[Upcoming Event] 《STAYC 1ST FAN MEETING IN KUALA LUMPUR》(Dual Language Article)
Kuala Lumpur, December 2022 - STAYCwho debuted on 2020 is not just only popular in South Korea, they are also popular internationally with their iconic songs such as "So Bad', "Stereotype", "RUN2U" and etc. This year July, STAYC has released their new album "We Need Love" with the hit title "Beautiful Monster" winning the champion in SBS MTV Show "The Show". Following that, STAYC released the Japanese song "POPPY"!
STAYC began their tour in a few countries, including South Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan, before coming to Malaysia on 8th January 2023, to meet fans at ZEPP KUALA LUMPUR.
STAYC stands for "Star to A Young Culture," and it represents the six-member girl group's desire to be a star for the younger generation. What will the girls perform on stage? Everyone, especially the SWITH, please grab this opportunity to meet your idol.
The detail of 《STAYC 1ST FAN MEETING IN KUALA LUMPUR》is as per below:
Date: 8th January 2023
Time: 7pm
Ticket Price: VVIP - RM 998, VIP - RM 898, CAT1 - RM 698, CAT 2 - RM 498, CAT 3 - RM 258 (The ticket price does not include the additional RM 4 processing fee)
Sales starts on: 16th December 2022, 12pm
For more information, stay tuned to www.ticketcharge.com.myor GME MALAYSIA FB page or Instagram Page.
2020年出道的韓國女團STAYC,不但在韓國大受歡迎,而且憑著《SO BAD》、《STEREOTYPE》、《RUN2U》等出道作和冠軍歌,深受歐美樂迷支持。今年7月,STAYC推出了第三張單曲專輯《WE NEED LOVE》,主打歌《BEAUTIFUL MONSTER》旋即成為韓國SBS MTV音樂節目《THE SHOW》的冠軍歌。
之後,STAYC更在11月23日,發行了首張日文單曲《POPPY》,並以同名主打歌進軍日本。同一時間,STAYC亦展開了她們的巡迴之旅,繼韓國,菲律賓和台北站後。STAYC將會在明年1月8日來到吉隆坡ZEPP KUALA LUMPUR,舉行首個马来西亚見面會“STAYC 1st FAN MEETING IN KUALA LUMPUR ”。
而STAYC的團名其實是「Star to A Young Culture」的縮寫,意指由6個女孩組成的STAYC將成為「引領年輕文化的明星」。究竟這6位韓流新星,會為台灣觀眾送上什麼樣精彩演出,大家一定要好好把握第一次在吉隆坡見到STAYC的重要時刻。
STAYC《STAYC 1ST FAN MEETING IN KUALA LUMPUR》将于2023年1月8日在ZEPP KUALA LUMPUR开幕。门票一共分为5个价位,分别是RM998 (VVIP)、RM898 (VIP)、RM698 (CAT1)、RM498 (CAT2) 及 RM258 (CAT 3),票价未包含RM4的手续费。售票日期将在12月16日,12pm开始售票。
欲知更多详情,请留守www.ticketcharge.com.my 或留意GME MALAYSIA官方脸书及Instagram专页。
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Published by WLJack.