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[Exclusive Interview] ANGELA during ANIMAX CARNIVAL MALAYSIA 2016

[Exclusive Interview] ANGELA during ANIMAX CARNIVAL MALAYSIA 2016

Kuala  Lumpur, May 2016 – During my previous coverage on ANIMAX CARNIVAL MALAYSIA 2016 (http://www.wljack.com/2016/04/coverage-animax-carnival-malaysia-2016.html), apart from interviewing GARNiDELiA (check out my interview via: http://www.wljack.com/2016/04/exclusive-interview-garnidelia-during.html), my website WLJack.com has also been given a golden opportunity to interview ANGELA who is no stranger to Anisong fans!

By the way, ANGELA consisted of talented duo of Atsuko and Katsu. They are well known for their upbeat tunes and electronics arrangement.

Credits to official photographer
Edited by WLJack

Credits to official photographer 
Edited by WLJack

These are some of the interview Q&A which has taken place:

Which of your songs is the most challenging one for you guys to sing it out?
Recording songs for Fafner is quite challenging because we are performing for most of it. Besides, the mood of the anime is quite serious.

Is there any difference when performing LIVE in other countries as compared to in Japan?
Well, when we are performing in other countries, we can’t talk much. That’s the sad part of it. But in order to have more interaction with the international fans, we will do more dancing!

Both of you have been to Malaysia once, is there any difference this time?
Katsu jokingly replied that during 2 years ago he was not married. And he is still not married during this time. One of the purpose for him to be here this time is to look for a wife. In some way, it is slightly different from the previous time but also quite similar in the sense that he’s still not married yet.

Is there any message that you guys would want to deliver to the fans?
It’s amazing that the fans could understand Japanese culture by watching anime. We hope that through anime, all of us can get united. So I hope the fans can continue to support anime!

Humble yet amazing duos they are. Really glad to be able to meet them in person and took part in the exclusive interview with the amazing ANGELA. Do wish that they could drop by our shore again in future Anime Events!

For more info about upcoming Anime Events in Malaysia, do stay tuned to my website WLjack.com!

Published by WLJack.

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