[Coverage] Line Walker Press Conference @ Westin Hotel Kuala Lumpur (Featuring Louis Koo 古天乐)
Kuala Lumpur, August 2016 – In conjunction with the upcoming release of “Line Walker” by MM2 Entertainment on the big screen, main actor HK superstar Louis Koo 古天乐has come over to Malaysia to promote the movie. Our team from wljack.comhas been invited to do a coverage on the press conference of the movie.
Venue: Westin Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Date: 5th August 2016
Louis Koo Appeared In Malaysia For Promo Of “Line Walker使徒行者”!
Just a few days ago, Louis Koo was here at Malaysia to promote the spin-off movie of the popular TVB Drama Line Walker. When asked whether he knew about the storyline of Line Walker drama, he replied that there was a rerun of the drama in HK television channels, so he get to know more about the show by watching it again. This movie is directly related to the drama. However, only two characters from the drama series were brought to the big screen, which are Ding (played by Charmaine Sheh) and Fun Hei Kor (played by Benz Hui).
A story of not only undercover but also regarding brotherhood!
The main characters in the show played by Louis Koo and Nick Cheung are best friends who both have their own goals and hidden secrets. But both of them become really close like brothers throughout their journey. The movie revolves mainly regarding the brotherhood between both of them and on focuses on undercover thriller theme. When asked whether there will be romantic scenes in it, Louis Koo replied that it is not a romantic genre, so it wouldn’t be appropriate if lovey dovey scenes are being overly-emphasized.
Did Charmaine Sheh’s Charm Hit On Louis Koo?
The host of the day, Wan Wai Fun mentioned that Charmaine Sheh is famous for her charm and sometimes she would be able to charm her working partners. Louis Koo mentioned that he has cooperated with Charmaine Sheh twice before. But he has never had that kind of experience before.
Rumor has it that Charmaine Sheh will have a scene in a T Back. Louis Koo was surprised to hear about that as he didn’t have any idea regarding it. He jokingly said that if this is real, this might be an attraction point of the movie.
Safety Endangered in Brazil Filming!
Many parts of the film was filmed in Brazilrural area. According to Louis Koo, there were real gunfights happening around them while they are filming the movie. It was a really dangerous filming experience.
Does Louis Koo Face Any Pressure In The Filming Process?
Louis Koo admitted that he himself has a better EQ. He felt that it would be stupid if he put too many pressure on himself. Moreover, as an actor, their main job is to play their assigned roles well. The sales of the movie is not a major concern for him. Of course, if the reception is good, he doesn’t mind doing a sequel for it.
The undercover “BlackJack”will be revealed!
When questioned by the media members of the floor on whether the real identity of BlackJack (the undiscovered mole) will be revealed in this film or will it be an open ended finale which does not expose the truth. Louis Koo reassured that the truth will be revealed. If it is not revealed, it would be a cheat to the audiences.
So are you guys ready to catch the movie in cinema this Thursday? Let’s go find out who is BlackJack and also enjoy the great thriller film!
Published by WLJack.