"The Patient《患者》"is a television series about the darker side of human nature and self-struggle.  The story is based on social reality and explores the extreme life tests faced by HIV patients and their families! Emily Chan, who played an HIV victim in the show, stated that she empathised with her character. She was emotionally affected by the role but managed to learn ways to stay positive through the process of playing the character.


Coby Chong 庄可比, who plays Emily's fiancé, revealed that he always checked on and comforted Emily during filming because Emily's character is very depressive and he was afraid she would become too immersed in the characterization. Aside from that, Coby took the opportunity to learn more about the disease before filming.


"The Patient" featured a number of talented local actors and actresses, including Emily Chan, Coby Chong, 陈沛江, Seck Fook Yee释福如, Remon Lim 林奕廷、Steve叶良财, Pearlly蔡宝珠, Vivienne温慧茵, P.Chandler潘谦乐,陈鸿,梅静萱and庄文杰.


This drama also invited Yise 羅憶詩to produce and perform the theme song 《都一样》. During the press conference, she performed the song and revealed that the lyrics were based on dialogue from the show.


"The Patient" will begin airing from 19th February 2023 onwards via Astro双星and Astro Go. For more info, please visit: https://web.facebook.com/astroSHX



Astro邀得本地知名得奖编剧陈钰莹回归大马之作,国内首部以艾滋病为题材的原创中文剧《患者》,一众主演出席发布会畅聊剧集故事和箇中角色背后意义外,更齐声为艾滋病患该弱势群体发声,鼓励不仅是爱滋病患或是任何疾病的患者都要积极面对,向阳而生。透过《患者》深切感受沉重但又很血淋淋的故事,更让多位演员聊到深处不禁哽咽落泪!《患者》即将于219日在Astro双星和Astro Go启播。






















一共10集的《患者》接档贺岁剧《姐就是要酱过年》,从219日起,每周日晚上830分在Astro双星和Astro Go播出。更多相关最新消息,请关注Astro双星官方面子书专页。


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Local Entertainment]"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" Top 10 contestants revealed! (Dual Language)


 [Local Entertainment]"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" Top 10 contestants revealed! (Dual Language)


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - GOXUAN, Malaysia's most youthful Mandarin radio station, has launched "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0"a full-time MC recruitment competition. Within 10 days, the online selection event received nearly 300 registration forms from Malaysians across the country. Finally, ten outstanding candidates with both talent and charisma emerged from the competition, and they made their first appearance yesterday (17/2/2023) at the media meet and greet session, kicking off a three-week challenge!


"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" sponsored by Vsing Premium KL, held a top 10 meet and greet session to officially kick off the highly competitive contest. When submitting their registration forms, the top ten contestants were required to attach a short self-introduction video as well as choose one of GOXUAN's five MC teams. The GOXUAN MCs made their selections after receiving the applications, and the top ten players were announced. GOXUAN, which currently has four male and one female MCs, may benefit from having more than half of the contestants be women.


The top ten contestants from Malaysia joined the GOXUAN MC team in groups of two, and they are as follows:


Team Joe consists of Kai Xin (23 years old, from Kelantan) and Jack Hong Wu (22 years old, from Selangor). Julia (24 years old, from Selangor) and Lin Li (25 years old, from Johor) in Team Catherine, Lavigne (20 years old, from Penang) and Jun Ni (23 years old, from Selangor) in Team Maq, Shan Shan (25 years old, from Negeri Sembilan) and Ying Ying (26 years old, from Selangor) in Team BrocoLee, and Jean (24 years old, from Johor) and Li Hoong (24 years old, from Negeri Sembilan) in Team Kryston.


The contestants are all very lively and eloquent, and they all have a lot of potential. When asked which GOXUAN MC they were confident in replacing, Ying Ying from Team BrocoLee said she wanted to replace team leader Li Wei Jun, while Li Hoong, an actress from Team Kryston, said she wanted to replace Maq. Lin Li, a former child star who appeared in "Little Sunshine" and Wan Wan Er, a content creator who can host programmes entirely in English and has 45,000 Instagram followers, are among the other talented contestants.


"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" marks GOXUAN's first public recruitment of full-time MCs since its inception. The contestants will be divided into two-person teams and will have to work together to overcome obstacles during the competition. The grand final will be held at Vsing Premium KL on March 16. Before proceeding to the final stage, the top ten contestants will have to complete three weeks of challenges, including the "《视.听挑战》" (individual) in the first week, in which the players will record a programme and shoot a video in the radio studio under the supervision of their team leader; the "《团综挑战》" (team) in the second week, in which the contestants will participate in a variety show and face challenges set by various sponsors, including media partner XUAN; and the and the "《控场挑战》" (team) in the third week, where the contestants will need to host a unit program independently at an event with a live audience, demonstrating their ability to control the stage.


Every Thursday, the GOXUAN official YouTube channel and IG account will release challenge videos, allowing viewers to watch and witness the contestants' competition and growth. Starting on 23rd February 2023, everyone can vote and support their favourite team contestants on goxuan.my every Thursday at 8 p.m. There is no limit on the number of votes a person can cast per day, and repeat voting is permitted. The weekly challenge's support value accounts for 50% of the total score! Every Wednesday at 12 noon, the support voting channel will be closed, and the weekly ranking will be announced at 12 noon on Thursday, allowing everyone to see the most recent ranking of the week!


