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[Local Entertainment]"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" Top 10 contestants revealed! (Dual Language)


 [Local Entertainment]"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" Top 10 contestants revealed! (Dual Language)


Kuala Lumpur, February 2023 - GOXUAN, Malaysia's most youthful Mandarin radio station, has launched "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0"a full-time MC recruitment competition. Within 10 days, the online selection event received nearly 300 registration forms from Malaysians across the country. Finally, ten outstanding candidates with both talent and charisma emerged from the competition, and they made their first appearance yesterday (17/2/2023) at the media meet and greet session, kicking off a three-week challenge!


"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" sponsored by Vsing Premium KL, held a top 10 meet and greet session to officially kick off the highly competitive contest. When submitting their registration forms, the top ten contestants were required to attach a short self-introduction video as well as choose one of GOXUAN's five MC teams. The GOXUAN MCs made their selections after receiving the applications, and the top ten players were announced. GOXUAN, which currently has four male and one female MCs, may benefit from having more than half of the contestants be women.


The top ten contestants from Malaysia joined the GOXUAN MC team in groups of two, and they are as follows:


Team Joe consists of Kai Xin (23 years old, from Kelantan) and Jack Hong Wu (22 years old, from Selangor). Julia (24 years old, from Selangor) and Lin Li (25 years old, from Johor) in Team Catherine, Lavigne (20 years old, from Penang) and Jun Ni (23 years old, from Selangor) in Team Maq, Shan Shan (25 years old, from Negeri Sembilan) and Ying Ying (26 years old, from Selangor) in Team BrocoLee, and Jean (24 years old, from Johor) and Li Hoong (24 years old, from Negeri Sembilan) in Team Kryston.


The contestants are all very lively and eloquent, and they all have a lot of potential. When asked which GOXUAN MC they were confident in replacing, Ying Ying from Team BrocoLee said she wanted to replace team leader Li Wei Jun, while Li Hoong, an actress from Team Kryston, said she wanted to replace Maq. Lin Li, a former child star who appeared in "Little Sunshine" and Wan Wan Er, a content creator who can host programmes entirely in English and has 45,000 Instagram followers, are among the other talented contestants.


"GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" marks GOXUAN's first public recruitment of full-time MCs since its inception. The contestants will be divided into two-person teams and will have to work together to overcome obstacles during the competition. The grand final will be held at Vsing Premium KL on March 16. Before proceeding to the final stage, the top ten contestants will have to complete three weeks of challenges, including the "《视.听挑战》" (individual) in the first week, in which the players will record a programme and shoot a video in the radio studio under the supervision of their team leader; the "《团综挑战》" (team) in the second week, in which the contestants will participate in a variety show and face challenges set by various sponsors, including media partner XUAN; and the and the "《控场挑战》" (team) in the third week, where the contestants will need to host a unit program independently at an event with a live audience, demonstrating their ability to control the stage.


Every Thursday, the GOXUAN official YouTube channel and IG account will release challenge videos, allowing viewers to watch and witness the contestants' competition and growth. Starting on 23rd February 2023, everyone can vote and support their favourite team contestants on goxuan.my every Thursday at 8 p.m. There is no limit on the number of votes a person can cast per day, and repeat voting is permitted. The weekly challenge's support value accounts for 50% of the total score! Every Wednesday at 12 noon, the support voting channel will be closed, and the weekly ranking will be announced at 12 noon on Thursday, allowing everyone to see the most recent ranking of the week!


At the same time, "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" defies the "tradition" of traditional talent shows by being completely devoid of judges. It competes using a point-based competition system, with the GOXUAN MCs serving as team captains providing 60% of the scores during the challenge process. The remaining 40% is determined by audience voting during the competition!


In addition, team captains will be GOXUAN MCs Joe, Catherine, Maq, BrocoLee, and Kryston. They will assist the contestants from February 17th to March 16th, a one-month schedule, along with 5 guest teammates including Phei Yong, Tong Tong, Han Xiaoai, Okokokmou, and Perry K. The following guest teammates were assigned: Team Joe partnered with Perry K; Team Catherine partnered with Tong Tong; Team Maq partnered with Pei Yong; Team BrocoLee partnered with Han Xiaoai; and Team Kryston partnered with Okokokmou.


The two contestants who win the "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" championship will sign as full-time MCs for GOXUAN and join the GOXUAN family on the spot!


Perry K surprised the audience by appearing on stage as a "special MC" for GOXUAN during the meet and greet session. Beginning 24th February 2023, he will host a one-month programme on Friday nights called "GOXUAN Party with Perry K" which will feature an hour-long electronic music show that will transport you to a high-energy, crazy party. The show will provide the most exciting and explosive night for the listeners, with one catchy dance song after another! The show will air on Fridays from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., with a replay on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


Stay tuned to the GOXUAN radio station on the SYOK app for more information on "GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0" or visit the official GOXUAN Facebook page, Instagram page, and YouTube channel.




