[Coverage] 《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》Press Conference and Launch (Dual Language Post)
《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》Kicked Off with the Most entertaining lineup in Malaysia consisting of Radio DJ Announcers, artistes, and MY listeners!
Kuala Lumpur, September 2022 – It is not an exaggeration to say that badminton is one of Malaysia's most popular sports! The recent international badminton competitions have piqued the interest of the country's citizens. As the Mandarin saying goes “strikes while the iron is hot” (打铁趁热), MYcontinues to uphold the spirit of "fun" via the most fun "《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》" (also known as 《好玩盃》)!
8 badminton teams were formed, each led by 16 MY DJ announcers, teamed with 16 artist friends and 32 listeners, while 8 national badminton players are invited to serve as consultant coaches for each team.
This massive event《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》 held a press conference recently to announce the lineup of the eight badminton teams. The eight teams are as follows:
队长 | 副队长 | 艺人选手 | 顾问教练 |
Jack Lim 林德荣 | Lizzchloe彤彤 | Apple 邱诗凌、常乐 | 吴柳莹 |
Mei Yan颜薇恩 | 小眼睛秉昀 | Maq赖铭权、Michiyo何恋慈 | 陈炳顺 |
Emely潘毖伶 | Jym庄靖毅 | 韩晓嗳、凌加峻 | 吴堇溦 |
KY Tha赵洁莹 | 徳廷 | Perry K、低清Michie | 张御宇 |
大头Aki | Jason Lo | 低清K佬、Miko Wong | 陈健铭 |
Yoon 吴家润 | 培永 | 朱浩仁、Zuvia | 王耀新 |
Jack 叶朝明 | Wayne符雁蓉 | Nicole赖淞凤、低清大Hee | 吴蔚升 |
Daniel黄震宇 | Bernard 邱文博 | 云镁鑫、Clarence Wong 黄晨祐 | 赖沛君 |
During the press conference, Jack Lim 林德荣stated thatthe average strength of his team is very good. The team includes state player representatives as well as full-time badminton coaches. 彤彤(LizzChloe), the team's vice captain, also joked that she and Jack Lim 林德荣 are the worst members of the team. Goh Liu Ying 吴柳莹, the team's consultant coach, also revealed that they will have secret training tactics and will request that other teams wait for their moves. Mei Yan颜薇恩expressed gratitude for her own efforts and also confident with their team winning the competition!
Emely Poon潘毖伶which drew applause from the audience from the start, humbly claimed to be average in strength, but their team consists of popular Internet celebrity Sam 刘家成and YouTuber Tick. Thus, their goal is actually towards winning"Best Popularity Award"!
Ky Tha’s 赵洁莹team is universally regarded as the most powerful team as their team has two former national players, a professional freelance player and a state player.Their main motto is just to “enjoy the game”. On the other hand大头Aki vowed to win the championship. During her first meeting with the consultant coach Tan Kian Meng, she straight away asked for his plans on how to spend the RM10,000 which is the amount of prize money.
The small but potent Yoon 吴家润and herteam's consultant coach Ong Yew Sin 王耀新made big promises, saying, "Our goal is to be the runner-up, because if we win the runner-up, there will be no champion!"
Jack Yap Ye 叶朝明claimed that their team consists of both the strength and outer appearance. They are not of greed of winning the championship but they aimed to get into the finals! Daniel 黄震宇also shared his interaction with his team’s consultant coach Lai Pei Jing 赖沛君while Bernard Hiew 邱文博hilariously stated that his swing skills were all practised at home while 'teaching' his children.
During the press conference, there was a friendly match between the DJs, artistes and the consultant coaches!
Presented by Ravo, 《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》will begin its matches every weekend from 1st October 2022 onwards. The 4 teams with highest scores will proceed to the semifinals on 22nd October 2022! The 2 teams with the highest score will then move on to the finals on 23rdOctober 2022! You can catch the match via MY Facebook, Youtube and SYOK app!
The winning team can win away RM 10,000 cash money, while the 1st runner-up, 2ndrunner-up and 3rd runner-up will win RM 6,000, RM 3,000 and RM 2,000 respectively! The remaining 4 teams can have the chance to win away RM 1,000. The most popular team will win away RM 2,000! Listeners can also Call In (03-95433366) into MY during specific call-in hours and stand a chance to win prize money up to RM 5,000!