At the same time, "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" defies the "tradition" of traditional talent shows by being completely devoid of judges. It competes using a point-based competition system, with the GOXUAN MCs serving as team captains providing 60% of the scores during the challenge process. The remaining 40% is determined by audience voting during the competition!


In addition, team captains will be GOXUAN MCs Joe, Catherine, Maq, BrocoLee, and Kryston. They will assist the contestants from February 17th to March 16th, a one-month schedule, along with 5 guest teammates including Phei Yong, Tong Tong, Han Xiaoai, Okokokmou, and Perry K. The following guest teammates were assigned: Team Joe partnered with Perry K; Team Catherine partnered with Tong Tong; Team Maq partnered with Pei Yong; Team BrocoLee partnered with Han Xiaoai; and Team Kryston partnered with Okokokmou.


The two contestants who win the "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" championship will sign as full-time MCs for GOXUAN and join the GOXUAN family on the spot!


Perry K surprised the audience by appearing on stage as a "special MC" for GOXUAN during the meet and greet session. Beginning 24th February 2023, he will host a one-month programme on Friday nights called "GOXUAN Party with Perry K" which will feature an hour-long electronic music show that will transport you to a high-energy, crazy party. The show will provide the most exciting and explosive night for the listeners, with one catchy dance song after another! The show will air on Fridays from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., with a replay on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


Stay tuned to the GOXUAN radio station on the SYOK app for more information on "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" or visit the official GOXUAN Facebook page, Instagram page, and YouTube channel.




全马最年轻的中文电台GOXUAN举办全职MC招募比赛《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》,网络甄选活动仅10日已收获近300份来自全马各地的报名表格,最终10位口条与才华兼备的位选手成功脱颖而出,在见面会上亮相,为期3周的考验正式开跑!


Vsing Premium KL全力护航的《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》举办10强见面会,正式为这场竞争激烈的比赛掀开序幕。10强选手在呈交报名表格时不仅附上自我介绍短视频,亦需要在GOXUAN5MC中选择其中一个战队,收获参赛表格后GOXUAN MC们进行反选,随之10强名额也顺利出炉。凑巧的是半数以上皆为女性,有望为目前41阳盛阴衰GOXUAN增添新气象。


来自全马各地的10强选手分别以两人一组的形式加入GOXUAN MC的战队,他们分别是:

Team Joe凯欣23岁,来自吉兰丹)和Jack宏梧22岁,来自雪兰莪),Team CatherineJulia婉婉儿24岁,来自雪兰莪)和林利25岁,来自柔佛),Team MaqLavigne20岁,来自槟城)和郡倪23岁,来自雪兰莪)、Team BrocoLee珊珊25岁,来自森美兰)和盈盈26岁,来自雪兰莪),以及Team KrystonJean24岁,来自柔佛)和丽荭LiHoong24岁,来自森美兰)。


选手们都非常活泼、口条伶俐,颇有初生之犊之势,像是被问到觉得自己有信心取代哪位GOXUAN MCTeam BrocoLee盈盈说想取代队长李伟俊,而Team Kryston丽荭是位演员,放话取代Maq,还大喊一路以来单身是为了培永,励志向培永和周星驰看齐!其他实力不俗的选手包括有童星出身、曾饰演《小胖流浪记》的小胖林利;能以全英语主持节目且IG追踪者达45千人的网络内容创作者婉婉儿


GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》是GOXUAN开台以来首次公开招募全职MC,选手将被分配成俩人同一战队,在竞赛过程中并肩全力共赴挑战,而总决赛将会在316日于Vsing Premium KL举办。在踏上决赛舞台前,10强选手需先经历为期3周的三项挑战,分别是第一周的《视.听挑战》(个人):选手将会在各队长的指导下在电台录音室进行节目录音以及拍摄业配视频;第二周的《团综挑战》(团队):选手将会集体参与一个团综节目,并通过包括媒体伙伴XUAN在内的各关主设置的挑战;而第三周的《控场挑战》(团队),选手们则需要在拥有现场观众的活动上独立主持单元节目,展现控场能力。


GOXUAN 官方YouTube频道和IG账号将会在每周四释出战队选手的挑战视频,让观众观看并见证战队选手的竞赛与成长过程,大家亦可在223号起,每逢星期四晚上8点开始到助力站goxuan.my为喜爱的战队选手投票助力!每人每日投票无上限,可重复投票,助力值占据了每星期挑战总分的50%!助力通道将会在每个星期三中午12时关闭,而每个星期四,中午12时亦将会公布每星期战力排行榜,让大家了解每星期的最新排名!


与此同时,《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》亦打破以往选秀比赛的传统,竞赛全程无评审,并采用积分赛制进行比拼,考核的分数中有60%是以GOXUAN MC们担任的队长身份在挑战过程中给予评分,另外40%则是以观众在比赛期间进行投选的网络助力值为准!