全马最年轻的中文电台GOXUAN举办全职MC招募比赛《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》,网络甄选活动仅10日已收获近300份来自全马各地的报名表格,最终10位口条与才华兼备的位选手成功脱颖而出,在见面会上亮相,为期3周的考验正式开跑!


Vsing Premium KL全力护航的《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》举办10强见面会,正式为这场竞争激烈的比赛掀开序幕。10强选手在呈交报名表格时不仅附上自我介绍短视频,亦需要在GOXUAN5MC中选择其中一个战队,收获参赛表格后GOXUAN MC们进行反选,随之10强名额也顺利出炉。凑巧的是半数以上皆为女性,有望为目前41阳盛阴衰GOXUAN增添新气象。


来自全马各地的10强选手分别以两人一组的形式加入GOXUAN MC的战队,他们分别是:

Team Joe凯欣23岁,来自吉兰丹)和Jack宏梧22岁,来自雪兰莪),Team CatherineJulia婉婉儿24岁,来自雪兰莪)和林利25岁,来自柔佛),Team MaqLavigne20岁,来自槟城)和郡倪23岁,来自雪兰莪)、Team BrocoLee珊珊25岁,来自森美兰)和盈盈26岁,来自雪兰莪),以及Team KrystonJean24岁,来自柔佛)和丽荭LiHoong24岁,来自森美兰)。


选手们都非常活泼、口条伶俐,颇有初生之犊之势,像是被问到觉得自己有信心取代哪位GOXUAN MCTeam BrocoLee盈盈说想取代队长李伟俊,而Team Kryston丽荭是位演员,放话取代Maq,还大喊一路以来单身是为了培永,励志向培永和周星驰看齐!其他实力不俗的选手包括有童星出身、曾饰演《小胖流浪记》的小胖林利;能以全英语主持节目且IG追踪者达45千人的网络内容创作者婉婉儿


GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》是GOXUAN开台以来首次公开招募全职MC,选手将被分配成俩人同一战队,在竞赛过程中并肩全力共赴挑战,而总决赛将会在316日于Vsing Premium KL举办。在踏上决赛舞台前,10强选手需先经历为期3周的三项挑战,分别是第一周的《视.听挑战》(个人):选手将会在各队长的指导下在电台录音室进行节目录音以及拍摄业配视频;第二周的《团综挑战》(团队):选手将会集体参与一个团综节目,并通过包括媒体伙伴XUAN在内的各关主设置的挑战;而第三周的《控场挑战》(团队),选手们则需要在拥有现场观众的活动上独立主持单元节目,展现控场能力。


GOXUAN 官方YouTube频道和IG账号将会在每周四释出战队选手的挑战视频,让观众观看并见证战队选手的竞赛与成长过程,大家亦可在223号起,每逢星期四晚上8点开始到助力站goxuan.my为喜爱的战队选手投票助力!每人每日投票无上限,可重复投票,助力值占据了每星期挑战总分的50%!助力通道将会在每个星期三中午12时关闭,而每个星期四,中午12时亦将会公布每星期战力排行榜,让大家了解每星期的最新排名!


与此同时,《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》亦打破以往选秀比赛的传统,竞赛全程无评审,并采用积分赛制进行比拼,考核的分数中有60%是以GOXUAN MC们担任的队长身份在挑战过程中给予评分,另外40%则是以观众在比赛期间进行投选的网络助力值为准!


此外,GOXUAN MC Joe曾耀祖Catherine凯心Maq赖铭权BrocoLee李伟俊Kryston温杨将会化身队长,联合重磅邀来的5位「战略伙伴」包括培永彤彤韩晓嗳OkokokmouPerry K一起在217日至316日期间,为期一个月的赛程中为选手加持并协助他们过关斩将。在见面会上,各队长进行了抽签,「战略伙伴」分配如下:Team Joe - Perry KTeam Catherine – 彤彤;Team Maq – 培永;Team BrocoLee – 韩晓嗳;Team  Kryston – Okokokmou,有了战略伙伴的加入,势必要选出兼具口条、应变能力、明星特质等全方位才华的新晋MC。最终在《GOXUAN THE RISING 2.0》决赛获得冠军的两位选手,将会在总决赛现场签约成为GOXUAN全职MC,加入GOXUAN大家庭!


10强见面会进入尾声时,作为「战略伙伴」之一的Perry K惊喜现身为选手站台,并宣布自己从本月24日起以「特邀MC」身份加盟GOXUAN,主持为期一个月的节目《GOXUAN Party with Perry K》,在周五夜晚安排上一小时的电子音乐秀,仿佛带你走进High爆疯狂的派对世界,用一首接一首的洗脑舞曲,和听众一起度过最动感最燃炸的夜晚!节目会在每星期五凌晨12时至1时播出,重播时间则是星期六10时至11时。


欲知更多有关《GOXUANTHE RISING 2.0》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK App 收听 GOXUAN电台或浏览GOXUAN官方面子书专页Instagram 专页YouTube官方账号


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Published by WLJack.


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