[Local Entertainment] Royce 陈志康 Bids Farewell to MY FM on 24February
Kuala Lumpur, February 2017– My FM Radio Announcer DJ Royce陈志康 will be bidding farewell to MY FM on the upcoming Friday 24th February 2017 after working for 11 years in MY FM. “MY FM啱Channel” next Friday would be his last session on air as he temporary leaves radio announcing world.
He has written down a letter to all of his colleagues, friends and MY FM as he bids farewell.
你好,我是Royce陈志康。我决定辞职了,离开我11年的电台节目和工作岗位。 不是找不到生活,不是公司对我不好,不是同事间的政治,不是我要跳槽,是我累了。11年后背着这小小成就离开,对我而言并不容易。可是人生真的没有多少个十年,就当是中学毕业了,我是时候申请大学了。接下来的生活并没有什么具体打算,就老老实实地做自己,经营自己的人生,邂逅那不期而遇的惊喜! 感谢公司,同事,战友这11年里成就了我,包容了我。 感谢你11年里让我陪你下班回家。 感谢自己没有忘记最初的自己和自己的价值。 亲手写下道别信,希望这是一个更有温度和愉悦的再见。 Royce out! (mic drop!)” |
Royce陈志康 stated that the main reason for his farewell is not due to issues with colleagues or the company. He just feels like taking a break. Since 2006, he started working as a full time radio announcer in MY FM. From then onwards, he has been working for the past 11 years straight.
《MY FM啱Channel》on 24th February 2017 (Friday) 7-8pm will be his last hour working in MY FM before he leaves. In conjunction with that, the session will have an FB LIVE too. Do stay tuned to that if you like Royce’s radio announcing!
Published by WLJack.
(Based on official press release issued to wljack.com)