此外,GOXUAN MC Joe曾耀祖Catherine凯心Maq赖铭权BrocoLee李伟俊Kryston温杨将会化身队长,联合重磅邀来的5位「战略伙伴」包括培永彤彤韩晓嗳OkokokmouPerry K一起在217日至316日期间,为期一个月的赛程中为选手加持并协助他们过关斩将。在见面会上,各队长进行了抽签,「战略伙伴」分配如下:Team Joe - Perry KTeam Catherine – 彤彤;Team Maq – 培永;Team BrocoLee – 韩晓嗳;Team  Kryston – Okokokmou,有了战略伙伴的加入,势必要选出兼具口条、应变能力、明星特质等全方位才华的新晋MC。最终在《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》决赛获得冠军的两位选手,将会在总决赛现场签约成为GOXUAN全职MC,加入GOXUAN大家庭!


10强见面会进入尾声时,作为「战略伙伴」之一的Perry K惊喜现身为选手站台,并宣布自己从本月24日起以「特邀MC」身份加盟GOXUAN,主持为期一个月的节目《GOXUAN Party with Perry K》,在周五夜晚安排上一小时的电子音乐秀,仿佛带你走进High爆疯狂的派对世界,用一首接一首的洗脑舞曲,和听众一起度过最动感最燃炸的夜晚!节目会在每星期五凌晨12时至1时播出,重播时间则是星期六10时至11时。


欲知更多有关《GOXUANTHE RISING 2.0》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK App 收听 GOXUAN电台或浏览GOXUAN官方面子书专页Instagram 专页YouTube官方账号


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[News] Experience the Best Family Entertainment and Value on Astro (Dual Language)


 [News] Experience the Best Family Entertainment and Value on Astro (Dual Language)


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Astro has something for everyone in the family, as customers can get the best value and stream endless entertainment with over 135 channels, LIVE Sports, and all of their favourite Astro Originals. Customers can enjoy the best content from around the world with access to up to eight streaming apps, including Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, HBO GO, BBC Player, and our own Astro GO!


Customers can expect a smorgasbord of the hottest shows, catering to all ages, including the highly acclaimed Astro Original, Projek: High Council, starring Mierul Aiman, Nadhir Nasar, Amir Ahnaf, Naim Daniel, and others; and upcoming local shows such as UBI SUPERSTAR LIVE (23 Feb), featuring UBI, the winning group of Muzikal Lawak Superstar 3; Astro Original Chinese TV drama, The Patient (19 Feb); and


Not only that, but as the Home of Sports, customers will be able to enjoy an exciting 2023 sports line-up that includes all of Liga Malaysia's exhilarating matches, your favourite teams in the Premier League, the most thrilling races in MotoGP, top-tier tennis matches in the ATP Tours, all PGA Golf tournaments, heart-racing fights in the UFC, and many more.


Customers will also be able to stream all of the biggest shows on global streaming apps via their preferred devices, whether on large-screen TVs or on the go via their dedicated mobile apps:


Netflix: Season 4 of the popular psychological thriller series, You; Korean romance show, Love to Hate You; and rom-com starring Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher, Your Place or Mine

Disney+ Hotstar: Marvel’sBlack Panther: Wakanda Forever; and local favourite, Special Forces Anarchy

HBO GO: American post-apocalyptic drama series, The Last Of Us; and adaptation of the popular dating show, The Bachelor Indonesia

BBC Player: Explore the world's most active volcanoes on Exploration Volcano (24 Feb); witness astonishing adventures on Simon Reeve’s South America (27 Feb); and learn from renowned chef Jamie Oliver on Jamie’s One Pan Wonders (27 Feb)

Other streaming apps available on Astro include iQIYI, TVBAnywhere+ and beIN SPORTS CONNECT, with more apps such as Viu and Zee5 coming soon.


Customers can feast their eyes on this top-tier content by picking an Astro TV Pack that suits their entertainment needs, and for a limited time they would be able to enjoy additional discounts, rebates and more such as complimentary channels and access to Astro GO+ for 4 simultaneous viewing and 1,500 hours of Cloud Recording*.


Interested customers may visit astro.com.my to learn more about all the Packs and discover the current promotions.




Astro众多频道的节目中总会有适合每个家庭成员的内容,客户不仅可以享受到最大的价值,还可以观赏无尽的娱乐节目,包括有超过135个频道、体育比赛现场直播、和备受欢迎的Astro Originals原创节目等。此外,客户还可以通过登录多达8个串流媒体应用程序享受来自全球各地的最佳内容,当中包括有NetflixDisney+ Hotstar、爱奇艺、TVBAnywhere+ Astro自家的Astro GO


客户也可以期待即将开播的各个足以满足家庭观众需求的热门节目,包括有219日起逢星期日晚上830分在Astro双星频道307启播的Astro Originals原创中文电视剧《患者》、即将于220日起星期一至五晚上930分在AOD频道311播出的香港的反贪污犯罪剧《廉政狙击》,以及展现本地独有福建传统的节目《欢喜师傅》,正于每星期日晚上830分在欢喜台热播。


与此同时,Astro作为‘体育之家’,客户将能够观赏今年备受关注的各项体育赛事,包括有马来西亚超级足球联赛(Liga Malaysia)、英超联赛(Premier League)、最惊心动魄的世界摩托车锦标赛(MotoGP)、ATP巡回赛中的顶级网球比赛、PGA高尔夫的所有比赛,还有令人心跳加速的终极格斗冠军赛(UFC)等等。


