[Event Coverage] TVB Star Awards 2017 (TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2017) Promo Event @ Quill City Mall, Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, October 2017 – In conjunction with the upcoming TVB Star Awards 2017 (TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2017), there was a promo event which was recently held at Quill City Mall, Kuala Lumpur. Our media team from www.wljack.comhas been given the opportunity to do a coverage on the event.
Ruco Chan, Sisley Choi and Chris Lai In Kuala Lumpur!
Separated into two teams, Team A (consisting of Ruco Chan陳展鵬, Chris Lai黎諾懿, Sisley Choi蔡思貝) and Team B (consisting of Nancy Wu胡定欣, Pierre Ngo敖嘉年, Joel Chan陳山聰, Elaine Yiu姚子羚), Team A and Team B proceeded with their promo tour at Kuala Lumpur and Penang respectively.
Apart from promoting TVB Star Awards 2017, the artistes including Ruco Chan陳展鵬, Chris Lai黎諾懿, Sisley Choi蔡思貝have interacted with the fans and played some games with them. There was a segment whereby the fans need to act as dramatic as they could base on given scenarios. It was a funny moment on stage.
我有我Freestyle Contest! Full of talented people!
The artistes also played a role as the judge panel for我有我 Freestyle Contest whereby the winners get to win away great prizes including a trip to Hong Kong, tickets to watch TVB Star Awards 2017 and etc!
Via the contest, we can see that Malaysia has a lot of multitalented souls. Most of the contestants are very young, gifted and can demonstrate top-notch performances like beatboxing, cheerleading, latin dance, violin play and etc. It was a really tough and close competition!
Some of the performances which have stolen the limelight included the kids who were able to sway flawlessly in their latin dance, the young beatboxer who even gained Ruco Chan’s request to teach him in beatboxing, the ever thrilling cheerleading performance and many more!
After a series of talent shows, the winners were announced and they received the prizes from the artistes!
TVB Star Awards 2017 Voting Apps!
During the event, the artistes also introduced to us regarding the voting apps for the upcoming TVB Star Awards 2017! Now all of us Malaysians have the power to vote our favourite Hong Kong artistes and let our idols be the winners of the awards!
So what are you waiting for? The voting session starts from 27th October 2017 until 18th November 2017! Let’s try our best to vote for our favourite TVB celebrities!
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Published by WLJack.