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[Coverage] Park Eun-Bin Asia Fan Meeting Tour “EUN-BIN NOTE: BINKAN in Kuala Lumpur”


 [Coverage] Park Eun-Bin Asia Fan Meeting Tour “EUN-BIN NOTE: BINKAN in Kuala Lumpur”

Kuala Lumpur, December 2022 -  2022 Park Eun-Bin Asia Fan Meeting Tour “EUN-BIN NOTE: BINKAN” in Kuala Lumpur has finally taken place in Malaysia at StarXpo Centre, KWC Fashion Wholesale on 24th December 2022. 


The event began with Park Eun-Bin greeting her fans with her charming and adorable first song performance titled "Hello!" Following the song, Eun-Bin addressed the audience in Malay, saying "Apa Khabar?" and many other Malay phrases. She has taken the time to learn as many Malay words as she can so that she can greet Malaysian fans even more personally. She also thanked the fans for attending the fan meeting and showing her their support.


When emcee Owen Yap asked Eun-Bin if she was going to give a lot of gifts to the fans! She replied, "Yes," and the emcee joked that she would be like Santa Claus to the fans!


The title "BINKAN" was chosen for her tour because she wanted to fill the empty spaces in the fans' lives by making them sparkling spaces instead.


First and foremost, they shared Park Eun-Bin's recent profile information, such as her birthday, height (which was cutely labelled as "below 2m"), and so on.


She revealed her most recent TMI, in which she has been living a day and night upside down. She had gotten up at 5 a.m. the day before. Despite this, she was excited to meet the Malaysian fans, whom she referred to as "Terbaik"!


When asked to use weather to express her mood, she said "Bright"weather is her mood when she's in Malaysia. During the event, she stated that her goal was to spend a happy and joyous Christmas Eve with everyone who attended.


She taught the fans a word called "Saranghae" (I love you). The fans all yelled "Saranghae" to her after she finished teaching them!


Eun-Bin was also interested in learning more about the Malaysian fans. Thus,  a few fan statements were chosen to be addressed to Park Eun-Bin. Her fans have praised her dedication and acting abilities. Some fans also stated that Park Eun-Bin was the first Korean artist to make them fall in love with Korean drama.


She also chose the questions from a board covered in sticky notes and answered them to the fans! Malaysia was her final stop on her Asia Tour, and she stated that if given the chance, she would visit more countries! One of the fans inquired about her feelings about spending Christmas in a hot country like Malaysia. She explained that this was her first Christmas in a hot country. She felt warmer because she could sense the love from her Malaysian fans! Emcee Owen Yap attempted to teach her how to say "I love you" in Bahasa Malaysia, but Park Eun-Bin responded cheekily that she had already learned and knew the words! She responded that she would inform the fans later that night!


She then revealed information about Eun-Bin that fans may not be aware of. During this session, Eun-Bin interacted with the fans by allowing them to choose her preferences in various situations, such as her favourite sleepwear, preferred trips, and so on. She chose three fans and congratulated them with "Tahniah"! In fact, the last winner was selected after winning "Rock, Scissor, Paper" with Park Eun-Bin! Fans were given Eco Bags with designs drawn LIVE on stage by Park Eun-Bin. She drew a rabbit (her favourite animal), a whale, and a reindeer with a snowman on the bags, as well as her autographs!


She then went backstage to change her clothes while a video footage created especially for her fans was shown on screen!


She then performed her second song of the night, "The Blue Night Of Jeju Island," following all of the discussion sessions. Bubbles were blown during this session, creating a dreamy and memorable scene! The song was an OST from "Extraordinary Attorney Woo," and Park Eun-Bin performed the entire song live!


Subsequently Eun-Bin proceeded with another talk session titled "Park Eun-bin,who possesses the charm of a drawing paper". Park Eun-Bin spoke about 2022 during the session. It was a year of love for him, and it was a year for her to meet all of her fans! She also admitted that she does not enjoy new challenges. However, acting has given her the opportunity to try many new things and face new challenges. During this session, the emcee also shared with Eun-Bin about three of the fans' favourite Park Eun-Bin acting scenes! They also shared three of Park Eun-Bin's most famous lines! Following this session, Malaysian fans prepared a video message to Park Eun-Bin, while fans on the ground held a banner that read, "Instead of Sunlight, Starlight, and Moonlight, it is Eunbin's light that shines brightly on our binkan." To the fans, Eun-Bin said, "Aku Cinta Padamu!"


The fans have also prepared cake for her and sang “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” to her. To the fans’ surprise, Park Eun-Bin actually also prepared that song as her last song of the night!


Park Eun-Bin has also taken the time to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of the show including Namoo Actors, Trumpet International and many more!


The event was then followed by her final song performances, "Glittery" and "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," as she celebrated Christmas with the lucky Malaysian fans.


Finally, she has a "Hi Bye Session"with the fans, which is the night's highlight! It was an unforgettable event, especially for the fans!


Trumpet International deserves a million thanks for organising the event and bringing Park Eun-Bin to Malaysia to meet the fans! For the fans, it was a dream come true and the best Christmas gift of the year!


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That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!


Published by WLJack.


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