与此同时,客户还可以通过他们的惯用或首选的设备,如大屏幕电视机或旅途中使用移动设备上的应用程序,在全球串流媒体应用程序上播放所有的节目,包括有iQIYI戏剧如《对我而言危险的他》、《狂飙》,以及近日启播的《骑着鱼的猫》;TVBAnywhere+ 的时装科幻剧《新四十二章》和即将在3月上架的警匪剧《隐形战队》;Netflix的美国心理惊悚犯罪剧第四季《安眠书店》、韩国浪漫喜剧《恋爱大战》、由Reese Witherspoon Ashton Kutcher主演的爱情戏剧《Your Place or Mine》;Disney+ Hotstar的漫威电影《Wakanda Forever》和本地电影《Special Forces Anarchy》;HBO GO的美国末世题材电视剧《The Last Of Us》以及知名约会节目改编版《The Bachelor Indonesia》。


其他串流媒体应用程序亦可在Astro使用,不仅有BBC PlayerbeIN SPORTS CONNECT,还有更多的应用程序如ViuZee5也即将在Astro推出。


同时,客户还可以通过挑选适合自己娱乐需求的Astro电视配套以大饱眼福,在特定的期限内还能够享受额外的折扣、回扣和更多优惠,像是免付费频道、登录Astro GO+可同时使用4个设备观看节目,以及拥有1500小时的云录制储存容量*等。





If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Show Lo Live in Malaysia 《2023羅志祥演唱會》


 [Upcoming Event] Show Lo Live in Malaysia (dual Language)

Organized by ACO Media, Coorganized by MetaLiveWorld and AMM 亚洲心动娱乐(马来西亚), Show Lo Live in Malaysia 2023羅志祥演唱會》will be happening on 18thMarch 2023.


The"Show Lo Concert" began in July 2022 at the Taipei Arena. "This time we want to express directly, we don't have exaggerated themes, but only performances that break through the framework," Show Lo said. I was involved in everything from the rehearsals to the concert, and what I need to do now is give my best performance on stage."


He created and choreographed his show based on his personality and style, including the concert's content, stage design, and costumes. A large dance group complements the main stage design. He also abandoned his previous gorgeous costumes in favour of more relaxed and fashionable attire. In terms of show content, he simplified the content as a symbol of returning to the basics in order to highlight the charm of his dance abilities.


Here are the details of the show:


Show Lo Live in Malaysia

Date: 18.03.2023 (Saturday)

Time: 8:30pm

Venue: Arena of Stars

Ticket Pricing: VIP RM 888| PS1 RM 688| PS2 RM 588| PS3 RM 388| PS4 RM 288

For more info on ticketing, please check out:



ACO 有种传媒主辦,MetaLiveWorld AMM 亚洲心动娱乐(马来西亚)協辦,源活製作的2023羅志祥演唱會》,將於 2023318日(星期六),晚上8.30,在雲頂世界雲星劇場正式引爆!


在這場演唱會上,大家可以親眼見證到亞洲舞王精湛的現場實力和舞台魅力,當然也少不了他過人的舞技。相信現場版的《精舞門》、《NO JOKE》、《一支獨秀》等等的經典唱跳舞曲,一定會讓馬來西亞的歌迷們現場嗨起來!




演唱會票價分為VIP RM 888 | PS1 RM 688 | PS2 RM 588 | PS3 RM 388 | PS4 RM 288(未包含手續費)





If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

 For more info on ticketing, please check out:



ACO 有种传媒主辦,MetaLiveWorld AMM 亚洲心动娱乐(马来西亚)協辦,源活製作的2023羅志祥演唱會》,將於 2023318日(星期六),晚上8.30,在雲頂世界雲星劇場正式引爆!


在這場演唱會上,大家可以親眼見證到亞洲舞王精湛的現場實力和舞台魅力,當然也少不了他過人的舞技。相信現場版的《精舞門》、《NO JOKE》、《一支獨秀》等等的經典唱跳舞曲,一定會讓馬來西亞的歌迷們現場嗨起來!




演唱會票價分為VIP RM 888 | PS1 RM 688 | PS2 RM 588 | PS3 RM 388 | PS4 RM 288(未包含手續費)





If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Concert Coverage] Mazu Malaysia Festival featuring琳誼 Ring《在某個角落努力的你》Live 音樂會 馬來西亞站 (dual language 双语报导)


 [Concert Coverage] Mazu Malaysia Festival featuring琳誼 Ring《在某個角落努力的你》Live 音樂會馬來西亞站dual language 双语)


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Fans had been eagerly waiting for this moment for the young Taiwanese singer 琳誼Ring, known for her sweet voice and charming personality, to perform in Malaysia. 琳誼Ring began the concert at 8 p.m. sharp, walking to the centre of the stage and singing her songs such as “長大了以後”, “哈囉台北孤岛拜托别旋转我and etc. Her angelic voice captivated the entire audience.


She has heard that Malaysian fans can be shy, so she has encouraged them to sway to the beat of her songs. Aside from her own songs, she has performed some cover of Malaysian singers' song like “勇气 and asked the audience to sing along with her, much like a KTV session. She asked the fans to cheer for her as she took a sip of her drink as part of her interaction with them. The fans have cheered for her as per advised.

