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[Concert Coverage] 2025 RUNNING MAN “RUN 2 U” LIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR

[Concert Coverage] 2025 RUNNING MAN “RUN 2 U” LIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR

Running Man "RUN 2 U" Live in KL: A Night of Laughter, Games, and Fan Love

Kuala Lumpur, 2025 - The highly anticipated Running Man "RUN 2 U" Live in KL took place on 15th February 2025, at 5:00 PM at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC), bringing the beloved South Korean variety show’s charm and energy to its Malaysian fanbase after a seven-year wait. Organized by Sunstrong Entertainment, the event featured six of the show's most iconic cast members—Jee Seok Jin, Yu Jae Seok, Kim Jong Kook, HAHA, Song Ji Hyo, and Yang Se Chan—who delivered an unforgettable night of games, music, and heartfelt interactions. The event was attended by over 5,000 enthusiastic fans, making it a grand and memorable reunion.

Marking a significant milestone, the Running Man team returned to Malaysia, a country with a dedicated and passionate fanbase. With Running Man having reached an impressive 700++ episodes, this event not only celebrated its success but also reaffirmed the strong bond between the cast and their international audience. 

The fan meeting, which lasted three hours, was packed with entertaining segments that kept fans engaged from start to finish. The night began on an emotional note as the cast performed a heartfelt rendition of performance stirring deep emotions among the audience. This unexpected yet touching performance resonated with fans, setting the perfect atmosphere for the evening.

Staying true to the essence of Running Man, the cast engaged in entertaining games and challenges, inviting lucky fans on stage to participate. The interactions were filled with comedic moments, especially when fans gleefully used soft batons to "attack" Kim Jong Kook during a game, seizing the rare opportunity to playfully target the "Commander." Meanwhile, Song Ji Hyo, ever the competitive spirit, delighted the audience by donning a cockroach costume and running across the stage in a hilarious bid to win a game.

The night featured various musical numbers that showcased the cast's versatility and ability to entertain. Highlights included Yu Jae Seok’s transformation into Bruno Mars, complete with a dazzling performance. Kim Jong Kook and Yu Jae Seok’s surprising duet of APT, originally by Rosé and Bruno Mars, which drove the audience into a frenzy. A powerful cover of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody by Yang Se Chan, in which he hilariously mimicked Freddie Mercury’s stage presence. HAHA and Yang Se Chan teaming up to perform Dang Diggi Bang, turning the venue into a giant party. Kim Jong Kook’s solo performance of Loveable (Sarang Surowo), an all-time favorite that had the entire venue singing along. The night ended with the entire cast and audience joyfully singing. capping off the event on a high note.

The Running Man members made every effort to engage with their Malaysian fans, even moving through the crowd to greet as many people as possible. Malaysian fans reciprocated their love by preparing a heartfelt video tribute, expressing their appreciation for the show’s impact on their lives. The tribute left the cast visibly touched. 

Adding to the special moments, fans surprised Jee Seok Jin with an early birthday celebration, complete with a cake and playful jabs from his fellow members. Meanwhile, Yang Se Chan had the crowd roaring with laughter when he jokingly asked the audience in Malay, “Jom kita kawin?” (Shall we get married?), only for Yu Jae Seok to quickly intervene, signaling fans to shout "No!"

Despite heavy rain causing a minor roof leak at MIECC, the cast took everything in stride. When Kim Jong Kook jokingly pointed out the dripping water, Yu Jae Seok immediately grabbed a towel and wiped the floor himself, displaying his down-to-earth personality and earning even more admiration from fans. The audience at MIECC was electric, cheering, singing, and laughing throughout the night. 

For over a decade, Running Man has entertained audiences worldwide with its unique blend of humor, thrilling challenges, and heartwarming camaraderie. The show’s ability to bring people together, transcending language and culture, was evident at RUN 2 U Live in KL. The strong Malaysian turnout and overwhelming enthusiasm further solidified Running Man’s status as a global entertainment phenomenon. As the cast bid their Malaysian fans farewell, Yu Jae Seok made a heartfelt promise: “We will keep running!” And with that, the Running Man legacy continues, leaving fans eagerly anticipating their next reunion with the beloved cast.

Running Man "RUN 2 U" Live in KL:欢笑、游戏与粉丝爱的夜晚

2025年吉隆坡——万众期待的Running Man "RUN 2 U" Live in KL于2025年2月15日下午5点,在MIECC隆重举行。这场粉丝见面会不仅带来了韩国超人气综艺节目《Running Man》的魅力与活力,更是该节目时隔七年再次回归马来西亚。此次活动由Sunstrong Entertainment主办,现场迎来了六位深受观众喜爱的主持群——池锡辰、刘在石、金钟国、HAHA、宋智孝和梁世灿,他们为粉丝们呈现了一场充满欢乐、音乐与感动的精彩夜晚。本次活动吸引了超过5000名热情粉丝,共同见证这场难忘的重逢。

此次见面会不仅是《Running Man》与马来西亚粉丝的再度相聚,同时也象征着该节目播出超过700集的辉煌里程碑。作为全球最具影响力的韩国综艺节目之一,《Running Man》凭借其幽默风格、创新挑战和主持群之间的默契,赢得了无数观众的喜爱。值得一提的是,这次见面会对部分成员而言意义非凡——梁世灿首次以《Running Man》成员身份造访马来西亚。


当晚的舞台不仅限于游戏,成员们更是展现了他们的音乐才华,刘在石化身Bruno Mars,带来Bruno Mars风格的精彩演绎。金钟国与刘在石合唱Rosé与Bruno Mars的APT,引爆全场激情。梁世灿搞笑模仿Queen主唱Freddie Mercury,自弹自唱Bohemian Rhapsody,令人捧腹大笑。HAHA与梁世灿搭档演绎雷鬼风格的Dang Diggi Bang,让全场宛如派对现场。金钟国带来个人招牌曲Loveable (Sarang Surowo),全场大合唱,温馨满溢。最后,所有成员与粉丝共同演唱HAHA的Busan Vacance,为这场盛宴画上完美句点。

成员们全程与粉丝们零距离互动,不仅走入观众席与粉丝近距离接触,马来西亚粉丝更是特别准备了一段感人至深的影片,表达他们对《Running Man》的热爱与支持。这份心意让成员们备受感动。粉丝还提前为池锡辰庆祝生日,送上蛋糕与惊喜,而梁世灿则在现场“求婚”,用马来语问粉丝:“Jom kita kawin?”(我们结婚吧?),结果刘在石连忙示意大家齐声喊“No!”,引发全场爆笑。


十多年来,《Running Man》凭借其独特的幽默风格、刺激的挑战以及成员间的深厚友情,成为了一档跨越国界的全球现象级综艺节目。这次RUN 2 U Live in KL见面会,再次证明了《Running Man》在马来西亚的超高人气与粉丝们的坚定支持。当晚活动接近尾声时,刘在石感动表示:“感谢大家的爱,我们会继续奔跑下去!”这份承诺不仅让粉丝倍感欣慰,也意味着Running Man的传奇仍将继续,粉丝们已迫不及待地期待下一次与他们的相聚。

Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #RunningMan #RUN2U #RunningManLiveInKL #JeeSeokJin #YuJaeSeok #KimJongKook #HAHA #SongJiHyo #YangSeChan #SunstrongEntertainment #MIECC #马来西亚见面会 #RunningMan粉丝见面会 #刘在石 #金钟国 #宋智孝 #池锡辰 #哈哈 #梁世

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Published by WLJack.

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