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[Upcoming Event] JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》(dual language article)


 [Upcoming Event] <JJ Lin “JJ20” World Tour>  JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》(dual language article)


JJ Lin, Asia's pop superstar, has embarked on a brand new concert JJ Lin <"JJ20" World Tour> to commemorate his 20th anniversary, and he returns to conquer South East Asia's largest outdoor stadium, Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Jalil National Stadium.


JJ Lin, dubbed one of Mandopop's top acts, has released 14 studio albums, produced over 30 singles and countless music collaborations, and amassed more than 120 billion streams on major music platforms worldwide in a career spanning two decades. JJ Lin launched his "Sanctuary World Tour" from 2018 to 2021, performing 68 times in 29 cities and attracting a record audience of more than 1.6 million concertgoers. When the pandemic halted live performances in 2020, JJ made sure the music continued with "Sanctuary FINALE," the conclusion to the Sanctuary World Tour, which was streamed online in July 2021 as a full-fledged virtual concert experience. JJ Lin "After The Rain," a live charity special held at Marina Bay Sands with a simulcast online watched by millions of viewers, wowed a sell-out crowd at his first in-person concert in two years.


JJ Lin is back after a three-year hiatus with the JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour, a highly anticipated performance that will not only celebrate his 20 years in music but also serve as a testament to his music legacy and a gift to his fans. On December 18, JJ Lin will unveil JJ2.0 to the world!


JJ Lin <"JJ20" World Tour> in Kuala Lumpur tickets will go online from 21st September 2022, 10am onwards via ticketcharge.com.my, ticketing hotline +603 9222 8811. Tickets are priced based on categoriesRM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388RM288 (*not including RM4 admin fees).


Concert Details

<JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour> Kuala Lumpur

Date: 18th December 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 7pm

Venue: National Stadium, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur

Ticket Price: RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388, RM288 (*not including RM4admin fees)

Ticketing website: ticketcharge.com.my

Ticketing hotline: +603-9222-8811



JJ林俊杰《JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》1218吉隆坡武吉加里尔国家体育场隆重登场!


暌违三年,亚洲全能唱作天王JJ 林俊杰筹备许久的《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站将于 12 18日再次登上武吉加里尔体育场!继新加坡和台北场次开卖秒杀之后,早在7 月巡演公布名单中有一席之位的吉隆坡站官方讯息也来了!


连两个月陆续于新加坡和台北开卖的《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》一如既往捎来了票房佳绩,11 月份新加坡场仅剩少数114日门票,而1234日的台北场已于开票五分钟内销售一空!


JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站门票将在 9 21 日,早上10 点起通过ticketcharge.com.my 公开发售, 订票热线 +603 9222 8811。门票分 RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388RM288 (*未包括 RM4行政费) 。预知更多详情,请上网unusual.com.sg


为了新巡演,JJ 也特别举办募集影像活动,希望参加过任何林俊杰相关活动的粉丝,可以踊跃投稿,一起盖高楼成“JJ影像宇宙。参加条件首先必须要是自己亲手拍摄的影像,第二则是在JJ林俊杰活动所摄录,最后则不限是照片或影片,都欢迎自由投稿!请投稿粉丝注意档案解析度至少要大于1920p(像素1280x720),横式画面将优先采用,档案上请注明活动名称、地点与年份,在2022107日前,投稿至jj.20th.anniversary@gmail.com即可。


紧锣密鼓筹备巡演展中的 JJ 林俊杰,这几个月可是满满的新计划。日前刚公布即将在 9 30 日把 JJ 发起的精品咖啡品牌 Miracle Coffee 引入新加坡,并且坐落在当地最具代表性的建筑物之一滨海湾金沙的艺术科学博物馆。这个创立于 2017 年的品牌名字灵感源自于 JJ 林俊杰对音乐的理念“If Miracles Had A Sound”,除了充分了表达 JJ 对于音乐的期许,更旨在传达放慢日常生活脚步期待每日奇迹的精神。


20年,JJ 林俊杰发行了 14 张专辑,超过 30 首单曲与无数合作歌曲。随着科技的发展,这些音乐与青春一起从卡带到 CD 再汇入数位音乐,陪着许许多多的歌迷们走过生活中的起起落落,也共同见证了彼此的成长。JJ 的音乐不仅是一代人的集体回忆,也是最美好的无限延伸,让歌迷们通过优美的旋律和扣人心弦的歌声,在不同的常景品尝日常的奇迹。而《JJ 林俊杰 JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》将再次带大家走入时光隧道,除了缅怀过去,也会带给大家与众不同的音乐感受,象征着“20年岁月,JJ不曾离开,不只是JJ20、更是JJ2.0”,以再进化的音乐归向舞台,迎接崭新的JJ时代。


JJ 林俊杰《圣所世界巡回演唱会》四年一路走过 29 个城市,集合线下和线上共 68 场演出,超过160万观众相濡以沫;即使新冠疫情肆虐,JJ 也从不止息用音乐带给粉丝正能量,2021年夏天的《圣所 FINALE 终点站》线上演唱会,以及为了振奋人心,特别于新加坡举办的《JJ 林俊杰After The Rain》慈善演唱会,透过同步直播让全球粉丝有机会一同行善,JJ 不居功,但以一己之力领头献爱,力量无与伦比。在即将迈入入行 20 周年的 JJ,决定用蓄积三年的音乐能量,启动全新一轮的世界巡回《JJ20》,令人期待不已!


JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站是由飛凡娱乐Unusual Entertainment带给你,JFJ Productions 制作,宣传合作伙伴甲子制作,媒体合作伙伴MY, MELODY, GOXUAN, Tik Tok 以及Spectrum Outdoor Marketing



JJ 林俊杰JJ20 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站

<JJ Lin "JJ20" World Tour> Kuala Lumpur

日期: 2022 12 18 (星期天)

时间: 晚上7

地点: 国家体育场, 武吉加里尔, 吉隆坡

票价: RM888, RM688, RM588, RM488, RM388, RM288 (*未加RM4 行政费)

订票网站: ticketcharge.com.my

订票热线: +603-9222-8811



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Published by WLJack.

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