琳誼Ring was also more than just a singer to her fans; she was like a friend to them. She is aware of the fans who have been following her throughout her tour. She invited one of the fans to come to the front and demonstrated the “748情人節 fan version. Aside from that, she sang a birthday song for one of her fans, who happened to have his birthday on the same night.


琳誼Ring then sang some of her more upbeat songs like “在某個角落努力的你”, “想和你去吹海边的风. She asked all of the audience to stand and sway as she sang the songs. It was a pleasant and memorable interaction. Her final song of the night was 蚵仔麵線and has totally mesmerized all the fans.


Last but not least, despite the fact that she was rushing to catch her flight, she greatly helped in signing all of the autographs for the fans and had a photo session with them. Overall, Ring has given her fans a night they will never forget, not only because of her beautiful music, but also because of her kind and generous spirit.


Thank you so much to 馬來西亞廣福宮西螺媽廟(老大媽廟)(@CSGMSIA) for inviting our team to cover the show.


Mazu Malaysia Festival featuring琳誼 Ring《在某個角落努力的你》Live 音樂會馬來西亞站













If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Symphonic Anime IV by MPO


[Upcoming Event] Symphonic Anime IV by MPO


Kuala Lumpur, 2023 - Anime has taken the world by storm since its inception in the early 1960s, becoming a global social and cultural phenomenon! Discover new gems like Haikyuu!! and Hunter x Hunter in MPO's fourth installment of the wildly popular Symphonic Anime series. An immersive symphonic experience awaits, complete with spellbinding textures and intense emotions!


Date and Time:

FRI 28 APR 2023 8:30PM
SAT 29 APR 2023 8:30PM


Venue: Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS (DFP)

Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Naohisa Furusawa, conductor


HISAISHI         Spirited Away: One Summer Day            

HISAISHI         My Neighbour Totoro: The Path of Wind

HISAISHI         Howl’s Moving Castle: Merry Go Round

HISAISHI         Kiki’s Delivery Suite

MIYAGAWA    Space Battle Suite Yamato

HIRANO          Hunter x Hunter: Kingdom of Predators

TACHIBANA    Haikyuu!!: Above

TACHIBANA    Haikyuu!!: Team Potential

NAKAGAWA   Code Geass: Madder Sky

TAKANASHI    Fairy Tail: Dragon Force Theme


RM198    RM258    RM298    RM368

Suite: RM600/seat    RM650/seat


For more info, please visit:



Out of consideration for both audience and artists, children under the age of 8 are not allowed in the concert hall unless otherwise indicated.


The concert is going to be great as we have attended their previous symphonic anime before and it was really memorable, here's the link for us to reminisce:


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.



[Concert Coverage] Westlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” Live in KL 2023 (Dual Language Article 双语篇)


 [Concert Coverage] Westlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” Live in KL 2023 Dual Language Article 双语篇)


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Westlife has come to Malaysia this 23rdFebruary 2023 and 24th February 2023 for their "The Wild Dreams Tour" Live in KL concert and it was an unforgettable evening filled with 8000 attendees during the first night of the concert! 

As the iconic boyband consisting of Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne performed some of their most popular songs, fans of all ages were treated to a night of nostalgia and classic hits. "Starlight,""Uptown Girl,""When You're Looking Like That,""Fool Again,""If I Let You Go,""My Love,""Swear It Again," an ABBA medley, "What About Now / Mandy,""I Lay My Love On You,""Seasons In The Sun,""World Of Our Own / Crazy,""Flying Without Wings,""Hello My Love,"and "You Raise Me Up" were among the hits.


The audience sang along to every song, and the atmosphere was electrifying. Westlife delivered an unforgettable performance that will live on in many people's hearts and minds. The energy and enthusiasm of the band were contagious, and it was clear that they were having as much fun as the audience.


During the concert, they interacted with the audience by asking them to turn on their phone lights and create a wave of bright light. Fans were overjoyed to be a part of the show and share a nostalgic moment with the band.


The Irish boy band had debuted 23 years ago with their hit single "Swear It Again". The concert was a dream come true for many fans, and it served as a wonderful reminder of how much Westlife has meant to so many people over the years.


Million thanks to Trumpet International for bringing Westlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” Live in KL 2023 to our country!


【演唱会报道】Westlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” 2023吉隆坡演唱会

20232月,吉隆坡- Westlife 2023223日和24日在马来西亚举办了他们的“Wild Dreams Tour”演唱会! 在第一晚的演唱会,出席观众的总人数大约8000人! 

这个标志性男孩乐队由Kian EganMark FeehilyShane FilanNicky Byrne组成,在演出中表演了一些最受欢迎的歌曲,所有年龄段的粉丝都享受了一夜的怀旧和经典金曲。“Starlight”“Uptown Girl”“When You're Looking Like That”“Fool Again”“If I Let You Go”“My Love”“Swear It Again”ABBA串烧,“What About Now/Mandy”“I Lay My Love On You”“Seasons In The Sun”“World Of Our Own/Crazy”“Flying Without Wings”“Hello My Love”“You Raise Me Up”都是其中的热门曲目。




这个爱尔兰男孩乐队于23年前推出了他们的热门单曲“Swear It Again”,从那时开始就爆红至世界各地。这场演唱会许多粉丝梦想成真,并提带领他们回忆Westlife曾为大家带来的经典歌曲。

感谢Trumpet InternationalWestlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” 巡演2023带到大马这儿来

Westlife “The Wild Dreams Tour” Live in KL 2023 Setlist on 23/2/2023
















If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.

