[Upcoming Event] Louis Koo 古天樂 Meet The Malaysian Fans Session (LINE WALKER 使徒行者 Promo Tour)
Kuala Lumpur, July 2016- In conjunction with the upcoming release of LINE WALKER 使徒行者in Malaysia cinema, Louis Koo 古天樂will be making an appearance at eCurve Atrium to meet the Malaysian fans as part of the promo tour.
Check out my previous post regarding the movie:
Louis Koo Meet The Fans Session:
Louis Koo meet the fans session will be held on Friday (5th August 2016), here’s the full details:
Date: 5th August 2016
Time: 8pm-9pm
Venue: eCurve Atrium, Mutiara Damansara
If you are a fans of Louis Koo, TVB drama or Line Walker series, do mark down the date and come meet your favourite idol on that day!
Published by WLJack.