[Local Entertainment] Astro Gemilang Bersama Press Conference (dual language article)
Complimentary Gemilang Channel 100 for Astro subscribers from 21 August to 18 September!
KUALA LUMPUR, August 2022– Astro celebrates Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia with the best Malaysian stories and entertainment of more than 150 popular titles, including variety, drama, documentaries, movies, telemovies, short films, and kids genres on Gemilang Ch100 across TV, On Demand, and Astro GO. The channel is free for all Astro customers from 21stAugust 2022 through 18th September 2022.
Henry Tan, Group Chief Executive Officer of Astro, stated, "As proud Malaysians, Astro hopes to inspire our nation to come together and stand strong, as depicted by the hands representing the various races intertwined with our national colours: blue for unity, red for courage, white for purity, and yellow for loyalty. These are the values that have united Malaysians since the nation's inception and will continue to serve as our north star."
Tan stated, "Our Gemilang Bersama video features Nurin Amalin, a 19-year-old para-athlete who went blind at age 10." Through Nurin, we perceive the true significance of these colours and the values they stand for."
Astro aspires to be a voice for good to encourage Malaysians to participate in nation building through the Gemilang Bersama campaign, which celebrates the best Malaysian stories and entertainment on Gemilang channel 100. Customers will have access to a plethora of new and exclusive titles, including:
All Together Now Malaysia Merdeka Special: The largest celebrity-studded show this Merdeka, with 70 artistes and celebrities from different generations competing for the All Together Now Merdeka Special trophy.
Satu Tong, a comedy starring Andy Teh, Elizabeth Tan, and Shah Iskandar,is about ordinary Malaysians dealing with a problem that we can all relate to: a water supply interruption. This uplifting story will remind us of the generosity and spirit of Malaysians.
Malaysia In Their Eyes and The Conservationists are documentaries directed by renowned filmmaker KC Chiu. The former depicts the beauty of our country through the eyes of eight foreign residents, who explain why they have chosen Malaysia as their new home and remind us of our accustomed culture and way of life.
270 minutes of Ke Piala Asia, a documentary about the Malaysian football team's journey to qualifying for the Piala Asia AFC 2023 tournament for the first time in 42 years.
In conjunction with Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia, catch The Making of Air Force The Movie: Selagi Bernyawa on Gemilang Channel. Air Force is an action-packed account of the unsung heroes of The Royal Malaysian Air Force and their patriotic spirit as they serve and protect others. This film will debut in theatres nationwide on 25th August 2022 and features top Malaysian actors such as Dato Adi Putra, Aiman Hakim, Nas-T, Sara Ali, Carmen Soo, Anas Ridzuan, Jack Tan, Johan As'ari, Iman Corinne, Luqman Hafidz, Pablo Amirul, Scha Alyahya, Sangeeta Krishnasamy, Azira Shafiq and many others.
Through interaction with hosts Alif Satar, Sissy Iman, and guests Datuk Aznil Haji Nawawi and Michael Ang, Chit Chat Ceria illustrates how children view Malaysia differently from adults.
Catch Kampunglympics and Agak-Agak, as well as Malaysian classics like Ola Bola, Hantu Kak Limah, The Journey, Paskal, Polis Evo 1 & 2, The Kid from the Big Apple, P. Ramlee Movies, Boboiboy The Movie 2,and more.
In conjunction with Hari Kebangsaan, Astro Radio will broadcast a variety of special programming, including more local music across all 11 radio brands and on the SYOK app. LITE will feature captivating stories about what makes us Malaysians, while ERA will have its talents participating in the Hari Kebangsaan parade in a hop-on, hop-off bus around Kuala Lumpur's most iconic locations. In the meantime, RAAGA will air a special programme on Merdeka Food, while MY will engage its audience with a Merdeka Mini Concert featuring local musicians.
From 8 August to 18 September, Go Shop's 'Go Gemilang Sale' offers discount vouchers worth up to RM112 off. In addition, from 31 August to 4 September and 16 September to 18 September, customers can receive free shipping nationwide, including Sabah and Sarawak, with no minimum purchase required.
In addition, customers can view curated television programming on the Go Shop channels, website, and mobile application, including Kak Joy & The Geng, Inspirasi Malaysia, Keluarga Mahabbah, Go Cuti, and Rencah Go Shop.Go to www.goshop.com.my for more information, or download the Go Shop app from Google Play or the App Store.
From now until 30th September 2022, NJOI customers who purchase the NJOI Box from the NJOI Store at www.njoi.com.my, NJOI retailers nationwide, or on e-commerce platforms including Shopee, Lazada, and Go Shop will receive 2 months of FREE HD Pack access and RM30 credit.
Through Astro Rewards, 100 Astro customers have the chance to win a HONOR Band 6 by responding to Gemilang-related trivia questions.
As part of its Gemilang Bersama campaign, Astro is spearheading a blood donation drive with Pusat Darah Negara (PDN) and an audiobook initiative with the Malaysian Association of the Blind (MAB). By donating one bag of blood, three lives can be saved. Malaysians can donate blood at Jalan Tun Razak, Putrajaya, and Mid Valley Megamall PDN blood donation centres. For additional details, please visit www.pdn.gov.my.
Astro also supports and raises awareness for the visually impaired community in collaboration with MAB by encouraging Malaysian volunteers to record audiobooks. The audiobook recording can be sent to librarian@mab.org.my. For additional details, please visit www.mab.org.my.
