[Entertainment] The 6th Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) press conference
Kuala Lumpur, March 2023 - The 6th Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) press conference was recently held at PARKROYAL COLLECTION KL, the festival's official hotel partner. The press conference announced a number of activities for this year's festival, including the reveal of this year's theme [New Take], the first collaboration with the BMW Shorties, TikTok Malaysiaas MIFFest's official partner, the renewed collaboration with the Far East Film Festival (FEFF) in Udine, Malaysia's renowned actor Mr. Bront Palarae as the festival's ambassador for the fourth time, and more. Bront Palarae, a well-known Malaysian actor, has served as the festival's ambassador four times and counting.
Mr. Bront Palarae as the festival's ambassador for the fourth time Bront Palarae, MIFFest ambassador, was also on hand and said, "Now that we are well into the post-epidemic era, there is nothing more needed in the industry than more passionate and creative filmmakers and storytellers. I sincerely hope that the first three years of the epidemic did not cause creators to lose faith in cinema, but rather that they are looking forward to this moment, ready to begin their [New Take]."
BMW Shorties is an official partner of MIFFest for its Short Films Programming.
MIFFest also announced a new collaboration with the BMW Shorties, a creative initiative by BMW Group Malaysia to discover and support emerging Malaysian talents in film and digital content. The BMW Shorties, Malaysia's most recognisable short film competition, has been ensuring sustainable industry development, talent visibility optimization, and the revival of Malaysian cinema. Many emerging filmmakers and digital content creators have used the platform to creatively bring their ideas and stories to life.
"This partnership is great news for the entire industry, as MIFFest's international platform will allow the next generation of Malaysian filmmakers to take full advantage of this opportunity to showcase their talent and tell their stories with a tenacious and indomitable spirit," said MIFFest founder and president Joanne Goh. It also helps them advance in their professional and creative careers."
"We drew inspiration from our 2022 theme, RE:IMAGINE, where a new generation of creative talents incorporated unique experiences from the pandemic into their storytelling," said Hans de Visser, Managing Director of BMW Group Malaysia. Their adaptability and creativity demonstrated that innovation can emerge from any circumstance, with tremendous potential waiting to be discovered in this ever-changing creative industry. The BMW Shorties, like the BMW Group's Forwardism lens, thrives on challenging today's common conventions, with creative thinkers who dare to bring tomorrow's breakthroughs forward to the present. That is why this year's theme is EVOLVE."
The Grand Prize Winner of the short film and digital content competition will receive a production grant of RM80,000, and filmmaking talent will be recognised through a variety of supporting awards. The BMW Shorties will be open for entries beginning April 1, 2023. Please visit MIFFest's official website and social media platforms for more information.
Collaboration with the Udine Far East Film Festival (FEFF) in Italy has been maintained.
MIFFest and its Italian partner, the Udine Far East Film Festival, have continued to deliver good news this year, with special screenings of Malaysian films and filmmaker exchanges. Both festivals hope that the concept of "From East To West" will continue to spark new ideas. Furthermore, MIFFest will continue to support local films so that more people from all over the world can share in the beauty and significance of Malaysian cinema.
MIFFest has also confirmed that it will be held this year at Lalaport BBCC from 23th July 2023 to 29th July 2023, and the awards ceremony, the Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA), will be held on 29th July 2023 at Zepp Kuala Lumpur.
For more information about the 6th MIFFest 2023, please visit miffest.com.my.
BMW Shorties正式与MIFFest携手合作。 4月1日起正式接受报名
(吉隆坡)马来西亚国际电影节(MIFFest)新闻发布会在电影节的官方酒店PARKROYAL COLLECTION KL举行。在发布会上公布了本届的主题【New Take】以及今年电影节的一系列活动,其中包括与BMW Shorties的首次合作,TikTok Malaysia做为MIFFest的宣传官方伙伴,再度与意大利乌迪内远东电影节(FEFF)的合作,还有大马知名演员博朗·帕拉雷先生(Bront Palarae)第四度担任电影节宣传大使等等。
MIFFest宣传大使博朗·帕拉雷先生(Bront Palarae)也亲临现场,同時发表:“如今顺利进入后疫情时代,这个行业最需要的莫过于更多有热忱以及创意的影像创作者以及诉说故事的人。我真心希望前三年的疫情并没有让电影创作者对电影失去信心,而是期待着此时此刻,蓄势待发,展开属于他们每一个人的【New Take】。”
BMW Shorties正式与MIFFest携手合作
MIFFest在现场也宣布了多项振奋人心的活动,以及新的合作伙伴。最备受关注的是MIFFest与BMW Shorties的首次合作。BMW Shorties已举办长达16年,也累计了超过1千部参与本地制作短片的参赛作品,也是马来西亚最具有知名度的短片比赛。每一年都聚集了很多新生代电影人和内容自由创作者展现他们的才华。
BMW Group Malaysia的执行总裁Hans de Visser说到:"我们从2022年的主题RE:IMAGINE中获得了灵感,新一代的创意人才将大流行病的独特经历融入他们的故事中。他们的创造力和适应性向我们表明,创新可以从任何环境中产生,在这个不断发展的创意产业中,有巨大的潜力等待我们去挖掘。与宝马集团所接受的Forwardism的视角一样,BMW Shorties也在挑战今天的常规,与那些敢于把明天的突破带到现在的创造性思想家们一起茁壮成长。这就是为什么我们今年的主题是EVOLVE"。
除了比赛大奖得主将会获得马币8万令吉的制作资助(Production Grant)外,另外还有11项奖项将颁发予其它得奖者。从4月1日起,BMW Shorties将正式开始接受报名,更多详情,请浏览MIFFest的官方网站和社交平台。
今年MIFFest将与意大利乌迪内远东电影节(Far East Film Festival)继续传来好消息,合作內容包括马来西亚电影的特别放映单元和电影创造者的交流等等。双方电影节跟希望可以持续地通过【From East To West】的合作主题,为东西两方的影视文化带来新的火花。此外,MIFFest也会不断地协助大马的本地影片,让世界各地更多的观众有机会一同观赏马来西亚电影的美丽和意义。
马来西亚国际电影节(MIFFest)已经确定将会在今年的7月23日至29日于吉隆坡Lalaport BBCC进行,而金环奖颁奖典礼将会在7月29日于Zepp Kuala Lumpur隆重举行。
Keywords: #MIFFest, #MGGA, #BMWShorties
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