[Concert Coverage] Show Lo Live in Malaysia《2023罗志祥大马演唱会》(Dual Language)
Genting Highlands, March 2023 – "The Dancing King of Asia" Show Lo returned to Arena Of Stars, Resorts World Genting on the 18th March 2023 with his Show Lo Live in Malaysia《2023罗志祥大马演唱会》after a six-year since his last visit. He led 16 dancers in the opening number of the show, which featured the dance tracks "No Joke,""够了Enough," and "Trap Game." Following that, he exclaimed that performing at Genting Highlands was a huge challenge for singers and dancers. He then picked up an oxygen tank on stage, joking that while he didn't need it right away, he couldn't help but wonder, "Yesterday's rehearsal went well because there were no spectators. But you sucked all the oxygen away. Can't you just give me some?"
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Show Lo appeared to have taken note of the "Malaysia Concert Guidelines" incident, which had been reported a few days before the concert. He revealed that he was sweating profusely after singing "我的皇后My Queen" causing his underwear to become wet. Fans yelled for him to remove it, but he politely declined "I'm unable to remove it. The Malaysian government forbids men from cross-dressing or stripping naked. But it isn't aimed at me. It's fine because my sister (朱碧石) isn't here."
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Show Lo adored his fans, as he always did. He arrived in Malaysia early for a rehearsal and filmed a surprise VCR at Genting, which drew several lucky fans who received towels, clothes, and admission tickets to the celebration banquet. Later, he discovered it was a fan's birthday and surprised them with a massive unicorn doll. He jokingly claimed to be a "lucky man" and wished that those who left the concert and went to the casino would win money.
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He came down to interact with fans in person, as he had promised. When he sang "败给你” he unexpectedly appeared on the "mountain top" in the audience seating area, surprising everyone in attendance. He walked around the venue for about 15 minutes, reminding everyone to be safe and accepting handshakes and selfie requests from fans. "Although I am too handsome and have good skin," he added, "please help me make my skin look better."
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His sports pants became loose near the end of the concert, and after passing the microphone to a dancer, he turned around to adjust the drawstring. On the scene, an unexpected episode of lovers' quarrel took place. When one of the male dancers suddenly kneeled down to ask for forgiveness and propose, Show Lo discovered that the couple had previously argued over "cooking eggs". Show Lo yelled, "Men are always wrong, no matter what. Don't slander or curse women, because men should take responsibility!"
Thank you to the organiser ACO MEDIA, co-organisers Metalive World, and AMM, for bringing the "2023 Show Lo Malaysia Concert" to Malaysian fans. Overall, Show Lo's concert is a throwback to his older songs, transporting fans back in time! His fans were not disappointed by his energetic performance!
“亚洲舞王”罗志祥间隔6年重返马来西亚,在3月18日举行了《2023罗志祥大马演唱会》。他率领着16位舞者,以舞曲《No Joke》、《够了》和《Trap Game》开始了演唱会,他表示云顶对于唱跳歌手是一个很大的挑战。演出过程中,他还不忘控诉观众把氧气吸光了,笑称虽然暂时用不上,但仍忍不住想抱怨一下。
罗志祥一直以来都很宠粉,他提前到达马来西亚,在彩排时拍摄了一段在云顶的彩蛋VCR,并在片中抽出多位幸运儿,送出毛巾、衣服和庆功宴入场券。他还在现场得知有粉丝过生日,就送上了巨型独角兽娃娃,自称自己是“lucky man”,预祝看完演唱会进赌场的观众都会赢钱。
谢谢ACO MEDIA有種傳媒主辦,Metalive World和AMM協辦,把《2023罗志祥大马演唱会》带给了大马粉丝。罗志祥的演唱会让粉丝们回到了过去,重温了他的旧歌!他充满活力的表演也没有让他的粉丝们失望!
Below are the setlist of the concert:
- No Joke
- 夠了
- Trap Game
- 嗆司嗆司+幸福獵人+狐狸精
- 敢不敢+我的皇后
- 好朋友+小丑魚+搞笑
- 愛不單行
- 習慣就好+未完的承諾
- 愛轉角
- 獨一無二
- 一支獨秀
- 愛的主場秀
- 愛投羅網
- 精舞門(原版)
- 敗給你+戀愛達人+幸福囉
- 愛瘋頭
- 撐腰
- 鬧翻天
Keywords: #ShowLo, #罗志祥
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Published by WLJack.