[Upcoming Concert] Eason Chan In Concert “Fear And Dreams” Tour (Dual Language Article)


 [Upcoming Concert] Eason Chan In Concert “Fear And Dreams” Tour (Dual Language Article)


Kuala Lumpur, 24th February 2023 - Attention ALL! Cantopop icon Eason Chan has finally returned to Malaysia. After a hiatus of more than five years, he has officially announced that his upcoming concert "Fear and Dreams" will be held at the Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil from 12 to 14 May 2023 at 8 p.m. each night.


Venue: Axiata Bukit Jalil

Date: 12th-14th May 2023

Time: 8pm


Last December, Eason kicked off his Fear and Dreams tour with 27 sold-out performances in Hong Kong! Not only had the tour sparked a ticket-buying frenzy among global fans, but Eason also set new personal records for "The Most Number of Performances" at the prestigious Hong Kong Coliseum.


His upcoming three-night performance in Malaysia is anticipated to attract the largest concert crowd in Malaysia to date. Eason promises to sing to the best of his abilities in order to satisfy all of his fans' aural desires.


The <Fear and Dreams> World Tour concert was planned and choreographed by Eason and his team for three years. The concert is presented beautifully through four narrative segments, each accompanied by spectacular visual effects and Eason's most popular songs. Numerous fans praised this brand-new tour as a truly impressive and enjoyable musical feast!


Jointly organized by Impact Entertainment, Star Planet and Live Nation, tickets for Eason “Fear and Dreams” World tour in Malaysia will be open for sale starting on March 6th, from 2pm! Tickets are expected to be swiped out in no time. Tickets are priced from RM298. Fans can purchase tickets online via http://my.bookmyshow.comGrab yours now!




馬來西亞吉隆坡,2023224 - 各位注意!巨星陳奕迅终于要来馬來西亞开唱了。經過五年多的休息,他正式宣布他的即將到來的恐懼與夢想演唱會將於2023512日至14日晚上8點在Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil舉行,並將持續三個晚上。


地点:Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil










演唱會由Impact EntertainmentStar PlanetLive Nation聯合举办,門票將於36日下午2點開始公開售賣!門票預計會在短時間內售罄。門票價格從RM298起,粉絲們可以通過http://my.bookmyshow.com網上購票。趕緊抓住你的機會!


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Jom Minum MILO Bersama Park Seo Joon In Malaysia


[Upcoming Event] Jom Minum MILO Bersama Park Seo Joon In Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - As his stardom soared after "Itaewon Class," Park Seo Joon (박서준)has posed for advertisements for a wide variety of well-known companies. The 34-year-old South Korean model has been featured prominently on the packaging of our favourite soft drink brand, Milo, since last year.


The South Korean actor will be appearing at the #JomMinumMILO event later this month, as revealed by MILO.


Date: 25th February 2023 (Saturday)

Location:Sunway Pyramid Ice, Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre

Time: 11AM - 3PM


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.



[Upcoming Event] The World Of Tim Burton Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur (featuring Tim Burton at Opening)


 [Upcoming Event] The World Of Tim Burton Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur (featuring Tim Burton at Opening) (Dual Language Post)

Tim Burton to Attend the Opening of the World of Tim Burton Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur VIP Package


Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur -The World of Tim Burton Exhibition will open in less than a month, and fans of the legendary filmmaker and artist have an extra reason to be excited. The World of Tim Burton, organised by Toybox Projects Sdn Bhd in collaboration with partners Eurasian Entertainment Consultants Ltd and KOL Nation Sdn Bhd, and supported by venue partner Pavilion Bukit Jalil, focuses on the unique characters and worlds that could only come from Tim Burton's singular imagination. Tim Burton himself will attend the opening.

The World Of Tim Burton

Date: 21st March 2023- 30th July 2023

Venue: Pavilion Bukit Jalil

Tim Burton will be attending the opening on 21st March 2023

Aside from the excitement of having Tim Burton in attendance, fans can enhance their experience by purchasing the VIP package for the exhibition. A book signing event with Tim Burton himself is included in the VIP package, giving fans the opportunity to meet the artist and filmmaker in person. The package also includes The Art of Tim Burton book, a season pass to the exhibition, and limited edition merchandise.


Our VIP ticket package is RM1500 which includes the below:

       The Art of Tim Burton Book

       Book Signing Opportunity with Tim Burton

       Season Pass (Unlimited entry to the exhibition)

       Special Edition Merchandise

Limited to 100 tickets only


The VIP ticket package will be available for purchase on Saturday, 25th February at 12pm, with only 100 tickets available. Those who have already purchased regular tickets do not need to worry because they can upgrade to the VIP package through the same purchasing link. This allows all fans to participate in this special event and make the most of their visit to The World of Tim Burton Exhibition. If you have any questions about tickets or the ticketing system, please call the KOL NATION hotline at +60 11-5621 5922.


The World of Tim Burton Exhibition is a must-see for any fan of the renowned filmmaker and artist. More than 540 unique items from Tim Burton's early years to his most recent project are on display, including sketches, paintings, drawings, photographs, maquettes and puppets used for his film works, and life-sized sculptures. With the VIP ticket package, fans can elevate their experience and create memories that will last a lifetime.


