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[Coverage] 2019 CHA EUNWOO FANMEETING in KUALA LUMPUR [Just One 10 Minutes]


[Coverage] 2019 CHA EUNWOO FANMEETING in KUALA LUMPUR [Just One 10 Minutes]

Kuala Lumpur, November 2019 – It was a lovely evening on 27th October 2019 in Menara PGRM as the fans of the Kpop star Cha Eunwoo have the opportunity to watch their oppa idol LIVE in front of them during the event of “2019 CHA EUNWOO FANMEETING in KUALA LUMPUR [Just One 10 Minutes]”!

More Than Just 10 Minutes!
While the title of the event was “Just One 10 Minutes”, the show was definitely more than 10 minutes in many aspects. The event lasted for nearly 3 hours and it was a dream comes true for the AROHAs in Malaysia.

Kicking off the show with the song “Please Remember”, Cha Eunwoo appeared on stage in his Yi Rim’s attire from the TV Series “Rookie Historian Goo Haeryung”. This has heated up the atmosphere and got all the AROHAs excited from the beginning of the event itself!

Following his first song performance, the event proceeded with the first interactive session of the night “Challenge: CHA!pago”. This session involves trivial quizzes for Cha Eunwoo to answer. It was a fun time looking at how he answered the questions as serious as he could!

Next, the event introduced a session known as “C.M.I (Cha Eun-Woo Much Information) that derived from the T.M.I (Too Much Information). This session exposed the oppa’s daily lives activities and some P&C footages of him being captured without his prior knowledge. It was amazing how he could remember which colour of shoes he wore in one of the footage revealed!

Some of the “much information” we got during the event include what’s the songs in his playlist now, his favourite colour and etc. He informed that he was listening to Pinocchio’s “Between Love and Friendship” and he also mentioned that he preferred Blue colour.

Singing Performance Apart from Just Interaction!
Cha Eunwoo has also mesmerized his fans during the event by performing a few songs. After the session of C.M.I, he has performed the cover of “Love Yourself” while playing the piano himself. He also surprised the AROHAs with a Malay Song, “Sampai Ke Hari Tua (Until the old days)”in which he has delivered all the pronunciation spectacularly accurate.

After the singing performance, the show continued with the 3rd session titled as
“Cha!possible”. This segment challenged Cha Eunwoo with basketball shooting as well as archery game. During the basketball game, Cha Eunwoo cheekily waited for the timer to almost run out as he was very confident that he could land his last shot before the countdown stopped.

The 4th interactive session was “Made By Cha Eunwoo” in which the oppa demonstrated his skills in craftsmanship and he decorated the traditional fans with his creativity!
The whole night was full of gifts to the fans as lucky draws were held during some of the interactive segments. The lucky AROHAswere able to bring back the memorable items via these lucky draws.

Last but not least, Cha Eunwoo has continued to amaze the fans with his voice via another two singing performance of the song “Rainbow Falling” and the encore song “You & Me”.

I am very sure that the AROHAs have totally enjoyed the event very much! Million thanks to MacpiePro for the wonderful event!

Credits to MacpiePro and Fantagio Music for the marvellous official photos too!

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That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!

Published by WLJack.

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