[Local News] National Traditional Lion Dance Competition 2023 @ Sungei Wang Plaza
Kuala Lumpur, 2023 - The Sungei Wang Traditional Lion Dance Competition is back! The Second Edition of the Sungei Wang Plaza National Traditional Lion Dance Competition took place over two days, from 25 February 2023 (Saturday) to 26 February 2023 (Sunday), at Sungei Wang Plaza's Main Entrance.
Sungei Wang Plaza organised the National Traditional Lion Dance Competition 2023, which was sponsored by Magnum and co-organized by the Federation of Selangor and the Federal Territory Dragon and Lion Dance Association. It was open to all Malaysian lion dance troupes to participate, and a total of 15 renowned lion dance troupes from across the country competed for the title of Champion.
Mr Leong Lik Thong PJK, Chairman of the Federation of Selangor and Federal Territory Dragon and Lion Dance Association, officiated the competition on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at 1 pm. Following that, on 26 February 2023 (Sunday), at 4.30pm, a Prize Presentation Ceremony of The Second Edition of the Sungei Wang Plaza National Traditional Lion Dance Competition was held, with a cultural Chinese Drumming Performance presented by Mr Lee Seang Hock, Political Secretary to the Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (Representative of Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Tiong King Sing, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture).
The Committee Member of Sungei Wang Plaza Management Corporation, Mr Ng Yih Chen said "Due to the overwhelming response from the public and participants last year, Sungei Wang Plaza will continue to host the Second Edition of The Traditional Lion Dance Competition this year as we believe that this highly anticipated event will attract shoppers to the Bukit Bintang area, and it will also be an eye opener to many tourists visiting Kuala Lumpur. The most important thing, of course, is to continue to promote the significance of traditional Chinese culture while also providing an additional platform for lion dance troupes to showcase and unleash their potential while exposing them to competitive-play experience".
Mr. Lee Seang Hock presented the Champion Title of the Second Edition of the Sungei Wang Plaza National Traditional Lion Dance Competition to Ching Xing Sports And Cultural Centre over the course of two days of competition. Persatuan Sukan China Sungai Besi Selangor and Persatuan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Jin Shan Tangkak Johor were awarded first runner-up titles with a cash prize of RM2,000 and second runner-up titles with a cash prize of RM1,000, respectively, by Mr Lee Seang Hock. Furthermore, Mr. Ng Yih Chen and Mr. Lim See Chin presented the consolation prizes of RM500 and the finalist prize of RM300 as encouragement and recognition for their efforts.
Visit Sungei Wang Plaza's website at www.sungeiwang.comfor more information, or follow real-time updates on Sungei Wang's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/sungeiwangplaza.
Keywords: #SungeiWangPlaza, #TraditionalLiondance
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