[Event Coverage] TVB Star Awards 2017 (TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2017) Press Conference
Kuala Lumpur, November 2017 – TVB Star Awards 2017 (TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2017) is around the corner. Just a few weeks ago, an official press conference was held in Malaysia and it was graced by the presence of TVB Artistes including Ruco Chan陳展鵬, Chris Lai黎諾懿, Sisley Choi蔡思貝, Nancy Wu胡定欣, Pierre Ngo敖嘉年, Joel Chan陳山聰and Elaine Yiu姚子羚.
TVB Star Awards 2017 In Genting Highlands on 25th November 2017!
The TVB Star Awards 2017 will be held in Arena of Star, Genting Highlands like in the past few years. The show will be star-studded with many of our beloved HK TVB Artistes!
During the press conference, Joel Chan joked that he can try climbing up to the highlands by walking. So fans, hope you guys did vote for him during the voting period with your TVB Star Awards 2017 apps.
Pierre Ngo mentioned during the press conference that they even went to see some properties at Penang. They said the properties there are nice and affordable. In addition, the Team B (consisting of Nancy Wu胡定欣, Pierre Ngo敖嘉年, Joel Chan陳山聰, Elaine Yiu姚子羚) who came for promo previously even went to taste the king of fruit, durian during their trip.
On the other hand, Team A (consisting of Ruco Chan陳展鵬, Chris Lai黎諾懿, Sisley Choi蔡思貝) have taken part in promo activities in UTAR and Quill City Mall. (read the coverage on Quill City Mall here: http://www.wljack.com/2017/11/event-coverage-tvb-star-awards-2017.html)
TVB Star Awards 2017 is coming up soon! Do stay tuned and let’s wish our beloved artistes can win the awards in which they deserve!
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Published by WLJack.