[Coverage] MTFF Golden Butterfly Award 2016 马台交流影展“金蝶奖” 2016
Kuala Lumpur, July 2016 – Just a few days ago, MTFF Golden Butterfly Award 2016 马台交流影展“金蝶奖” 2016 has been successfully held for the first time ever at One City, Subang USJ. It has gathered renowned figures and celebrities from both Malaysia and Taiwan film industries at one place for the exchange of cultures in filming. Our team from wljack.comhas been honored with the opportunity to do a coverage of the event.
Assembling Malaysian and Taiwanese Figures In Filming Industries!
The event was graced by many prominent figures in Malaysia and Taiwan Filming Industries. Here’s the glittering red carpet that has happened prior to the event.
To Build Further Collaboration between Malaysia and Taiwan Filming Industries! And To Show Appreciation To Contributors In The Industry!
Golden Butterfly Award 金蝶奖aims to recognize the best talent in the entertainment industry in both countries. It was part of Malaysia and Taiwan Film Festival (MTFF) which was co-organized by Kuala Lumpur Chinese TV and Film Association with Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia.
This awards show is representing a great milestone for the Kuala Lumpur Chinese TV and Film Association in the growth and regional significance of the association.
During the night, The MTFF’s award ceremony was attended by some of the biggest Malaysian and Taiwanese names in the industry such as Liu Kai Chi, Jack Lim, Tang Xiao Kang, Pai Bing-Bing and etc.
Liu Kai Chi Won The Best Actor Awards! 四個愚夫之金玉滿堂 Huat The Fish The Biggest Winner Of The night!
The veteran HK actor Liu Kai Chi was awarded as the first Golden Butterfly Award Best Actor. He felt very happy to be able to win the award.
On the other hand, another great winner of the night is the movie Huat The Fish四個愚夫之金玉滿堂. Grabbing away three awards, namely Most Promising Male New Performer Award by 黃侯升, Best Supporting Actress Awards by顏薇恩and being the winner for Best Local Film Awards. It is no doubt Huat The Fish was the biggest winner of the night!
Golden Butterfly Award 2016金蝶奖 2016 Winner Lists:
最有潛力男新人獎Most Promising Male New Performer Award: 黃侯升(四個愚夫之金玉滿堂),成亮澄(人生按個讚)
最有潛力女新人獎Most Promising Female New Performer Award - 鄧綉金(守夜),齊婕(人生按個讚)
最佳原創電影主題曲Best Original Film Song Award- 平凡爸爸(愛存在)
最佳新男演員獎 Best Male New Performer Award - 周厚安(五星級魚干女)
最佳新女演員獎Best Female New Performer Award - 鄧綉金(守夜)
最有潛力新導演獎 Most Promising New Director Award - 馬逸騰(甲洞2)
最佳3D動畫電影獎Best 3D Animation Film Award- 奇人密碼~古羅布之謎
最佳男配角將Best Supporting Actor Award- 王睿(我的Mr. Right)
最佳女配角獎Best Supporting Actress Award-顏薇恩(四個愚夫之金玉滿堂)
最佳男演員獎Best Leading Actor Award - 廖啟智(愛存在)
最佳編劇獎Best Screenwriter Award- 黃銘正、蔡逸君(傻瓜向錢沖); 呂安弦、林孝謙(五星級魚干女)
最佳女演員獎Best Leading Actress Award - 白冰冰(人生按個讚)
最佳新導演獎Best New Director Award - 周學立(我的Mr. Right)
最佳導演獎 Best Director Award - 黃朝亮(大囍臨門)
最佳本地電影獎 Best Local Film Award - 四個愚夫之金玉滿堂
最佳電影獎Best Film Award - 大囍臨門
最有潛力男新人獎Most Promising Male New Performer Award: 黃侯升(四個愚夫之金玉滿堂),成亮澄(人生按個讚)
最有潛力女新人獎Most Promising Female New Performer Award - 鄧綉金(守夜),齊婕(人生按個讚)
最佳原創電影主題曲Best Original Film Song Award- 平凡爸爸(愛存在)
最佳新男演員獎 Best Male New Performer Award - 周厚安(五星級魚干女)
最佳新女演員獎Best Female New Performer Award - 鄧綉金(守夜)
最有潛力新導演獎 Most Promising New Director Award - 馬逸騰(甲洞2)
最佳3D動畫電影獎Best 3D Animation Film Award- 奇人密碼~古羅布之謎
最佳男配角將Best Supporting Actor Award- 王睿(我的Mr. Right)
最佳女配角獎Best Supporting Actress Award-顏薇恩(四個愚夫之金玉滿堂)
最佳男演員獎Best Leading Actor Award - 廖啟智(愛存在)
最佳編劇獎Best Screenwriter Award- 黃銘正、蔡逸君(傻瓜向錢沖); 呂安弦、林孝謙(五星級魚干女)
最佳女演員獎Best Leading Actress Award - 白冰冰(人生按個讚)
最佳新導演獎Best New Director Award - 周學立(我的Mr. Right)
最佳導演獎 Best Director Award - 黃朝亮(大囍臨門)
最佳本地電影獎 Best Local Film Award - 四個愚夫之金玉滿堂
最佳電影獎Best Film Award - 大囍臨門
Published by WLJack.