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[Upcoming Event] Crowd Lu “C'MON LIVE CONCERT” 卢广仲《励志演说演唱会》


[Upcoming Event] Crowd Lu “C'MON LIVE CONCERT” (Dual Language Post)

Crowd Lu, a multi-talented singer, has announced a May concert in KL. 


Kuala Lumpur, March 2023 - Crowd Lu, a multi-talented singer, composer, and actor, will return to Kuala Lumpur in May 2023 as part of his "C'MON LIVE CONCERT" tour. 


The tour began in 2021 at the Kaohsiung Music Center, with Lu being the first artist to perform a solo concert at the new landmark for pop music in southern Taiwan, and was followed by an elevated-scale performance last August at Singapore's Star Performing Arts Centre. Lu is also set to perform in Australia, including Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney, before arriving in the United States in May. 


Lu is set to dazzle and perform for local fans for the second time on Saturday, May 27, 2023, at 7:00pm at the Plenary Hall KLCC. The performance, appropriately titled "C'MON," corresponds with Lu's sixth full-length album, "Healism," which was released in December 2021. He collaborated with acclaimed music producers Tiger Chung and Huang Shao Yong on the album, which includes tracks ranging from folk and ballad to rock, electro, disco, chill-hop, bossa nova, Latin-style, and more. For the first time, Lu collaborated with renowned Hong Kong lyricist Wymen Wong on the self-satirical disco dance number 'C'MON' (2021). 


The album "Healism" has earned Lu four nominations for the 33rd Golden Melody Awards in 2022. Award categories include Best Composition, Best Music Arrangement, Best Music Video, and Best Mandarin Male Singer. Songs from "Healism" will be performed for the first time to local fans during the Malaysian leg of the tour. 


Lu is a compelling performer and actor in Taiwan, as well as an award-winning singer-songwriter. While recovering from a near-fatal accident in his first year at Tamkang University, the Tainan singer-songwriter discovered a new talent: playing the acoustic guitar. Lu's acoustic melodies and amusingly quirky style of indie pop music catapulted him into the Mandopop spotlight while he was in the hospital teaching himself the guitar and experimenting with songwriting. Lu's chart-topping debut album, "100 Ways of Living," released in 2008, has had a significant influence on changing Mando-pop palates and trends across the region, as well as redefining and ushering in a tender side of Mando-pop. 


Lu, who is known for his organic, exuberantly optimistic approach to music, has released six studio albums, twelve EPs, three live albums, one greatest hits album, and numerous singles to date. Lu has a large following throughout the Chinese-speaking world and has received numerous awards and accreditations. This includes not only multiple Golden Melody Awards in the music category, but also a Golden Bell Award for drama performance and a Golden Horse Award for the theme song of 2020's Taiwanese box office romance, "Your Name Engraved Herein" (2020). Lu is also the youngest recipient of the "Three Gold Grand Slams," which refer to the Golden Melody Award, Golden Horse Award, and Golden Bell Award.


Held at Plenary Hall KLCC on Saturday, 27 May 2023, starting 7:00pm, tickets for the  “CROWD LU C'MON LIVE CONCERT” are priced at RM 638, RM 538, RM 438, RM 298 and RM 198 (excluding processing fee) and available from https://my.bookmyshow.com/  commencing Friday, 17 March 2023, 12:00pm.

Priority sale to CK Star members starts on Thursday, 16 March 2023, between 12:00 - 11:59pm at https://bit.ly/CROWDLUKL. Fans can sign up at https://sg.ckstarentertainment.com/register for access to priority sale before 11:00am on 16 March. Priority sale to CK Star members starts on Thursday, 16 March 2023, between 12:00 - 11:59pm “CROWD LU C'MON LIVE CONCERT'' is organised by CK Star Entertainment, with MY and GOXUAN as “Media Partner”, and Canglo as “Official Promotion Partner”. 

For more information, please check out CK Star Entertainment’s official website


Concert Details: 


Date:                          Saturday, 27 May 2023


Time:                          7:00pm


Venue:                       Plenary Hall KLCC


Tickets Sales Date: CK Star Members Priority Sale: 


Register as CK Star member via https://sg.ckstarentertainment.com/register before Thursday, 16 March 2023, 11:00am


Priority Sale:

Thursday, 16 March 2023, between 12:00 - 11:59pm at at https://bit.ly/CROWDLUKL


General Sale: 

Friday, 17 March 2023, 12:00pm onwards


Ticketing Website:   https://my.bookmyshow.com/


Ticket Prices:                        RM 638,RM 538,RM 438, RM 298 and RM 198 (price shown excludes 

processing fee)




卢广仲 527 来马「励志演说」


【吉隆坡, 7 日讯】时隔 40 个月,「三金」创作鬼才卢广仲即将携带《励志演说演唱会》重返马来西亚舞台,与久违的小队员们(卢广仲粉丝名称)齐聚一堂!