More information on The World of Tim Burton Exhibition can be found at: https://www.toyboxprojects.com/timburton


VIP tickets for The World of Tim Burton Exhibition can be purchased at https://kol-nation.com/the-world-of-tim-burton-malaysia/.





当代艺术家蒂姆·伯顿备受全球影迷和艺术爱好者的崇拜,他的诸多经典作品深入人心。如今大马影迷终于有机会亲身感受伯顿的视觉魅力。The World of Tim Burton Exhibition”将于321日在吉隆坡,武吉加里尔柏威年广场隆重开幕,伯顿本人也将出席开幕仪式,这将是他首次访问马来西亚。




除了出席开幕仪式外,伯顿还将与粉丝们共同见证这一历史性时刻。对于那些想要尽情体验展览的粉丝,VIP配套将会是你最佳的选择。VIP配套包括蒂姆·伯顿签书会入场票,原版《The Art of Tim Burton》书籍,展览无限次入场通行证,以及特别版纪念品等。




       1本《The Art of Tim Burton》原版书籍





VIP配套的售价为1500令吉,只有100张。225日中午12点将正式开售。对于已经购买了普通门票的粉丝,也不必担心,他们可以在同一购票链接中升级VIP配套。这保证了所有粉丝都有机会参加这个特别的活动,并尽可能充分地享受“The World of Tim Burton Exhibition”的独特魅力。如有任何疑问或关于购票系统的问题,请联系KOL NATION热线电话+60 11-5621 5922


蒂姆·伯顿是当代艺术界的传奇人物,他的作品充满幻想和创造力,影响了无数人。随着“The World of Tim Burton Exhibition”的开幕,大马影迷和艺术爱好者们将有机会近距离观赏他的作品并与他亲密接触,这无疑将是一次难忘的经历。








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That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Food Explore] CHAO Hotpot Bar 品潮聚乐部


 [Food Explore] CHAO Hotpot Bar 品潮聚乐部

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 – Recently I have discovered this new spot to visit for happy hour after work! The restaurant is named CHAO Hotpot Bar 品潮聚乐部. It is located on the Basement 1 of The Starling Mall in Petaling Jaya.


If you enjoy hotpot and are looking for a unique dining experience, CHAO Hotpot Bar 品潮聚乐部is a place to go. This hotpot restaurant provides a wide variety of fresh ingredients as well as a fun and interactive dining experience that is hard to find elsewhere. The restaurant also serves a variety of sauces and dips, allowing you to personalise your hotpot.


When you walk into Chao Hotpot Bar, you'll be greeted by a modern and spacious interior that's been blended with some traditional touches to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. The restaurant offers both private and communal dining areas, making it appropriate for any occasion, whether you're dining with friends, family, or coworkers.


One of Chao Hotpot Bar's distinguishing features is that it is both a hotpot restaurant and a bar where people can hang out for a drink. Yes, just like a bar.


Chao Hotpot Bar also serves a variety of soup bases, but the curry spicy soup is their main draw. According to the background slogan board, "Spiciness is an addiction," and the spicy soup here is definitely worth a try!

We have tried the Iberico Black Pork, Smooth Chicken Slice, Handmade Meatballs here and they are quite yummy!


At the moment now, due to #NewOpeningPromotion, you can order a pot of hotpot and get a plate of #IbericoPork for only #RM0.99. Yes, you read that correctly: a plate costs only #RM0.99! The promotion begins at 7 p.m. and is limited to one plate per person.


Of course, there's also #beer! Simply order a glass of beer, and the second glass will cost only #RM0.99. This promotion is only valid from 5 to 7 p.m., so hurry!


There's also entertainment in addition to eating and drinking! There is a #livebandat the hotpot restaurant, so you can listen to music while you eat and drink. Isn't it fantastic?


For more information, please visit their Facebook page and Instagram page:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chaohotpotbar

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chao_hotpot_bar/


Address: B018 & B019, Basement 1, The Starling Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Operating Hours: 11am-2am

Whatsapps for more info: 6014-9033441


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.





Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 –BLACKPINK, the legendary female K-pop group that has smashed World music charts will be coming to Malaysia on 4th March 2023 for BLACKPINK WORLD TOUR [BORN PINK] ASIA. Following the BLACKPINK WORLD TOUR [IN YOUR AREA], this is their second world tour (2018). 

Our team has done an extensive and comprehensive review for their concert back in 2018, here's the link: https://www.wljack.com/2019/02/complete-coverage-blackpink-2019-world.html

BLACKPINK's second full-length album [BORN PINK] debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Sales chart. [BORN PINK] became the first K-pop female group in history to sell a million copies of their massive project. BLACKPINK's 'Shut Down' has now surpassed 100 million Spotify streams. 


BLACKPINK WORLD TOUR [BORN PINK] KUALA LUMPUR tickets are currently sold out. Did you manage to secure your tickets? Let's look forward for the concert next weekend!



CAT 1 RM 1588
CAT 2 RM 988
CAT 3 RM 788
CAT 4 RM 588
CAT 5 RM 488
CAT 6 RM 388

*Ticket price excludes ticket fee and booking charges


For more info, please stay tuned to:




The BLACKPINK WORLD TOUR [BORN PINK] KUALA LUMPUR is sponsored by Boost, a regional full-service fintech company.



