[KPOP] 8 things MacpiePro Done Right In K-WAVE Events in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, August 2018– Our country has a large fans base for K-pop as well as Korean Drama and Korean related stuffs. With such a big market, it’s not a wonder why many companies would jump into the bandwagon to try to organize a K-pop event.
There were many successful ones in the past by different organizers as well as some missed attempts or failed attempts by others. We can all agree that organizing a Kpop event can be quite a challenging task.
After attending multiple Kpop events in the past, I can safely say that MacpiePro has definitely done a great job for the Kpop communities in Malaysia because of their strategies and their concepts in organizing a kpop event.
K-Wave 3 Music Festival was really an enjoyable show and I really wished those who have missed a K-Wave concert to mark its future event into your bucket list!
Check out my coverage on the show here: http://www.wljack.com/2018/08/concert-coverage-k-wave-3-music.html
Here are the things that I personally felt that MacpiePro has done right. (This post is based on my personal opinion and not a paid post)
1. Venue Selection
MacpiePro has always chosen the venues that can fit the impressive stage props for a prestigious concert like K-Wave. The attempts in outdoor venue were great. But outdoor venue can also pose issues such as exposure to rain, wet grounds and etc. This time, MacpiePro has brought the show to an indoor venue which is large enough to cater the huge amount of fans. What’s more important, the venue also has a large parking space. There’s no worries for the attendees regarding where to park their vehicles.
2. Delivering The K-pop Experience
Many organizers have issues in delivering what they have promised. The past history of failed Kpop concert in Malaysia made the Kpop fans more worried of what to expect from Malaysian organizers. However, MacpiePro has proven to the Malaysian Kpop communities that they can deliver a complete Kpop concert experience as they have promised. Despite having so many acts in one show, they managed to ensure every acts are present to perform for the fans who have eagerly anticipated the show!
3. Tickets Price
It’s such a good job that MacpiePro managed to maintain their “no pressure” ticketing concept that provide a chance for the young Kpop fans to indulge in a full-fledge Kpop festival at a very low cost of RM 34. If you do not fall into the youth category, the pricing for the tickets are also very affordable, ranging from RM 98 – RM 478. If you divide the 36 songs performed, each song that was performed LIVE only cost you RM 0.90 – RM 14.00.
4. Punctuality
Many concert organizers practice a “Malaysian Timing” system whereby the concerts are always delayed from what was being stated. I have been to concert whereby the stated time was 8pm, but the show only started at 9pm and ended early at 10pm. However, MacpiePro has done a great job in ensuring the event was held on time. I have checked my watch, the concert started punctually at 8pm. For a concert with so many acts, punctuality is very important and kudos to MacpiePro for keeping the good culture!
5. Good Ticket Checking System
The QR Code scanning system is a good implementation in my own opinion. It can prevent fake tickets from being used for admission and it was hassle free.
6. Lucky Draw For Fans
While I am not too sure what was the present for the lucky draw winners, but I do felt how much the organizer appreciate the audiences and fans by providing an opportunity for a lucky draw. It’s a welcoming practise in a music festival like this.
7. Clear Instruction For Prohibited Items
While prohibited items list are definitely part and parcel of every concerts, MacpiePro has addressed a more complete list of items to fall into this category. I especially love the idea of prohibiting “Item Larger Than A3” because I have seen many concerts whereby people are holding very large boards or even the 12 inch iPad which obstruct the views of other audiences. This time, I get to see less of such obstruction and more people enjoying the show for the sake of kpop fun!
8. Teasers For Upcoming Events
One thing good about MacpiePro Event is that, every time when the show is over, they would provide a hint on upcoming Kpop Events that they are bringing to our shore! This makes the kpop community more alive and have something to look forward to after the end of every great fun!
What I Wish They Have Done/Keep On Doing:
*Meet and Greet Sessions, Hi-Touch, Fan Signing
I still recalled in the previous K-Wave 2 Music Festival, MacpiePro was managed to organize some pre-concert and post-concert meet-the-fans session with the K-pop idols. I think this is a good culture to keep. Although it was not present for the latest entry in K-Waveevent. I do hope they can bring this culture back to their series.
*Post-Concert Trailer Video
I still recall how excited the fans get when there was a post-concert trailer shown after K-Wave 2 Music Festival that teases regarding K-Wave 3 Music Festival and showed us that Monsta X would be one of the performing act. I think this strategy is very brilliant and I hope it can be kept for the next event.
Personal Wishlist:
Now, come to my final personal wishlist, after so many acts have been brought to Malaysia. Can MacpiePro consider of bringing my Kpop Queens, BLACKPINKto our area? Really wish that it could come true some day!
Well, that’s all for my personal opinion on how MacpiePro managed to make K-Wave a successful event. Hope you all had a daebak weekend!
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Published by WLJack.