[Upcoming Event]《A-LINK with PASSENGERS》巡迴演唱會大馬站2023 @ Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil (Dual Language)
After 4 years, 「天生歌姬」 A-Lin has returned to the Malaysian stage with the brand new concert tour "A-Link with PASSENGERS".
To make it up to her fans, this new concert will be a combination of her three-year-old "Passenger Journey.Class" concert and the much-anticipated "ROMADIW," which was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
A-lin has many signature songs 《給我一個理由忘記》、《失戀無罪》、《有一種悲傷》, and she will also perform new songs from her latest album "LINK," among other things.
Furthermore, the pop diva will be backed by an ensemble of musicians and chorus in a flawless music arrangement, as well as backup dancers, to deliver a fantastic show worthy of her fans.
Nonetheless, the relaunched "A-Link with PASSENGERS" concert tour will only serve to demonstrate that the content, costumes, stage, visuals, lighting, and, most importantly, her powerful diva vocals will be a feast for the fans' eyes and ears. For when she sings, her audience will know that her voice, comes with notes of sincerity.
《A-Link with PASSENGERS》
Date: 29th April 2023
Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil
To purchase the tickets, you may visit:
《A-LINK with PASSENGERS》巡迴演唱會大馬站
「天生歌姬」A-Lin暌違4年,以巡迴演唱會《A-Link with PASSENGERS》再次重返大馬舞台!
闊別4年再度踏上大馬國土,A-Lin這次的新演唱會是她3年前在《Passenger 旅.課》演唱會,以及因三級警戒無緣完成的《ROMADIW》小型演唱會的綜合。集合兩場演唱會精華,除了招牌好歌《給我一個理由忘記》、《失戀無罪》、《有一種悲傷》之外,A-Lin 也會在演出加入最新專輯《LINK》的新曲目等。此外,為呈現不同於之前演唱會的視覺效果,A-Lin 這次會與樂手、管弦樂手及合音在超高規格的音樂編制下,搭配舞者,以漂亮又帥氣的全新造型,在舞台上盡情演唱,展現百分百的能力征服全場。
重新啟動的《A-Link with PASSENGERS》巡迴演唱會,無論內容、服裝、舞台、視覺、燈光,加上她實力超班的歌聲,務必讓粉絲有一場聽覺與視覺上最大的盛宴,讓大家感受她帶著滿滿的誠意。
《A-Link with PASSENGERS》世界巡迴演唱會 -馬來西亞站
時間:晚上8時30分在亞通體育館(Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil)
To purchase the tickets, you may visit:
Ticket Price: CAT 1 RM 888| CAT 2 RM 738| CAT 3 RM 638 | CAT 4 RM 488 | CAT 5 RM 388| CAT 6 RM 288|
*Ticket prices exclude RM 4 Booking Fee
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Published by WLJack.