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Shila Amzah's 茜拉"Journey To The Future" Live Tour (Dual Language Article 双语篇)


[Upcoming Event] Shila Amzah's 茜拉"Journey To The Future" Live Tour (Dual Language Article 双语篇)

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Shila Amzah's "Journey To The Future" Live Tour is presented by IMC Live Global. The anticipated tour will begin at 8 p.m. on March 4, 2023, at Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, and will include stops in Penang, Sabah, Singapore, and Indonesia. Ticket sales will begin at 11 a.m. on January 16, 2023.


"Journey To The Future" is a new milestone in Asia's Sweetheart's career because it will be her first tour since becoming a mother in 2019. The multi-talent is excited to venture into new territory, sing in more languages, and incorporate dance into her performances. Lee Nai Kong, an award-winning producer, will serve as the tour's music director, overseeing the arrangements and overall direction. Shila will perform her chart-topping hits and internationally beloved songs with the help of a full band and string performers, providing fans with a world-class visual and audio experience.


Shila Amzah's "Journey To The Future" Live Tour

Venue: Plenary Hall, KLCC

Date: 4th March 2023

Time: 8pm

Ticket Price: VIP RM 638| CAT1 RM 438 | CAT2 RM 338| CAT 3 RM 238


茜拉"Journey To The Future" Live Tour

Shila Amzah 茜拉"Journey To The Future"巡演是由 IMC Live Global 主办的。这场备受期待的巡演将于202334日晚上8KLCC Plenary Hall 开唱,之后还将在槟城、沙巴、新加坡和印度尼西亚等地停留。门票销售将于2023116日上午11点开始。


"Journey To The Future"Shila Amzah 茜拉生涯的一个新里程碑,因为这将是她自2019年成为母亲以来的第一次巡演。这位多才多艺的艺人很兴奋地进入新的领域,演唱更多的语言,并将舞蹈融入她的表演中。屡获殊荣的制作人李乃刚将担任巡演的音乐总监,负责监督编曲和整体方向。Shila将在全套乐队和弦乐演奏家的帮助下演唱她的冠军歌曲和备受国际欢迎的歌曲,为粉丝们提供世界级的视听体验。


Shila Amzah "Journey To The Future" Live Tour

地点KLCC Plenary Hall



门票价格VIP RM 638 | CAT1 RM 438 | CAT2 RM 338 | CAT3 RM 238


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.





Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - FIRST-EVER BORN PINK TOUR DANCE WORKSHOP BY YGX In conjunction with Uncommon Dance Studio

 , @jamrepublicacademy and @jamrepubliccollective will be happening at SEGi University this 5th March 2023.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from these amazing dancers!



Date: 5th March 2023, Sunday



12pm - 1.15pm with @rarmg

1.30pm - 2.45pm with @hitechgon

3pm - 4.15pm with @isakkk_woo


Venue: Multi Purpose Hall - SEGi University @segiedu

9, Jalan Teknologi, PJU 5 Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


Dance Workshops Price

RM 150 one workshop

RM 300 two workshops

RM 400 all 3 workshops


Limited slots available! Be quick to book and register with us NOW!


To book & for more info - kindly Whatsapp to 017-690 9561


If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Event] Lenka Live In Kuala Lumpur 2023


 [Upcoming Event] Lenka Live In Kuala Lumpur 2023

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - In May of 2023, Lenka will perform a headlining concert in Malaysia.


Her most popular songs, including "The Show,""Trouble Is a Friend," and "Everything at Once," have brought her a great deal of attention.


In February of 2020, the Australian singer-songwriter released her final album, Discover. Details of her concert are as follows:


Lenka Live In Kuala Lumpur 2023

Date: 1st May 2023 (Monday) (Monday)

Venue: Zepp KL, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prices : RM189 (standing), RM239 (seating), and RM3800 (seated) (VIP Box)

Tickets: On sale via MyTicket starting 3rd February

PushPlay Production Sdn Bhd and Primuse Live are the promoters.

If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


[Upcoming Anime Event] Season4Otaku “Escape From Neon City” @ The Starling


 [Upcoming Anime Event] Season4Otaku “Escape From Neon City” @ The Starling 

Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - Season4Otaku returns in March 2023 with "Escape From Neon City" at The Starling. This is a fun ACG event that will appeal to those who enjoy anime, manga, Cosplay, and gaming. 


Popular cosplayers attending the event include CK Takoyaki, Rei, Kaixin Pinatsu, Team Dai-Spammerz, Team Manboobs, and many more. 


Performers include Zeppo Youngsters, Prime Monument, D3SU and D4VIS, Phoxias, Halim Ahmad, Kitska Miyano, Daryl Tang, and others. 


Venue: The Starling Exhibition Hall, Level 5, Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya is the venue. 

Date: March 11th and 12th, 2023 

Time: 10 p.m. to 6 p.m. 

Ticket Cost: RM 25 Per Day 




*Doujin Kiosks 

*Performances of singing and dancing 

*Games on Stage 



If you like the coverage by our website, please “like” our page: http://www.facebook.com/wljackcom

Drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com if you want us to cover your events.

That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


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