Click here for more information on the Gemilang Bersama campaign. #GemilangBersamaAstro
Astro于8月21日至9月18日期间让所有客户免费享受Gemilang 频道100
为欢庆国庆日的到来,Astro将在8月21日至9月18日期间,免费向所有Astro客户提供Gemilang频道100,通过电视、On Demand点播和Astro GO线上串流播放超过150个马来西亚最佳且备受喜爱的娱乐节目,从娱乐、综艺、戏剧、纪实节目、电影、电视电影、短片和儿童内容等。
Astro 集团首席执行员陈宝福表示:“我们为身为马来西亚人而感到自豪,在这个国庆日,Astro希望以主题「Gemilang Bersama」激励各族人民要团结一致。我们坚信只有国人齐心协力,国家才能处于最佳状态,如图所示,5只代表不同种族的手紧牵一起,并交织着与象征着国家的颜色,即蓝色代表团结,红色代表勇敢,白色代表纯洁,黄色代表忠诚。这些是自我们国家诞生以来将马来西亚人团结在一起的共同价值观,并将继续引领我们的「北极星」。”
陈宝福续道:“我们的「Gemilang Bersama」影片特写了一名于10岁失明,现年19岁的残疾运动员Nurin Amalin。通过Nurin,我们看到了这些颜色的真正含义和它们各自代表的价值。”
作为马来西亚本土品牌,Astro盼望成为良好的代言人,通过「Gemilang Bersama」活动激励马来西亚人在国家建设中发挥积极作用,并通过Gemilang 频道100 一起庆祝马来西亚最好的故事与娱乐。同时,配合国庆月Astro多个平台也将送上多项精彩新节目让观众享受,包括Astro双星播出的《保育者》以纪实的拍摄手法让观众认识马来西亚濒临绝种的动物,打开观众视野,提高人们的保育意识,让观众更深入去认识这片土地上所有的丰富天然遗产。还有Astro AEC的《他们的马来西亚》,跟随本地知名主持人林震前和庄文杰,拜访八位在本地生活的外国朋友,从他们角度看马来西亚,或许也能让你重新发现这片土地的美好;以及在“犀鸟之乡”砂拉越展开文化美食探险之旅的《乡遇食光- 砂拉越》。而这些国庆特备中文节目也将会有特定数集在Gemilang 频道100播出。
另外还有更多优秀作品也将在Gemilang特备频道播出,包括备受瞩目的马来歌唱真人秀《All Together Now Malaysia国庆特辑》、幽默搞笑电视电影《Satu Tong》、还有讲述了马来西亚皇家空军无名英雄的故事的电影Air Force的制作特辑《The Making of Air Force The Movie》、儿童游戏访谈节目《Chit Chat Ceria》,以及记录了大马足球队取得2023年亚洲足球锦标赛资格的历程纪录片《270 min Ke Piala Asia》等。此外,观众还可期待通过Gemilang 频道收看《Kampunglympics》和烹饪节目《Agak-Agak》,以及一连串备受大马观众喜爱的本地电影如:《Ola Bola》、《Hantu Kak Limah》、《一路有你》、《Paskal》、《Polis Evo 1 & 2》、《我来自纽约》、《P. Ramlee Movies》和《Boboiboy The Movie 2》等等。
与此同时,Astro Radio也将提供各种国庆特备节目,包括通过旗下所有 11 个电台品牌以及SYOK应用程式播放更多本地音乐,配合国庆日在 SYOK 应用程序上播放。为欢庆国庆日,中文电台MY邀来一众本地歌手免费为听众送上一场Merdeka迷你演唱会;而MELODY电台通过其早班节目《早晨齐出发》单元,北上到怡保和槟城走访当地极具标志性的美食店铺和旅游地标,街访当地民众,让大家感受国庆的温暖和土地的人情味。另外,英文电台LITE将在节目中叙述马来西亚人的迷人成长故事;马来电台ERA的DJ也将在国庆日当天搭上hop-on-hop-off巴士,加入国庆游行队伍游览首都地标性地点;而淡米尔语电台RAAGA则推出展示国庆日美食的特备节目。
适逢马来西亚国庆佳节,Go Shop也从2022年8月8日起至9月18日期间推出「Go Gemilang Sale」促销活动,让客户可享高达RM112的折扣优惠券。此外,在8月31日至9月4日以及9月16日至9月18日期间,客户还可享有全国的免运费服务,包括沙巴和砂拉越,且无最低消费要求!另外,客户也可在电视、网络或Go Shop手机应用程序上观赏Go Shop在国庆期间的特别企划节目,如《你知道“马”》、《Kak Joy & The Geng》、《Go Cuti》和《Rencah Go Shop》。更多详情请浏览www.goshop.com.my或通过Google Play和App Store下载Go Shop app。
从即日起至9月30日,NJOI 客户只需通过NJOI Store www.njoi.com.my、全国NJOI 零售商或在Shopee、Lazada 和Go Shop 等电子商务平台签购NJOI Box 时,可免费获得2 个月的HD 配套和RM30 的积分。
此外,通过Astro Rewards, 100 名Astro 客户也将有机会通过回答与Gemilang 频道相关的简单问题来赢取HONOR Band 6智能手表。点击此处登入竞赛页面。
配合Gemilang Bersama国庆活动,Astro全力支持国家血库中心(PDN)的捐血运动,并为马来西亚盲人协会(MAB)倡导有声读物(audiobook)。捐献一袋血,可以拯救三条生命。民众也可以去到Jalan Tun Razak、布城和Mid Valley商场的PDN捐血中心献出一份爱心。同时,Astro 还与马来西亚盲人协会(MAB)合作,通过鼓励马来西亚人自愿参与有声读物录制,支持并帮助提高视力受损社区的意识。民众可以将有声读物录音提交至librarian@mab.org.my。欲了解更多有关上述活动信息,请登入www.pdn.gov.my以及www.mab.org.my。
请点击此处了解更多有关Gemilang Bersama活动详情。#GemilangBersamaAstro
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Published by WLJack.