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[Coverage] 《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》Finale (Dual Language Post)


 [Coverage] MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Finale (Dual Language Post)

MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022Finale! Team Jie Ying won the Championship!

Kuala Lumpur, October 2022 – MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022has been the talk of the town since October 2022 because of its diverse lineup of Radio DJ Announcers, artistes, MY Listeners, and national players.

Up until the final round, the competition was fierce. Finally, the championship concluded with Team Jie Ying taking first place with two winning sets. Team Mei Yan finished first runner-up, and Team Yoon finished second runner-up. Team Jack Lim finished fourth.


Contestants for MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022are made up of 16 MY DJ announcers, 16 artist friends, and 32 listeners, with 8 national badminton players serving as consultant coaches for each team. The group elimination rounds began since October 1, 2022. Throughout the competition, each contestant had an opportunity to shine. Some performers astounded everyone with their hidden badminton skills.


The winning team, Team Jie Ying, stated that, despite their confidence in their team's ability to win, she felt very pressured because the outcome is difficult to predict. She stated that the pressure was increased because everyone has high expectations of her team. Jie Ying thanked all of her teammates for their contributions to their team's victory. In addition, Team Jie Ying received the "Ravo Popular Team" award. As a result, their team has won a total of RM 12,000 in prize money (RM 10,000 for being the champion and RM 2,000 for winning the popularity award). Team Jie Ying wanted to celebrate with the team leader and teammates by going camping.


Byun, the vice leader of Team Mei Yan, on the other hand, represented the team to express their feelings about wrapping up as first runner-up. He stated that the competitors were too powerful, and their team was pleased with the outcome.

Yoon from Team Yoon, which came as second runner-up, also emphasised the importance of bringing everyone together as a "team" throughout the championship. Phei Yong believes that everyone who participated in the games was a winner because they all demonstrated their passion for the sport.


Jack Lim from Team Jack Lim expressed gratitude to all of his teammates, particularly to 常乐. Despite never winning a match, he maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, which is something to emulate.


Former national player Tan Boon Heong served as a special guest presenter, and Goh Jin Wei served as a special commentator. Following the finals, Goh Jin Wei teamed up with Maq and Phei Yong to face Jie Ying and Byun in a special match. Jack Lim has also stepped in as an impromptu umpire for the game.


Aside from the champion, who received RM 10,000, the first runner-up, second runner-up, and third runner-up each received RM 6,000, RM 3,000, and RM 2,000! The remaining four teams each received RM 1,000.


For more info, you can also check out MY Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/xiaoMY




(吉隆坡)全马最好玩的MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022(后称《MY好玩盃》)自10月初开赛以来引起全城关注,近日终迎来总决赛,赵洁莹领军的Team Jie Ying直落两局,夺下冠军奖杯!颜薇恩Team Mei Yan拼尽全力与冠军失之交臂饮恨屈居亚军。而Yoon吴家润则在32胜的成绩下从Jack林德荣战队手中抱走铜牌。


MY好玩盃》由16MY DJ领军、携同16位艺人朋友、联合32位听众,分别组成8支羽球队伍,还邀来8位羽球国手担任各队的顾问教练,小组赛从101日开赛历经8天共计48场赛事,最终于今日迈入了比赛尾声,Team Jie Ying Team Mei Yan 在金牌战上一分高下,前后夺下冠亚军;而Team YoonTeam Jack Lim则分别是铜牌战的季军与殿军队伍。


勇夺金牌的Team Jie Ying队长赵洁莹赛后受访时直言,尽管对夺冠的信心是蛮大的,但还是感到‘压力山大’,生怕一个闪失就会与冠军失之交臂,毕竟比赛没到最后一刻还是说不准。她透露,比赛结束后她真的松了一口气,只因在开赛时很多人都对他们队抱有很大的期望,被视为夺冠大热,其实无形中让他们倍感压力。她很感激队员们的付出与努力。Team Jie Ying同时包揽了‘Ravo人气队伍’奖,赢得了除冠军队伍的RM10,000现金奖及冠军奖杯一座外的RM2000现金奖。Team Jie Ying一众队员也开心表示将会利用部分奖金和队长去她最爱的露营庆功。


Team Mei Yan队长颜薇恩无法出席总决赛,由副队长小眼睛秉昀代为发言道,他们队伍从一开始的目标就是坐亚望冠,毕竟对手实力真的太强了。他说,成功晋级总决赛那刻他们就已非常知足,心情都是很轻松地去迎战,毕竟亚军的目标已达到!


获得季军的Team Yoon队长吴家润则表示,大家非常满意这个共同努力的成果,比赛至今8队已经成了一个完整的“Team”;而副队长培永则说,坚持和热爱运动的大家已经是赢家!殿军Team Jack Lim队长林德荣除了感谢队员们的付出,还特别表扬了常乐,逗趣表示“虽然他从小组赛到决赛不曾获胜,但是依然保持非常正面和开朗的态度,我未曾见过心态如此正面的艺人,我也要向他学习!”


MY好玩盃》总决赛上也特别邀来前国羽男双名将陈文宏担任颁奖嘉宾,以及前女单国手吴堇溦担任球评员。吴堇溦更在比赛结束后顺应群众要求来场即兴的表演赛,前后与Maq赖铭权和培永组队,对垒同样是前后组队上场的赵洁莹、秉昀、Perry K和其队员之一的林志咏。而MY 长老林德荣更是临时充当这场表演赛的裁判员,最终在一片欢声下为总决赛画下圆满句点。


MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》除了冠军队伍的奖金与奖杯外,亚军,季军与殿军队伍也将分别获得奖金RM6,000RM 3,000RM2,000,而其余4支无缘半决赛的潘毖伶战队、叶朝明战队、大头Aki战队和黄震宇战队将各获得奖金RM1,000


更多有关MY好玩盃》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK app 收听 MY 电台或浏览MY 官方脸书专页。



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Published by WLJack.


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