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[Entertainment] “Remembering Leslie” – Tribute to the legendary Cantopop star Leslie Cheung 张国荣 (Dual Language Post)


[Entertainment] “Remembering Leslie” – Tribute to the legendary Cantopop star Leslie Cheung

"Remembering Leslie"

The 20th anniversary of Leslie's departure is in 2023, and the Universal Music production team hopes that the commemorative project for Leslie can incorporate some trendy elements from the 2020s to show our respect for the idol we have worshipped for years. As a result, Universal Music has successfully invited a number of popular rising stars from various record labels and management companies to break down barriers and co-produce "REMEMBERING Leslie," in which they sing in tribute for the legendary star!


The Indispensible Leslie Cheung's Legacy Lives On Through The Rising Stars


Universal Music Team and their artistes have always been great supporter for Leslie Cheung. Being aware that "only Leslie Cheung can outperform Leslie Cheung." , the new album's production goal is not to outdo Leslie. On the contrary, rising stars in the music industry have participated with humility and a learning mindset under the leadership of producers 郭伟亮and徐浩. They drew inspiration from Leslie's music before carefully incorporating their own elements. This is done in the hopes of introducing Leslie's works to a new generation of music fans, allowing the legendary superstar's brilliance to shine through generations.


The Universal Music team is convinced that longing knows no bounds. Even if young singers and music fans have never met Leslie and live in different eras, they can learn about, imagine, and love him through his music. Leslie's artistic image and the wonderful aspects of his musical world have always allowed music fans of all ages to discover their own aspirations and imaginations.


"Remembering Leslie": Universal Music Travels to the UK to Recover Long-Lost Master Tapes


Universal Music misses "big brother" Leslie Cheung, and on the 20th anniversary of his departure in 2023, they have launched several commemorative projects to document our forever "unique" idol from various angles.


The majority of the Universal Music team is a fan of Leslie, and their longing for him has only grown over the last 20 years. They are thankful that Leslie has previously released a large number of classic songs, allowing them to continue listening to his warm voice and feeling his presence. Twenty years have passed, and no one can forget Leslie's many wonderful moments. This year, however, they were able to hear about new discoveries. Thanks to the efforts of Hong Kong Universal Music colleagues who travelled to the UK, a batch of valuable master tapes recorded by Leslie were successfully recovered, reviving the lost recordings and unpublished songs.


Universal Music has once again invited Leslie's long-time producer, 梁荣骏, to come out of retirement and produce the "Remembrances Leslie" album in order to make this a grand event while remaining true to Leslie's musical style and philosophy. Three precious recordings are included on the album: an unreleased alternate version of "《无心睡眠》" cover songs 《最爱是谁》和《A Song for You》These are songs that were finished in the 1980s but were never released or revealed.


The album also includes seven newly arranged hit classics. Despite the previous pandemic, Universal Music and 梁荣骏invited the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra to participate in the new arrangements for 《侧面》and《由零开始》allowing people from all over the world to "imagine" Leslie.


Leslie Cheung: Not Just Nostalgia, But also Different Expectations


Universal Music released the "Leslie Four Seasons" collection twelve years ago (in 2011), dividing Leslie's music into "Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter," representing his four stages. The collection's goal is to provide a complete account of Leslie's musical journey. In 2023, Universal Music is pleased to announce that the commemorative album not only honours the past but also includes previously unreleased new songs and providing fans with both familiar and new expectations.


Will You Remember Me, by Leslie Cheung? Activities for the 20th Anniversary Memorial Series


This time, Universal Music has collaborated with Altus ProHouse on Leslie Cheung's "Will You Remember Me?" 20th Anniversary Memorial Series Activities. Aside from a series of segments and call-in prize-winning games in collaboration with designated radio station Melody FM, two flash mob events were planned for the 25th March 2023 at 2 PM and 4:45 PM at Pavilion Bukit Jalil's main entrance. A medley of Leslie's classic songs were be performed at the events, rekindling his charm from the past.



“Remembering Leslie” 是一张由环球唱片团队和多位新生代歌手合作制作的专辑,表达了他们对已故音乐巨星张国荣的思念和想象。














为了纪念张国荣,也为了忠实地继承他的音乐风格和理念,环球唱片再次邀请了张国荣的监制梁荣骏来复出,并制作了专辑《Remembrance Leslie》。这张专辑收录了三首珍贵录音,包括从未曝光的《无心睡眠》另一版本、翻唱歌曲《最爱是谁》和《A Song for You》,这些歌曲在80年代已经录制完成,但从未正式发布和曝光。




12年前,环球唱片曾经发行过《Leslie Four Seasons》精选专辑,将张国荣的音乐历程划分为“春夏秋冬”,代表他在华星“发芽”、新艺宝“盛放”、滚石“重开”和环球“吐豔”四个阶段,以完整地记录他的音乐发展历程。现在,环球唱片庆幸能够通过未发表的新歌,为张国荣在新艺宝“盛放”时期的音乐生涯做出圆满的补充,给广大乐迷带来既熟悉又新鲜的期待。


在庆祝张国荣离世20周年的纪念活动中,环球唱片与Altus ProHouse甲子制作共同策划了《张国荣Will You Remember Me? 缅怀20周年系列活动》。除了与指定电台Melody FM合作推出一系列单元和呼叫赢奖游戏外,还在3月25日在Pavilion Bukit Jalil正门口举行两次快闪活动,演唱多首张国荣的经典歌曲,重现他当年的魅力。



Brought to you by - Universal Hong Kong 香港环球音乐

In-collaboration with - Altus ProHouse 甲子制作公司

Official Media Partner - Melody FM

Venue Sponsor - Pavilion Bukit Jalil

Choreography & Dancers - 1119 Entertainment

Production - 1119 Entertainment

Keywords:: #LC20 #RMBME #张国荣


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Published by WLJack.




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