卢广仲于 2021 年在高雄流行音乐中心 (高流)举办《励志演说》演唱会,成为首登高流开唱的开箱歌手后,去年将其演出移师新加坡,并成功引起热烈的回响,即让马来西亚的小队员敲碗不断,拜托小队长 (卢广仲昵称)奔「马」演出 


自从听到大家的心声后,主办单位 CK Star Entertainment 更是不遗余力地向卢广仲招手、积极地想为本地歌迷完成心愿,然而经过数多月的努力,最终成功促成这次吉隆坡站的《励志演说》。这场名为《卢广仲励志演说吉隆坡演唱会》的音乐盛会将在 2023  5  27 日(星期六),晚上 7 点于吉隆坡 Plenary Hall KLCC 励志开演。在抵达马来西亚站之前,他也将启动国际巡演,在 4 月中率先前往澳洲三大城市包括布里斯班,墨尔本和雪梨「励志演说」。




演唱会名称「励志演说」擷取于 2021 年底发行的第六张创作专辑《励志论》,恰好在疫情时代为世界带来一剂强心针。专辑中,卢广仲把所有挣扎纠结淬炼成一本《励志论》,就算满身伤痕,在学会包扎伤口、等待满血复活之后,面对人生这颗「变化球」,依旧能够喊着 “Come On” 并且正面迎战。​​对卢广仲而言,「励志论」其实是你我共同面对的生命状态。他有感而发地分享:「这名字乍听之下很正向阳光,但是我所认为的励志,是一种生命态度的选项。生命不会因为你的态度励志,就照着所希望的样子前进;但你永远是自己自由意志的主人,可以选择积极地接受困境,或是愁眉苦脸地怨天尤人。」他说:「《励志论》献上陪伴,给在生活中血肉模糊的你们,祝福你们都有平复如故的一天。」


​​ 2016 年发表第五张专辑《What a folk!!!!!!》之后,卢广仲跨出舒适圈,2017 年出演连续剧《花甲男孩转大人》中的灵魂人物郑花甲。虽是第一次尝试戏剧演出,凭自身魅力和自然演技让观众深感亲和力,并甚至获得「全民长孙」的封号,同时他也凭借其角色一举夺下 2018 年第 53 届金钟奖戏剧节目「新进演员奖」与「男主角奖」两项大奖。 


此外,他为其戏剧所创作的主题曲〈鱼仔〉成功夺下 2018 年第 29 届台湾金曲奖的「最佳作曲人」、「年度歌曲奖」的殊荣。他在 2020 年为电影《刻在你心底的名字》献唱的主题曲〈刻在我心底的名字〉获得第57 届金马奖 「最佳原创电影歌曲」后,即成为少数集齐「三金」的艺人,且是史上最年轻的「三金」得主。​ 


 CK Star Entertainment 主办,MY  GOXUAN 为指定媒体,Canglo 为指定宣传伙伴的《卢广仲励志演说吉隆坡演唱会》将于 2023  5  27 日(星期六),晚上 7 点在吉隆坡 Plenary Hall KLCC励志开演。门票将于 3  17  (星期五),中午 12 点起通过 https://my.bookmyshow.com/ 发售 CK Star 会员可在 3 16 日(星期四)中午 12 点至晚上 11  59 分点之间抢先购票。请在 3  16 日,早上 11 点前登入https://sg.ckstarentertainment.com/register 完成注册,即可成为 CK Star Entertainment 会员,并前往https://bit.ly/CROWDLUKL  抢先购票。演唱会门票价格为 RM 638RM 538RM 438RM 298  RM 198(未含行政费) 







演出日期:                2023  5  27 日(星期六)


演出时间:                晚上 7 


演出地点:                Plenary Hall KLCC


开票日期及时间:    CK Star Entertainment 会员抢先购票

2023  3  16 日(星期四),中午 12 点至晚上 11  59 

*请在 3  16 日,早上 11 点前登入

 https://sg.ckstarentertainment.com/register 完成注册,即可成为 CK Star 会员,并前往https://bit.ly/CROWDLUKL  抢先购票



2023  3  17 日(星期五),中午 12 点起 


票务网址:               https://my.bookmyshow.com/ 


票价:                                    RM 638RM 538RM 438RM 298  RM 198(未含行政费) 


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Published by WLJack.


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