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[Entertainment] 《新年一家乐Happy Together》Media Afternoon Tea Meet-up Featuring Fuying 王赴颖, Sam 沈展宁, Jeryl 李佩玲, Lovell 陈馷佳, Goh Liu Ying吴柳莹 and Wind 李诗斌 (Dual Language Post)


[Entertainment] 《新年一家乐Happy TogetherMedia Afternoon Tea Meet-up

Kuala Lumpur, December 2022Fuying 王赴颖, Sam 沈展宁, Jeryl 李佩玲, Lovell 陈馷佳, Goh Liu Ying吴柳莹 and Wind 李诗斌 have collaborated on a Chinese New Year song titled 《新年一家乐Happy Togetherfor the upcoming Rabbit Lunar Year 2023. A media afternoon tea was recently held at DayOne DayOne Concept @ Petaling Street.


Fuying and Sam revealed that this is their first time performing together since they began as solo artists. In fact, they had no idea each other would be involved in the project until now. This is the 10th year post-debut for Fuying & Sam. They thanked the fans for supporting them for so long. They had no idea time flew by so quickly


Fuying and his girlfriend Lovell are also making their first media appearance together. They became the target for questions about when they would marry. Fuying admitted that it was not yet in the 2023 plan, but he would not rule it out.


Aside from that, Jeryl Lee, who has always wanted to release a dance song, was able to do so with this current collaboration in 《新年一家乐Happy Together. She admitted that dancing and singing at the same time can be exhausting.


Lovell, who is performing the Chinese New Year song for the first time, has asked her boyfriend for singing tips. Fuying, on the other hand, replied that she can sing quite well and didn't really offer much assistance.


Goh Liu Ying, our national badminton player and Wellous ambassador, stated that this is her first time participating in a Chinese New Year song performance. Goh, who recently announced her retirement, was asked if she plans to pursue a career in the arts and acting. She replied that she will not rule out any possibility, but she aspires to be an actress.


Attitude Ideology and Wellous collaborated on this project.


《新年一家乐 Happy Togetheris composed by Adam 郑如川 who has composed《虎年新年到》. The music video filming was completed in less than a month, according to the founder of Attitude Ideology. Wind , a celebrity and Wellous brand director, stated that the music video included a family photo scene for Wellous users. This is in the hopes of conveying the message that their vocals will join Wellous users in celebrating the upcoming Chinese New Year!


《新年一家乐 Happy Together is already available online.


《新年一家乐 Happy Together》媒体下午茶会

Fuying 王赴颖、Sam 沈展宁、Jeryl 李佩玲、Lovell 陈馷佳、吴柳莹和 Wind 李诗斌携手合唱兔年贺岁歌曲《新年一家乐Happy Together》,并于 30 日在茨厂街小时光叄号面铺举办媒体下午茶会。近年单飞不解散的 Fuying Sam 自曝一开始不知道对方会参与,直到确定演唱阵容后才后知后觉发现,笑称:是缘分让我们相遇的。


今年正值 Fuying & Sam 出道 10 周年纪念日,Fuying 感性道:能走到 10 年不容易,谢谢大家的支持,之前也没想过会走这么久…” Sam 则表示不想面对,只因感觉自己老了10岁。如今两人同台的机会越来越少,被问到默契程度,Sam 笑说在台湾是 90 分,无奈现在两人的中间夹着 Lovell,让 Fuying 忍不住打趣道:你好像在吃醋欸。


首次以情侣档之姿合唱的 Fuying Lovell 成为众人催婚的对象,对此 Fuying 坦承人生大事不在 2023 年的计划中,但自己不排除结婚的可能性,一切顺其自然。一旁的 Sam 则搞笑回应:我会在你们的婚礼唱《分开以后》的。接着还表示要就地取材,与李佩玲配对成情侣。李佩玲闻言先是要 Sam 解释就地取材的意思,Sam 赶紧圆场说:因为你是很有才华的人,让李佩玲听了开心回应:所以我选对人了。


一直很想出一首唱跳歌曲的李佩玲,此次在《新年一家乐Happy Together》圆了唱跳心愿,但她也直认边唱边跳着真的很喘。首次唱新年歌的 Lovell 则坦言很压力,还因担心破音,私下请男友 Fuying 指导歌唱技巧,不料却被对方以你已经唱得很好打枪,让她忍不住控诉:你以为有歌手男友很好?可是他都没有教我。


身为 Wellous 代言人的羽球前奥运会银牌得主吴柳莹第一次演唱新年歌外,还是第一次尝试跳舞,她看完 MV 后笑称:那个是我吗?并透露自己是在拍摄当天才知道有舞蹈,让她紧张得赶紧躲在房间练习。她先前宣布将在 2023 1 月的大马羽球公开赛结束后退役,提到未来会否转战演艺圈,她表示不排斥任何的机会和可能性,而自己最想当演员,坦言:虽然感觉自己有点不切实际,但我想演关于羽毛球或运动题材的,特别想让大家知道运动员背后的故事。


由网红营销公司 Attitude Ideology Wellous唯乐联合出品的《新年一家乐 Happy Together》,是《虎年新年到》作曲人 Adam 郑如川打造的另一首贺岁歌曲。Attitude Ideology 创办人肯林透露从歌曲筹备到完成MV拍摄,仅用了不到一个月的时间。艺人兼 Wellous 品牌总监 Wind 李诗斌则表示 MV 画面特别加入 Wellous 用户一家人的合照,并希望透过歌声陪伴 Wellous 用户庆祝兔年。


《新年一家乐 Happy Together》已在各大数位平台全面上线,MV 则在“Wellous唯乐官方脸书与官方YouTube頻道上架。



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Published by WLJack.


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