For more info, you can also check out MY Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/xiaoMY
(吉隆坡21日讯)说羽球是大马全民最热爱运动之一实不为过,近来一场场国际羽球赛事都让全国人民热血沸腾,激动不已。MY打铁趁热,持续秉持‘好玩’精神举办了一场全马最好玩,阵容鼎盛的《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》(后称《好玩盃》)!由16位MY DJ领军、携同16位艺人朋友、联合32位听众,分别组成8支羽球队伍,并且邀来8位羽球国手担任各队的顾问教练,堪比许多国内羽球赛事更精彩且极具娱乐性!
这场声势浩大的《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》今日特意举办了一场媒体发布会,现场公布了8支羽球队阵容,每支队伍都由8位MY全职DJ领军担任队长,并由MY 周末DJ作为副队长,邀来多位艺人朋友携手听众球员组队,而各队再配以一名羽球国手为顾问教练带领其战队进行专业羽球技能训练。这8组战队分别有:
队长 | 副队长 | 艺人选手 | 顾问教练 |
Jack林德荣 | 彤彤 | Apple 邱诗凌、常乐 | 吴柳莹 |
颜薇恩 | 小眼睛秉昀 | Maq赖铭权、Michiyo何恋慈 | 陈炳顺 |
Emely潘毖伶 | Jym庄靖毅 | 韩晓嗳、凌加峻 | 吴堇溦 |
赵洁莹 | 徳廷 | Perry K、低清Michie | 张御宇 |
大头Aki | Jason Lo | 低清K佬、Miko Wong | 陈健铭 |
Yoon 吴家润 | 培永 | 朱浩仁、Zuvia | 王耀新 |
Jack 叶朝明 | Wayne符雁蓉 | Nicole赖淞凤、低清大Hee | 吴蔚升 |
Daniel黄震宇 | Bernard 邱文博 | 云镁鑫、Clarence Wong 黄晨祐 | 赖沛君 |
一登场就引起全场欢呼的潘毖伶战队,谦虚地自称实力一般般,但队里有人气的网红Sam 刘家成和Youtuber 狠搞鬼的阿Tick所以他们是冲着夺“最佳人气奖”去的!还有被一致认为是实力最雄厚的赵洁莹战队里球员都是大有来头的,包括有两位前国手、一名专业自由球员和一名州手,实力坚强的他们以“享受比赛”为参赛口号。而大头Aki 则透露其顾问教练陈健铭第一次和他见面就问他打算1万令吉(冠军奖金)要怎么用,信誓旦旦必能夺冠!
媒体发布会上也安排了全体DJ 、艺人和国手分成A、B两组轮流进行友谊赛,把现场气氛推到最高潮!
由Ravo 荣誉呈献的《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》自9月初公开线上报名后即掀起全城热话,在短短14天的报名期限内就收获了超过1千份的报名表格,反应热烈!虽是打着‘好玩’旗号举办的羽球团体赛,但其羽球赛的赛制可是一点也不马虎,《好玩盃》将从10月1日起,于每周六和日进行积分制的「八强小组循环赛」;此后积分最高的4组队伍将顺利晋级至10月22日(星期六)举办的「半决赛」;最终2组晋级决赛的队伍将在10月23日(星期日)的「金铜牌之战」一决高下!观众朋友可以透过MY的Facebook,YouTube频道以及SYOK app收看每一场球赛直播!
《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》的冠军队伍可以抱走总冠军奖杯并且赢得RM10,000现金奖、亚军,季军与殿军队伍则分别获得奖金RM6,000、RM 3,000和RM2,000、其余4队各自获得奖金RM1,000而网络票选的人气奖队伍可获RM2,000奖金。与此同时,从9月26日起,听众朋友可在特定时间Call In(03-95433366)到MY,预测其认为每星期会胜出的队伍以及原因,即有机会独赢或者平分该星期的奖金5千令吉!
出席《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》媒体发布会的MY DJ分别有Jack林德荣、颜薇恩、Emely潘毖伶、赵洁莹、大头Aki、Yoon 吴家润、Jack 叶朝明、Daniel黄震宇、Jym庄靖毅、Bernard 邱文博、彤彤、Wayne符雁蓉、小眼睛秉昀、徳廷、Jason Lo、 Kaka 杨铠嘉和小Henn;艺人朋友则有朱浩仁,Nicole赖淞凤、韩晓嗳、Maq赖铭权和低清的Michie;而以顾问教练身份出席活动的羽球国手则有吴柳莹、吴蔚升、王耀新、张御宇和赖沛君。
更多有关《MY好玩盃羽球团体赛2022》的最新消息,请留守或通过 SYOK app 收听 MY 电台或浏览MY官方脸书专页。
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Published by WLJack.