[Coverage] “Boleh! Music Festival” 《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》(Dual Language)
Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – Malaysia Music Boleh organised the first "Boleh! Music Festival《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》ever last Saturday and gathered a crowd of local musicians and singers to perform for the audiences and deliver an experience full of "Malaysia" flavour!
Boleh! Music Festival《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》includes music performances of various genres such as ballads, r&b, indie folk, rock, hip hop, and so on. The show ran from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. on October 29, 2022. Prior to the concert, Malaysian renowned musician Guan Qi Yuan gave a masterclass on the album production process. This session provided a deeper understanding of the challenges that accompany an artist's album production.
The festival then continued with performances by four groups of new artists including Noel & Her Feathers, Rachel VAnthony, Cheryl黄佩盈and Theemokids. Despite being new artists, their performances were impressive and provided hope for the future Malaysia's music industry.
Aside from that, the festival also invited experienced singers including Eiva林丽谦,Faye安映霏,Madison刘汉杰,EDM musician Chris M. Yong,Hip Hop Hao You、Dametrill、Jay Wang王子慧,and finally rock band阿尔梵ARVAN. This diverse group of musicians was able to present an impressive range of Malaysian music. The outstanding performances were well worth the time and money spent on the tickets! Malaysia music is definitely not inferior to foreign music festival!
This music festival gave Malaysian artists a platform to showcase their talents! Music Boleh hopes to raise awareness of all these incredible musicians in order to move the Malaysian music industry further!
马来西亚音乐推广团体Music Boleh在上个星期六主办了第一届的《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》。这场音乐节聚集了一众本地音乐人和歌手为听众带来最“大马味”的音乐体验!
《Boleh!就酱听音乐节》的音乐种类非常多元,包括Ballad,R&B,Indie folk,Rock,Hiphop等等,从下午的两点钟开始直到晚上九点钟才结束。音乐节开始前先有大马资深音乐人——管启源老师跟大家分享专辑制作的流程,带大家一窥每张专辑背后的苦与乐。紧接着有四组大马乐坛新人的开场表演,分别是Noel & Her Feathers, Rachel VAnthony, Cheryl黄佩盈,还有 Theemokids。四组新人精湛的演出让大家对大马乐坛的前景信心满满!
这次的音乐节总共邀请了六组歌手,当中包括民谣歌手Eiva林丽谦,创作型歌手Faye安映霏和Madison刘汉杰,电音制作人Chris M. Yong,嘻哈歌手Hao You、Dametrill、Jay Wang王子慧,以及压轴的摇滚乐团阿尔梵ARVAN。多组歌手带来的表演让人看见大马音乐的繁盛景象,完全不输国外的音乐节!
这场音乐节让本地的众多新声代有了被聆听的平台。Music Boleh也希望借着这场音乐节让更多人认识大马的优秀音乐,以让大马音乐更加茁壮盛放!
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Published by WLJack.