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[Coverage] Golden Awards 金视奖 2017 Winners List

[Coverage] Golden Awards 金视奖 2017 Winners List

Kuala Lumpur, June 2017 – Last month, one of the most anticipated Awards Show Of The Year, Golden Awards金视奖 2017 was held at Setia City Convention Center Hall on 20th May 2017. With over hundreds of celebrities from both Local and Oversea (as seen in Red Carpet Coverage: http://www.wljack.com/2017/06/fashion-coverage-red-carpet-golden.html), we have witnessed the born of the new TV King and TV Queen as well as the Best TV Drama of the year.

Jordan Voon Crowned The TV King of The Year!
Going up against tough competitor especially against Alvin Wong who was nominated twice in the same category of Best Actor, Jordan Voon温绍平has stood out as the TV King for Golden Awards 2017. He has won Best Actor 18 years ago but was not able to make it to the awards show that time. He felt very happy that he could attend the awards show this year and receives his very own “Best Actor” with his own hands.

Karena Teo Won Best Actress With Her First Nomination!
This was the first time for Karena Teo 张惠虹 to be nominated in the category of “Best Actress”. Although it was her first nomination ever with her role in The Missing Menu记忆中的菜单》, she was able to grab away the title of being the TV Queen of Golden Awards 2017. She never expected that she could win the award. She felt that she’s very lucky to be able to become an actress because she could play on different roles and she was really grateful.

Yeo Yann Yann Won A Proton Perdana!
Apart from the best actor and the best actress winners, the other notable winner of the night included Yeo Yann Yann 杨雁雁who has won Best Supporting Actress as well as Media’s Choice Category Best Artist. She thanked the media members for being so supportive all these while. She won away a Proton Perdana during the night!

“3.15AM” Best Drama of the Year!
Winning both the hearts of the media, the viewers and the panel judges, 3.15AM 凌晨33 has been voted as the Media’s Choice Category Best Drama and Best Drama of Golden Awards 2017! Awesome!

Other highlights of the night included the performance by Guest Artistes Jeryl Lee and Shio who both performed their songs on stage. TVB Guest Artistes (Check out my previous post: http://www.wljack.com/2017/06/interview-coverage-tvb-artistes-joyce.html) have also graced the event as guest presenters of the night. In addition, Joyce Tang and Ben Wong also played a LIVE sketch on stage in collaboration with local celebrities.

2017金视奖Winners List
Drama Category电视剧类
最佳电视剧Best Drama3.15AM 凌晨33
最佳男主角Best ActorJordan Voon温绍平《Daddy Dearest阿爸》
最佳女主角Best ActressKarena Teo 张惠虹《The Missing Menu记忆中的菜单》
最佳男配角Best Supporting ActorSam Chong 张咏华《Runaway Housewives我要放假》
最佳女配角Best Supporting ActressYeo Yann Yann 杨雁雁《Back To Time FM时光电台1970
最佳新晋演员Best NewcomerFabian Loo吕志勤《Teen Edge坏青春》
最佳导演Best Director:《The Precedents法内情》Kok Tzyy Haw郭贽豪、Daniel Tan陈祺汉
最佳剧本Best Screenplay:《Identity Switched分身乏术》Moo Siew Keh巫绍棋
最佳剪接Best Editing:《假面》劳振鸿、奕超
最佳摄影Best Cinematography:《重案狙击》刘竞旬
最佳电视剧主题曲Best Theme Song:《Oppa? Oppa! 我的欧巴们》有你在家– Orange Tan 陈慧恬(词:王蓝茵 / 曲:饶善强)

Non-Drama Category非电视剧类
最佳综艺娱乐节目Best Entertainment Programme:《甄文达马来西亚味之旅》
最佳综艺娱乐节目主持人Best Entertainment Programme HostLynn Lim林佩盈《金视奖2014
最佳时事及新闻报导Best Current Affairs & News Reporting环球透视《旺角日与夜》
最佳新闻主播Best News PresenterOng Ching Yee 王菁忆《八度空间华语新闻》
最佳时事节目主持人Best Cuurent Affairs & News Reporting PresenterTan Lay Teng陈丽亭《ntv7 华语新闻 - 2014年新闻回顾》
最佳资讯节目Best Infotainment Programme:《环岛8》(第二季)
最佳资讯节目主持人Best Infotainment Programme HostHong Ju Khee 方若琪《檐下温情》(第五季)
最佳特备节目Best Special Programme:《记忆中的菜单》(电视电影)
最佳剪接Best Editing《环岛8》(第二季)林贞伶、张慧灵、郑琳敏、吴佩雯、江茹诗
最佳摄影Best Cinematography:《记忆中的菜单》(电视电影)罗岳涁

Viewers Voted Category观众票选奖
五大最受欢迎电视男艺人Most Popular Male Artistes苏进川、郑瑞钥、蔡子、李永钧、温绍平
五大最受欢迎电视女艺人Most Popular Female Artistes巫恩仪、吴天瑜、蔡佩璇、秦雯彬、王菁忆
最受欢迎电视剧Most Popular Drama:《最难忘的假期》
最受欢迎电视剧角色Most Popular Drama Character:巫恩仪饰庄窈敏《阿爸》

Media’s Choice Category传媒推荐大奖
杰出电视剧Best Drama:《凌晨33
杰出电视节目Best TV Programme《甄文达马来西亚味之旅》
杰出艺人Best ArtisteYeo Yann Yann 杨雁雁

Lifetime Achievement Awards金视辉煌成就奖:Cheng Kam Cheong郑锦昌

There were total of 37 awards being presented during the night! It was a long night!

After the show, we have attended the post party event whereby we managed to greet and take some selfies with the winners of the night!

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If yes, do drop us an email at jackwriter90@gmail.com for future collaborations!.
That’s all from our side! Stay tuned to wljack.com for more upcoming news!

Published by WLJack.

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